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Tässä yksi analyysi
On the basis of published literature collated in this review, we propose the following evidence-based implications for practice.
- Protein guidelines should be customised to the population (young or older adults) and situation (resting or post-exercise condition) of interest. For example, (a) the optimal dose of protein for maximal stimulation of MPS during exercise recovery is greater for older compared to young adults and (b) whey protein has been shown to stimulate a greater response of MPS compared with soy protein during exercise recovery, but not at rest.
- Chronic periods of leucine supplementation will not necessarily facilitate long-term improvements in SMM, given that a full complement of EAA is critical for stimulating a maximal and sustained response of MPS.
- Manipulating the leucine content of a protein source that lacks quality (i.e., the protein source constitutes a low leucine composition) and/or quantity (i.e., an insufficient protein dose for the maximal stimulation of MPS) effectively rescues a submaximal resting postprandial stimulation of MPS. This phenomenon has particular implications for older adults or other populations that often experience difficulties in consuming a sufficiently large dose of protein in each meal serving to stimulate a maximal response of MPS.
- Timing protein intake in close temporal proximity to exercise is recommended, although not critical, for stimulating a maximal response of MPS.
- Coingesting CHO with a suboptimal dose of amino acids/protein may be an effective strategy for “rescuing” a submaximal response of MPS associated with a suboptimal dose of amino acids/protein. However, no additional benefit is gained from adding CHO to a dose of amino acids/protein known to saturate the response of MPS.
- Any beneficial impact of fat coingestion on MPS is likely mediated by the anabolic action of the LC n-3 PUFA.
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