Voimamiesten Strongman Champions League starttaa Suomesta 18-19.3.

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Zydrunas Savickaksen Fast säkkien lastaus ja Volvo rekanveto. Voima ja nopeus jyllää, kun "Big Z" lähtee liikkeelle
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SCL seuraava osakilpailu käydään FIBO messujen yhteydessä Saksassa. Tässä juttu kisoista:

Strongman Champions League FIBOssa.
SCL seuraava koitos käydään FIBO tapahtuman yhteydessä Essenissä Saksassa. Päivämäärä on Huhtikuun 16.

Strongman Champions League jatkaa 2011 kautta. Seuraavana tapahtumapaikkana vuorossa Maailman suurin Fitness Expo FIBO.
SCL IceMan rankan kilpailun jälkeen koko SCL Team valmistautuu jo seuraavaan suureen koitokseen, joka pidetään Saksassa. Kyseessä on maailman suurin fitneksen, kuntovälineiden, luontaistuotteiden ja salivaatteiden expo. Expossa on myös paljon muita tapahtumia mm. UFC näytös otteluita, jenkkifutista, bodausta ja tietenkin SCLn toinen osakilpailu.

Suuri kiitos SCL FIBO tapahtumasta kuuluu Saksan voimamiesliitolle ja sen Puheenjohtajalle Heinz Ollechille.
Tässä on virallinen kilpailijalista SCL-Germany:

• Zydrunas Savickas (Lithuania)
• Terry Hollands (UK)
• Gregor Stegnar (Slovenia)
• Martin Wildauer (Austria)
• Patrik Baboumain (Germany)
• Jarno Hams (Holland)
• Igor Werner (Germany)
• Ervin Katona (Serbia)
• Juan Carlos Herredia (Spain)
• Etienne Smit (South Africa)
• Travis Ortmayer (USA)
• Jimmy Laureys
• Konstantin Ilin (Ukraine)
Kilpailu Lajit:

• Maksimi tukkipunnerrus
• Bavarian Kivennosto
• Kottikärryn työntö
• Yhdistelmä laji (merimieskävely ja säkkien lastaus)
• Sirkus käsipainon punnerrus
• Atlas Kivet

Zydrunas voitti jo toisen SCL-sarjan osakilpailun tänä vuonna, Terry Holland kipusi toiseksi ja Itävallan nuori Martin Wildauer kolmanneksi, jättäen Serbian Ervin Katonan neljänneksi vai puolen pisteen erolla.

Kilpailu oli äärimmäisen jännittävä ja tapahtumarikas. Monet kilpailijat kärsivät loukkaantumisista, muun muassa Terry Hollands, Zydrunas Savickas ja Ervin Katona. Kaikilla heillä oli ongelmia kyynärpäiden kanssa. Ongelmat saattoivat johtua muun muassa kilpailun sirkuskäsipainopunnerruksesta kuten kilpailijat itse asian kokivat.

Ensimmäinen laji oli tukkipunnerrus, jossa Zydrunas Savickas sai juuri ja juuri hyväksytysti nostettua 182,5 kg. Kyynärpään ongelmat näkyivätkin hänellä selvästi tässä lajissa. Normaalisti hän vasta aloittelee tämän suuruisista painoista. Savickaksen ME-tuloshan on peräti 212,5 kg. Kovan vastuksen antoi yleensä 105 kiloisten sarjassa kilpaileva Saksan Patrick Babaumian tuloksella 177,5 kg. Patrik pitää halussaan myös alle 105 kiloisten ME-tukkitulosta. Kolmas tässä lajissa oli Terry Hollands tuloksella 175 kg. Kilpailussa käytettiin todella jättiläismäistä puutukkia, jonka halkaisija oli 36 cm.
Kilpailun muut lajit ja niiden voittajat olivat:

* Bavarian Maastaveto laite. Voittaja Martin Wildauer
* Yhdistelmä laji ( Merimieskävely ja säkin lastaus) voittaja Zydrunas Savickas
* Kottikärryn työntö (iso pakettiauto) voittaja Zydrunas Savickas
* Sirkuskäsipainopunnerus voittaja Ukrainan Konstantyn Ilin
* Atlas Kivet, voittaja Travis Ortmayer

