TEAM MEMBER: An Officer trained in the use of special weapons and tactics who is utilized in various capacities which include: inner perimeter security, building entry and suspect apprehension,
hostage rescue,
team security,
delivery of chemical agents, anti-sniper techniques, dignitary protection.
SCOUTS: A two man team that is sent out ahead of the main body of the team
to ascertain any information that will assist in the safe deployment of the team.
UTILITY MAN: The Utility Man carries additional equipment and a fully stocked back pack and is considered Rear Security for the team. He is armed with a shotgun to deploy chemical weapons and breaching rounds.
BREACHER: Team members that are responsible for forcibly opening secured doors and clearing blocked avenues of entrance for the SWAT team to make their entry.
GAS TEAM: Two man teams that
deploy chemicals into a structure.
MARKSMAN: A SWAT Officer trained in the
use of a scoped rifle.
No esimerkiksi nuo tummennetut.
Ja nyt ihan uutta!:
Ja liitetään tähän koska pahimmat inttäjät ei kuitenkaan käy tuolla lukemassa:
Capt. Jeffrey L. Greer, commanding office of the LAPD's Metropolitan Division, said it was those
injuries, and
not a confidential report completed by a panel of experts, that prompted change.
In 2006,
seven of 38 applicants were injured. Four were hurt on a military obstacle course at Camp Pendleton, and two of those applicants had to undergo surgery for torn ligaments and were off-duty for a year.
Muutoksia tehtiin, koska vuonna 2006 38:sta hakijasta 7 loukkaantui, joista 4 tehtäväradalla ja joista kaksi jouduttiin leikkaamaan ja jotka täten olivat vuoden sairaslomalla. Ei sen yhden raportin takia.
"No one is lowering the standards for selecting officers in SWAT," Greer said.
"We want women in SWAT, just like any other entity within the Los Angeles Police Department but I want to make it crystal clear - we're not lowering standards to accomplish that."
Standardeja ei lasketa. Vaikka ne kuinka haluaisivat naisia sinne, niin ei sen vuoksi.
Toisin sanoen jos sinne naisia pääsee, niin ihan omilla ansioillaan.