Rasvaprosentin alas veto mahdollisimman vähin lihaskatabolisin seurauksin

EAA-valmisjuoma 24-pack

Pineapple Passion Fruit

Entä jos kyseessä on dietti ja ruokavalio on sama joka päivälle

Dietillä itsekin ja melkein samat safkat pyörii päivittäin. Ajoitan HIITin niin, että P+HH ateria tulee ennen ja sen jälkeen. Ja ajoittaa sen niin, että isoimmat mällit hiilaria tulee sen HIITin ympärillä. Ihan kuten salitreeninkin. GLUT-4 taisi olla tunnin koholla, joten sapuskaa vaan heti suusta alas kun siihen tulee tilaisuus.

Layneltä pari juttua;

...and plan their carbohydrate intake similar to their lifting regime.
Cardiovascular work will increase nutrient partitioning towards muscle tissue and away from fat tissue. One should take advantage of this by consuming the bulk of their carbohydrate intake around this time. The benefits are that these nutrients induce fat storage, but will rather be stored in muscle tissue.
Why would you want to deny your muscles nutrients at the most crucial time of the day, but then provide them during rest? It does not make sense. Treat your cardiovascular work like your lifting.

lol the ol' no carbs around cardio because you want to burn the fat. What a simplistic
view of metabolism. If anything it's better to have carbs around cardio... THIS IS THE
CARBS... GLUT-4 is upregulated..
. other times of the day when you are resting is when
you are less able to properly dispose of carbohydrates... so by that logic we should never
eat carbs ever. Nonsense
Kyselisin semmosta että onko mahdollista kiinteyttää kehoa vaikka söisikin enemmän kuin kuluttaa? Jos vaan syö paljon proteiinia ja jättää ylimääräset hiilihydraatit vege. Jäis vaikka 100kcal aina plussalle. Lopuksi viellä että lähinnä punttireeniä, ei aerobista paljon paskaakaan
Lainauksia ei nyt sitten tullut mukaan kun onnistuin poistamaan alkuperäisen tekstin eikä jaksa niitä uudestaan etsiä.

Mutta. Hiilareista ennen treeniä näyttäisi olevan apua myös kovemman intensiteetin suoritukseen, vaikka ne eivät lihasten glykogeeniksi ehtisikään varastoitua. Mekanismeja ovat mm. ja mahdollisesti suurempi hiilarioksidaatio, verensokerin ylläpito/hypoglykemian välttäminen (kunhan ei nauti liian suuria määriä liian lähellä treeniä), serototiinin ja tryptofaanin nousun estäminen (päinvastainen tilanne kuin levossa) ja kreatiinifosaattitasojen säästäminen (näyttöä puolesta ja vastaan) sekä treenin aiheuttavan immunipuolustuksen laskun osittainen blokkaaminen (mikä helvetin lause tuokin on?). Viimeisen osalta myös näyttöä puolesta ja vastaan.

Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2009 Sep;4(3):367-80.
The effects of low- and high-glycemic index foods on high-intensity intermittent exercise.
Little JP, Chilibeck PD, Ciona D, Vandenberg A, Zello GA.
SourceCollege of Kinesiology, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada.

The glycemic index (GI) of a preexercise meal may affect substrate utilization and performance during continuous exercise.

PURPOSE: To examine the effects of low- and high-GI foods on metabolism and performance during high-intensity, intermittent exercise.

METHODS: Seven male athletes participated in three experimental trials (low-GI, high-GI, and fasted control) separated by approximately 7 days. Foods were consumed 3 h before (approximately 1.3 g x kg(-1) carbohydrate) and halfway through (approximately 0.2 g x kg(-1) carbohydrate) 90 min of intermittent treadmill running designed to simulate the activity pattern of soccer. Expired gas was collected during exercise to estimate substrate oxidation. Performance was assessed by the distance covered on five 1-min sprints during the last 15 min of exercise.

RESULTS: Respiratory exchange ratio was higher and fat oxidation lower during exercise in the high-GI condition compared with fasting (P < .05). The mean difference in total distance covered on the repeated sprint test between low GI and fasting (247 m; 90% confidence limits +/-352 m) represented an 81% (likely, probable) chance that the low-GI condition improved performance over fasting. The mean difference between high GI and fasted control (223 m; +/- 385 m) represented a 76% (likely, probable) chance of improved performance. There were no differences between low and high GI.

CONCLUSIONS: When compared with fasting, both low- and high-GI foods consumed 3 h before and halfway through prolonged, high-intensity intermittent exercise improved repeated sprint performance. High-GI foods impaired fat oxidation during exercise but the GI did not appear to influence high-intensity, intermittent exercise performance.