FIBO POWER Strongman Champions League voittajat:
2007 Jarno Hams (Hollanti)
2008 Igor Werner (Saksa)
2009 Travis Ortmayer (USA)
2010 Misha Koklyaev (Venäjä)
2011 Zydrunas Savickas (Liettua)
Lopputulokset SCL Germany FIBO 2011:

1. Zydrunas Savickas 70 pistettä
2. Terry Hollands 55,5 pistettä
3. Martin Wildauer 53 pistettä
4. Ervin Katona 52,5 pistettä
5. Jimmy Laureys 49,5 pistettä
6. Travis Ortmayer 45 pistettä
7. Etienne Smit 44,5 pistettä
8. Konstatin Illin 39,5 pistettä
9. Patrik Baboumian 32,5 pistettä
10. Jarno Hams 32 pistettä
11. Juan Carlos Herridia 26 pistettä
12. Daniel Wildt 22,5 pistettä
13. Gregor Stegnar 22,5 pistettä

Strongman Champions League (SCL) matkaa seuraavaksi Serbiaan 21.5. ja neljäs osakilpailu käydään Johannesburgissa Etelä Afrikassa kesäkuun 4. päivänä.
Eurosport aloitti eilen näyttää SCL 2011 sarjaa. Juttu alla Ironmind sivuilta

Eurosport Coverage of Strongman Champions League 2011 Starts Tomorrow

Eurosport broadcasts of Strongman Champions League (SCL) competitions start tomorrow, SCL cofounder Marcel Mostert told IronMind today.

“The SCL Lapland (The Iceman) will be broadcast at 21.45 European time,” Mostert said, “and Stage 2, the SCL Germany from FIBO, on 27 May.

“Meantime the SCL train goes farther, where again 12 athletes are going to fight for the title "SCL Serbia 2011. The competition will take place on 21 May.”

Here is the official lineup for Serbia:
1. Ervin Katona Serbia
2. Matt Wanat USA
3. Golier Brano Slovakia
4. Jimmy Laureys Belgium
5. Markinkovic Rodojca Serbia
6. Akos Nagy Hungary
7. Igor Mitrovic Serbia
8. Antti Mourujaervi Finland
9. Agris Kazelniks Latvia
10. Martin Wildauer Austria
11. Johannes Årsjö Sweden
12. Sergii Romanchuk Ukraine

"So, stay tuned for tomorrow at Eurosport,” Mostert said, “to see the first of 12 SCL
contests in 2011.”
Ervin Katona Wins Strongman Champions League Serbia
by Randall J. Strossen, Ph.D. | ©2011 IronMind

“Ervin Katona won the third stage in SCL 2011,” Marcel Mostert reported to IronMind: “He won three events and broke the world record on the Viking press, with 150 kg for 22 reps! Very impressive.”

“Johannes Arsjo from Sweden took the second place and Jimmy Laureys from Belgium the third place overall. Jimmy is coming slowly into his best shape ever. Martin Wildauer, the deadlift kid, just missed the podium by 1 point.

“There was a big tractor expo in Novi Sad, who sponsored mainly our SCL there in cooperation with CASE tractors. The people there did a great job and want to see us next year again!
“Hopefully the tractor to pull will be a little bit lighter next year, as the pull was a real killer for the athletes. Yes, even strongman have a limit, ha ha!”

Here are the overall results for the top 8:
1. Ervin Katona (Serbia) 58.0
2. Johannes Arsjo (Sweden) 49.5
3. Jimmy Laureys (Belgium) 40.5
4. Martin Wildauer (Austria) 39.0
5. Agris Kazelniks (Latvia) 38.5
6. Sergei Romanchuk (Ukraine) 34.5
7. Akos Nagy (Hungary) 33.5
8. Matt Wanat (USA) 33.0

“Ervin Katona is also taking the lead now in the overall Strongman Champions League ranking,” said Mostert, with 52 points, just ahead of Zydrunas Savickas with 50 points.

“So, we are ready for the fourth stage of SCL , on June 4 in Johannesburg-Pretoria, the SCL South Africa. The strongman champions league train rides again!

