BB PRO James Hollingshead

LATEST from myself and Jordan

Hitting up arms at TBJPX SHED.

LATEST from myself and Jordan. Pre gym waffle & hitting up Legs at TBJPX SHED.

LATEST from myself and Jordan. Pre gym waffle & hitting up more arms at TBJPX SHED.

We left it all in there for you all. This is a good representation of a visit to DESTINATION and the athlete experience. You get a brief understanding of the history behind Better Bodies and the dumbbell logo during a product shoot and then James takes pre workout...
James gives an incredible amount of insight into his mind and what he looks for in several components to his training. He gives pro tip after pro tip for all of his exercises here.
1. What James likes in a bar when bench pressing,
2. How to use the PRIME incline press
3. James's thoughts on dumbbell side laterals
4. Triceps training and getting them to respond

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