T-Mag: Pillars of Strength - A Cure for Light Bulb Syndrome
Tommonen pisti silmään, toimivuudesta en osaa sanoa, aika rankalta lähes ammattilais ohjelmalta näyttäs (?). Et en tiiä onko moisessa järkee... Mutta varmaan tolla kehitystä tulis ellei sit kauhee ylikunto tulis kahen vkon jälkeen. Ja kyllä varmaan pitää olla useamman vuoden kokemus ainakin kovasta treenistä että pystyy saamaan tosta kaiken irti, mutta postataan nyt kuitenkin... Peace. :thumbs:
Are You A Light Bulb?
Bodybuilding is full of colorful descriptions of various physique types. As Grandmaster Poliquin would say, you have your coat racks (thin with as much muscle mass as Kate Moss on Atkins); you have those poor souls who suffer from ILS or Imaginary Lat Syndrome (fake tough guys walking around like they have ten gallon barrels under their arms); and finally you have your light bulbs: guys shaped like turnips with no leg development whatsoever. To be nice we can also call them "top heavy" guys."
Kolmen viikon kierto jossa käytetään kolmee erilaista wörkouttia:
Week 1
Monday: Legs, Program A
Friday: Legs, Program B
Week 2
Tuesday: Legs, Program C
Saturday: Legs, Program A
Week 3
Thursday: Legs, Program B
Workout A: Heavy compound lifting
Workout B: Rest-pause isolation
Workout C: High volume, post-fatigue
Workout A: Heavy Compound Lifting
A. Full back squat
Sets: 5
Reps: 7/5/3/5/7
Tempo: Control during the eccentric (lowering), but never focus on tempo while lifting heavy weights
Rest intervals: 2 minutes
B. Romanian deadlift
Sets: 5
Reps: 7/5/3/5/7
Tempo: Control during the eccentric
Rest intervals: 2 minutes
C. Hack squat with a calf raise at the end
Sets: 5
Reps: 7/5/3/5/7
Tempo: Control during the eccentric. At the end of each repetition, go up on your toes and hold for 2 seconds.
Rest intervals: 2 minutes
Workout B: Rest-Pause Isolation
A. Standing leg curl (1-leg)
Sets: 4
Reps: 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 (meaning that each set has 25 reps with 10 seconds between each "slice" of 5 reps). Alternate legs, meaning that you take the 10 second pause while you work the opposite leg. For example, a set would look like this:
- Right leg 5 reps
- Left leg 5 reps
- Right leg 5 reps
- Left leg 5 reps
- Right leg 5 reps
- Left leg 5 reps
- Right leg 5 reps
- Left leg 5 reps
- Right leg 5 reps
- Left leg 5 reps
* Use a load that you'd normally lift 10 times
Tempo: Just completing the 25 reps will be hard enough!
Rest intervals: 90 seconds between sets
B. Single-Leg Extension
Sets: 4
Reps: 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5
Tempo: You gotta be kidding!
Rest intervals: 90 seconds between sets
C. Bulgarian Squat
Sets: 4
Reps: 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 (just as above). Alternate legs, same as above. Use a load that you'd normally lift 10 times
Tempo: Same as other exercises above. Just do it!
Rest intervals: 90 seconds between sets
Workout C: High-Volume Post-Fatigue
A1. Front squat
Sets: 3
Reps: 6 to 8
Tempo: Control the eccentric or lowering portion (2-4 seconds), lift explosively
Rest: None
A2. Leg extension
Sets: 3
Reps: 15 to 20
Tempo: Include a 1-2 second hold at the peak contraction
Rest: 2 minutes
B1. Sumo deadlift
Sets: 3
Reps: 6 to 8
Tempo: Control the eccentric (2-4 seconds), lift explosively
Rest: None
B2. Leg curl
Sets: 3
Reps: 15 to 20
Tempo: Include a 1-2 second hold at the peak contraction
Rest: 2 minutes
C1. Standing calf raise
Sets: 3
Reps: 6 to 8
Tempo: Control the eccentric (2-4 seconds), lift explosively
Rest: None
C2. Seated calf raise
Sets: 3
Reps: 15 to 20
Tempo: Include 2 second hold in the stretched and peak contraction positions
Rest: 2 minutes
Building powerful legs is one of the most important things to do when trying to achieve a complete physique. It’s also one of the hardest and most painful things to do, so be ready to defy death on a weekly basis!"
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