“Stay tuned, and watch also this coming Friday, May 27, on Eurosport, the SCL Germany–FIBO POWER,” Mostert said.


IronMind Forum: talk strength, discuss this story. Strongman, grip, Highland Games, Olympic lifting, stones and more.
Tulevana viikonloppuna SCL sarja jatkaa Etelä Afrikassa ja siitä vkn päästä 10-11.6. on vuorossa SCL Ideapark
Laurence Shahlaei Debuts in Strongman Champions League and Wins
by Randall J. Strossen, Ph.D. | ©2011 IronMind

Strongman Laurence Shahlaei has been short of talk and big on the walk, and now it’s no secret: this guy’s a comer at the highest levels, and to underscore the point that Loz is in town, he celebrated his Strongman Champions League (SCL) debut with a victory party.

It was his first time in the Strongman Champions League and he hit right here!

Laurence Shahlaei, originally from Iranian parents, gave his business card right away .... and how!

He won the truck pull, made no less than 8 reps in the 345 deadlift kg and a new personal record in the log for ma. with 185 kg. This gave him three times full score, and a solid base for the first place overall. A great entrance for him in the SCL.

Etienne Smith grabbed the second place overall in his home country which made him very happy, and Warrick Brant knew just half a point to stay ahead of Christian Savoy, good for third place. 

Johannes Arsjo got hit with a small injury in his lower back, as he pushed himself just a bit to much at the deadlift for reps. It was a pity for him, as he might had the possibility to take the lead in the SCL overall ranking.

This was already the fourth stage of the SCL, now in the wild country of lions and elephants. Complete with athletes from all continents. The big five were in Africa! But the SCL train runs fast to its next stop, coming weekend already will be the fifth stage, the SCL Finland. Also Laurence will compete again there. Will he strike again?

Here are the official final scores from SCL–South Africa:

Top 10 SCL South Africa:
1. Laurence Shahlaei (Iran) 55.0
2. Etienne Smit (South Africa) 46.0
3. Warrick Brant (Australia) 40.0
4. Christian Savoie (Canada) 39.5
5. Agris Kazelniks (Latvia) 36.0
6. Gerrit Van Staaden (South Africa) 31.5
7. Matt Wanat (USA) 25.0
8. Frankie Schize (South Africa) 23.5
9. Alex Moonen (Holland) 22.0
10. Johannes Arsjo (Sweden) 16.5
Laurence Shahlaei strikes again,wins SCL HOLLAND!

A fantastic close finish in the rain and sun in Holland last weekend. Laurence Shahlaei and Ervin Katona ended up in same points in the Strongman Champions League Holland, but Laurence had more wins, so he took the overall win and 25 champions league points, which brought him on a second place in the ranking over 6 stages so far.Ervin Katona remains as the overall leader in the orange Monster Milk leadershirt.

Specially the last event, the anchor drag, was full of nice drama.

In the rain,with a slippery surface and handles , Jimmy Laureys from Belgium defeated Johannes Arsjo in the last event and took over the 3rd place overall from Johannes. And also the first and second place was still on steak here.

It was typical dutch weather. Hard wind, nice sun, but also rain and thunders came along.

The SCL Holland, powered by Monster Milk , was a real fight in heavy circumstances ,but ended in a sunny and warm price giving in the evening.

14 competitors came up in a spectacular “Miami Vice”opening , (athletes came into the arena trhough the big “RIJN canal”on 3 powerfull boats from Shipyard “De Hoop”) with sunglasses in the rain and music from the serie “Miami Vice”. Show and entertainment made it complete!

The crowd loved it!

This was already the 6th stage from Strongman Champions League 2011.

The 3rd stage, SCL Serbia will be broadcasted at coming Friday , 20.00 hours.

Check also all our broadcast dates for 2011 at our website: www.strongmancl.com at MEDIA.

Results SCL Holland:

1 Laurence Shahlaei Iran 67.5 points ( 25 SCL points)

2 Ervin Katona Serbia 67.5 (18)

3 Jimmy Laureys Belgium 54.5 (15)

4 Johannes Arsjo Sweden 49.5 (12)

5 Agris Kazelniks Latvia 46 (10)

6 Warrick Brant Australia 45 (8)

7 Konstiantyn Ilin Ukraine 42 (6)

8 Alex Moonen Holland 41.5 (4)

9 Rick v/d Torre Holland 37.5 (2)

10 Martin Wildauer Austria 35.5 (1)

11 Etienne Smit South Africa 32

12 Fouad Hsaini Holland 15.5

13 Akos Nagy Hungary 12

14 Matt Wanat USA (Bicep injury)

Top 5 leaders in SCL so far ( for placing in WSM )

1. Ervin Katona (Serbia) 85 SCL Points

2. Laurence Shahlaei (Iran) 68

3. Zydrunas Savickas (Lithuania) 50

4. Johannes Arsjo (Sweden) 49

5. Jimmy Laureys (Belgium) 40

M-Nutrition Sports Greens 1, 210 g, Lemon-Lime

Todella tykki viherjauhe

Bulgarian SCL starttaa sunnuntaina Golden Sands rannalla. Hotelli Metropolin edessä. Jos olet alueella tervetuloa katsomaan.
Scl australia 2012

Strongman Champions League Heads for Australia
by Randall J. Strossen, Ph.D. | ©2011 IronMind

All of a sudden, Australia seems to be the strongman destination of first choice as Strongman Champions league cofounder Marcel Mostert told IronMind, “SCL is going to Australia—no date is set yet, but we plan to do a contest at the end of March or the beginning of April.”

“Therefore we do a few qualifiers in Australia, as 3 Australians will be invited - we will do these shows with Warrick Brant."

And speaking of Warrick Brant and the SCL qualifiers, the first one was held last weekend.

“The first qualifying event for the Australian Strongman Champions league was one to remember with the competitors all ready to make there mark on the international scene,” was the summary comment from the organizing committee, and Mostert told IronMind, “Warrick Brant and his organization did an outstanding job for the qualifier for the Strongman Champions League Australia 2012.

Brant reported, “Mike Jones did not want to miss out on this opportunity and even with a fractured ankle decided to compete. His well fought efforts paid off as he managed to smash out 5 reps on a 302-kg Axle Deadlift (from 25 cm) and continued to push hard to secure himself the overall victory. Newcomer and amateur strongman Rob Kilpatrick showed some promise winning the arm over arm sled drag and putting some pressure on Mike Jones.

“The top three athletes to move on to the final.

. Mike Jones
. Rob Kilpatrick
. Matt Aichholzer

“The second SCL qualifier is to be held at the end of October, with the finals set for the end of the year,” said Brant.
Permafit paras patja voimailijalle. Ironmind juttu

Mattresses Fit for a Strongman: PermaFit Sponsors SCL
by Randall J. Strossen, Ph.D. | ©2011 IronMind

Talk about an interesting matchup: Strongman Champions League is proud of its sponsor Permafit mattresses, which provides both custom features and flexibility, promising just what you need for a good night’s sleep even if you are a 160-kg professional strongman.

This is “the first mattress in the world, where the body structure of strength athletes is taken into account in the planning stage,” SCL cofounder Ilkka Kinnunen told IronMind. “The patented Permafit System technology allows for the fact that you get the mattress in one of four characteristics of the mattress. Turn the mattress and the Permafit-hardness will change, one side is stiffer than the other, and the hardness, you can choose for themselves.” Turning the mattress lengthwise gives more options, making it possible to match the weight and shape of a person’s body.

“The Permafit mattress is also suitable for various injuries,” Kinnunen said.

"We are very happy that we have have found Masku furniture shop chain to one of our main sponsors, because they provide us excellent back up to build Finnish strongman sport back to the level it was 10 years ago with Jouko Ahola and Janne Virtanen as a World´s Strongest Man winners,” Timo Kangasluoma told IronMind.

“Strongman is a professional sport and there is always need for the money to organize big international and national competitions. When we can organize the competitions both on national and international stages, we can attract more competitors from Finland and hopefully find some good new athletes who will reach the top of this sport.

“At the same time, Masku with its Permafit brand, is building new products directed to strength athletes, which is something that has not happened before in Finland. Strongman sport gets advertising and publicity, and athletes get good beds to recover from hard workouts and competitions.

“These Permafit beds let athletes sleep without pain in the body, which means lot of good rest. And as we know, the muscles are recovering and growing when sleeping, which is one of the most important things in strength and other training, beside good workouts and food.

“Permafit has four different matresses in one. That means that if you are, for example, a bodybuilder, you can have same good sleep while your weight can be 20 kg less when you are on a diet. The Permafit brand expanding to other countries in the near future, so many more athletes will have a chance to sleep well and to be more powerful than ever," said Kangasluoma.
Rauno Heinla ykkönen Eestin GPssä

28.07.2011 [09:00]

Lauantaina 23.07. käytiin Virossa noin 50km Tallinnasta, Kohilan pikkukaupungissa karsintakilpailu Suomen Giants Live kisaan. Kaikkiaan mukana oli 10 Eestin vahvinta miestä. Lajeja oli kaikkiaan kuusi. Rekanveto valjailla 22 tonnia 10m, Kilven kanto 190kg 40m, Kehikonkanto 320kg 40m, Tukki Medley 120kg, 135kg, 145kg, 160kg, Maastaveto toistoina 315kg, Kiven nosto 180kg.


Nr. Nimi Punktid
1 Rauno Heinla 47
2 Lauri Nämi 45
3 Meelis Pungits 42
4 Markus Männik 34
5 Meelis Peil 34
6 Sergey Konyshok 29,5
7 Gunnar Gimbutas 26,5
8 Marko Remlik 25
9 Marek Tobi 24,5
10 Gert Goršanov 22,5

Joukkuekilpailu latviassa elokuun 20pv

Kansainvälinen SCLn alainen Joukkuekilpailu käydään Latviassa Elokuussa.


Lisää infoa tulevana viikkona.
Scl canada 2011

Canada Will Host 2011 Strongman Champions League Semi-Finals
by Randall J. Strossen, Ph.D. | ©2011 IronMind

The Strongman Champions League just signed up a new deal for several years to organize, produce and expand the SCL further in Canada in cooperation with a new company, named Strongman Champions League Canada Inc.,” SCL’s Marcel Mostert told IronMind today.

“We are proud on our cooperation with some really professional people in Canada who made this possible with us. After a lot of discussion and brain storming for the future, we decided all together that it will be big already at the end of September this year, as we start with the semi-finals SCL,” said Mostert.

With US$32,000 in prize money, this will be the richest SCL contest to date and the top ten finishers will get double SCL points toward the overall season standings, plus the top five will go directly to the 2011 SCL Finals in the Ukraine in December. Mostert said that invitations to athletes would be based on SCL rankings, with a few wildcards.

Featuring 16 strongman competitors and ten events in total, there will be four consecutive days of competition, each in a different city in New Brunswick, with the finals in this series to be held in Shippagan on October 2:

• Fredericton, September 29, from 6–10 p.m.
• St. John, September 30, 6–10 p.m.
• Dieppe, October 1, 1–6 p.m.

• Shippagan, October 2, 1–6 p.m.

Touting “special, beautiful gifts for all athletes, entertainment, showgirls, amateur strongman, and dancing,” along with worldwide broadcasting in 59 countries, SCL is ramping up its pacesetting program once again.

Conveying a sense of the energy and excitement surrounding this event, the Canadian organizers set the stage with this statement about strongman: “They are crazy strong, they are huge and they love to impress a good cheering crowd,” and summarize the program as follows:

“Each event will begin with an amateur strongman competition (registration required), followed by several cultural, family‐friendly presentations, including a full medieval combat show (with contact), a group of international tribal performers (song and dance) and a 18-string guitarist. Finally, after an introductory ceremony, the main event will feature strongmen from all over the world.”

For more information, please visit the official website, and check IronMind for updates as well.
22-23.8. Ukraina scl/giants live kilpailu

Ukrainassa käydään 22-23.8. Poltavan kaupungissa noin 350km Kievistä kolmen ison kilpailun rupeama.

Pitkästä aikaa suuren työn jälkeen olemme saaneet järjestettyä naisille MM kilpailut joihin Suomesta mukaan on kutsuttu Kati Luoto. Kati on kovassa kunnossa ja valmis haastamaan muut kanssa kilpailijat, joita saapuu mm. USAsta, Venäjältä, Saksasta, Englannista, Islannista, Australiasta ja tietysti yksi oman maan edustaja.

lajeina ovat:

1. Track pull 8-10mt 25m (for time) КВСЗ
2. Farmer’s walk 2x80kg 25+25m (for time) Чернозем
3. Yoke 230-250kg 25m (for time)
4. Pole push 1x1 Чернозем
5. Apollon axel 70kg for reps (1 minute) КВСЗ
6. Hercules pillars (Hercules hold) approx 100kg per hand Фэролит
7. Manhood stone 120kg or 90kg for reps in 60 sec. Миргород
8. Squat 220kg for reps (60sec) Татнафта

Giants Live miesten kilpailu käydään samaan aikaan ja kyseessä on vuoden 2012 kv alkukarsintoja. Mukana Suomesta Juha Matti Järvi. Juha kilpailee nyt todella tiiviisti elokuun aikana. 13.8. Giants Live Power Park, 20.8. Joukkue kilpailu Latviassa parina Jarno Kirselä ja vielä Ukraina 22-23.8. mutta Juha on huippu kunnossa ja halu menestyä maailmalla on kova.

miesten lajit:

1. Track pull (ladder) КВСЗ
2. Konan Чернозем хата
3. dumbbell (95kg) КВСЗ
4. timber (350kg) Фэролит
5. manhood (238kg-kozzak stone or 200kg) Миргород
6. squat (370kg) Татнафта

Kolmas kilpailu, joka käydään on 105kg Ukraina vs. USA joukkue kisa. Molemmat maat ovat ottaneet parhaat 105kg sarjan kilpailijat mukaan ja tästä on tulossa varmasti hieno koitos. SCL pyrkii vahvasti kasvattamaan 105kg sarjan kv kilpailuja ja kiinnostus maailmalla onkin lisääntynyt. Tämä varmasti tuo myös Suomen edustajille lisää mahdollisuuksia. Kaikkihan muistaa viimeisen hienon saavutuksen 105kg MM kisoissa, mistä Topi Frifeldt pokkasi pronssia.

105kg lajit:

1 arm over arm 27t (car- 4 athletes.): 20 m КВСЗ
2. 4 dambbbell (4 athl.) 80kg/4 min Фэролит
3. sudan walk 900kg 40m(4 athl): 900 kg/20+20 m
4. log lift (3 athl): 300rg/reps (60 sec) КВСЗ
5. tug of war: 4 .х 4 ./4m Чернозем
6. manhood stone (4 athl.) 170 kg/125 cm Миргород
7. squat (3 athl.) 320 kg (60 sec each)Татнафта

Iso kiitos tämän tapahtuman järjestämisestä kuuluu Ukrainan voimamies liitolle (UFSA) ja Ukrainan TV kanavalle.
Joukkue Kilpailu Latviassa

Tänään on Juha Matti Järvi ja Jarno Kirselä kovan koitoksen edessä. Latviassa käydään SCL joukkue kilpailu. Tulokset pyrin laittamaan heti kilpailun jälkeen.
Juha Matti Järvi ja Jarno Kirselä sijoittuivat viidenneksi kovatasoisessa kansainvälisessä joukkue kilpailussa tänään Latviassa. Ensi viikolla Järvi matkaa Ukrainaan, taistelemaan viimeisistä paikoista tämän vuoden Maailman Vahvin mies kilpailuun. Kirselä taasen matkaa ensi viikon loppuna Eestiin. Tsemppiä molemmille.

Tänään käytiin myös Liettuan Vahvin mies kilpailu. Kilpailun voitti kukas mukaan kuin Zydrunas Savickas, kakkonen Vytautas Lalas ja kolmas Vidas Blekaitis. Kaikki kolme matkaavat seuraavaksi Maailman Vahvin mies kilpailuun Yhdysvaltoihin. Savickas Hallitsevana Maailman Vahvinpana, Lalas Englannin Giants Live karsinnan kautta ja Blekaitis Suomen karsinnan kautta.

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