Res Sports Med. 2008;16(3):155-66.
The effects of ingesting a carbohydrate-electrolyte beverage 15 minutes prior to high-intensity exercise performance.
Davison GW, McClean C, Brown J, Madigan S, Gamble D, Trinick T, Duly E.
SourceSport and Exercise Sciences Research Institute, University of Ulster at Jordanstown, Belfast, United Kingdom. gw.davison@ulster.ac.uk

The aim of this study was to examine the effect of ingesting a commercially available carbohydrate-electrolyte (CHO-E) solution on strenuous exercise performance. Ten apparently healthy male volunteers (Mean +/- SD; age 20 +/- 2 yrs; height 178 +/- 7 cm; body mass 77 +/- 10 kg; estimated VO(2 max) 56 +/- 3 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1) completed three experimental trials in random order separated by a minimum of 7 days. For each trial, subjects consumed (8 ml x kg(-1) body mass) either a CHO-E solution (6% carbohydrate, 50 mg Na/500 ml), a non-CHO-E placebo, or no fluid, 15 minutes prior to exercise. The exercise involved intermittent shuttle (20 m apart) running for 1 hr followed by an incremental shuttle running test to exhaustion. Subjects displayed longer exercise times when the CHO-E solution was ingested compared with placebo or no fluid groups (exercise time to exhaustion - CHO-E 649 +/- 95 s, vs. placebo 601 +/- 83 s, vs. no fluid 593 +/- 107 s, P < 0.05). There was a main effect for time for specific gravity of urine (P < 0.05 vs. postexercise, pooled data) and body mass (P < 0.05 vs. postexercise, pooled data). The main finding from this investigation indicates that drinking a CHO-E solution 15 minutes prior to exercise improves performance. This study has practical implications for those sports where drinking during activity is restricted.


Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2007 Oct;17(5):445-55.
Carbohydrate-gel supplementation and endurance performance during intermittent high-intensity shuttle running.
Patterson SD, Gray SC.
SourceSchool of Life Sciences, Napier University, Edinburgh, UK.

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a carbohydrate (CHO) gel on performance after prolonged intermittent high-intensity shuttle running. Seven male soccer players performed 2 exercise trials, 7 d apart. On each occasion, participants completed five 15-min periods of intermittent variable-speed running, interspersed with periods of walking (Part A), followed by an intermittent run to exhaustion (Part B). Participants consumed either a CHO gel or placebo (PLA) immediately before exercise (0.89 mL/kg body mass [BM]) and every 15 min thereafter (0.35 mL/kg BM). In addition, water was consumed at a rate of 5 mL/kg BM before and 2 mL/kg BM every 15 min during exercise. Blood glucose levels were higher (P < 0.05) at 15, 30, and 60 min of exercise and at exhaustion in CHO than in PLA. During Part B, run time to exhaustion was longer (P < 0.05) in the CHO trial (CHO 6.1 +/- 1.3 min vs. PLA 4.2 +/- 1.2 min). These results indicate that ingesting a CHO gel, along with water, improves performance after prolonged intermittent running in healthy male subjects, possibly by maintaining blood glucose levels during exercise.


Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2007 Oct;17(5):605-10. Epub 2007 Feb 19.
Carbohydrate ingestion during prolonged high-intensity intermittent exercise: impact on affect and perceived exertion.
Backhouse SH, Ali A, Biddle SJ, Williams C.
SourceCarnegie Research Institute, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK. s.backhouse@leedsmet.ac.uk

This study was designed to determine the effects of ingesting a carbohydrate (CHO) solution on affective states and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) during prolonged intermittent high-intensity exercise. Seventeen male soccer players completed a prolonged intermittent high-intensity exercise protocol for 90 min on two occasions, separated by at least 7 days. Participants consumed either a 6.4% CHO (0.6 g/kg body mass (BM)/h) or an artificially sweetened placebo (PLA) solution immediately before (8 mL/kg BM) and every 15 min (3 mL/kg BM) during exercise in a double-blind, counterbalanced design. Pleasure-displeasure, perceived activation, RPE and plasma glucose concentration was assessed. The results showed that compared with the CHO trial, perceived activation were lower in the placebo trial during the last 30 min of exercise and this was accompanied by lowered plasma glucose concentrations. In the CHO trial, RPE was maintained in the last 30 min of exercise but carried on increasing in the PLA trial. Therefore, CHO ingestion during prolonged high-intensity exercise appears to elicit an enhanced perceived activation profile that may impact upon task persistence and performance. This finding is in addition to the physiological and metabolic benefits of the exogenous energy supply.


Eur J Appl Physiol. 2007 Jan;99(1):57-63. Epub 2006 Oct 6.
Effects of acute carbohydrate supplementation during sessions of high-intensity intermittent exercise.
de Sousa MV, Simões HG, Oshiiwa M, Rogero MM, Tirapegui J.
SourceFaculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Department of Food and Experimental Nutrition, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. maysavs@uol.com.br

The present study evaluated the acute effects of carbohydrate supplementation on heart rate (HR), rate of perceived exertion (RPE), metabolic and hormonal responses during and after sessions of high-intensity intermittent running exercise. Fifteen endurance runners (26 +/- 5 years, 64.5 +/- 4.9 kg) performed two sessions of intermittent exercise under carbohydrate (CHO) and placebo (PLA) ingestion. The sessions consisted of 12 x 800 m separated by intervals of 1 min 30 s at a mean velocity corresponding to the previously performed 3-km time trial. Both the CHO and PLA sessions were concluded within approximately 28 min. Blood glucose was significantly elevated in both sessions (123.9 +/- 13.2 mg dl(-1) on CHO and 147.2 +/- 16.3 mg dl(-1) on PLA) and mean blood lactate was significantly higher in the CHO (11.4 +/- 4.9 mmol l(-1)) than in the PLA condition (8.4 +/- 5.1 mmol l(-1)) (P < 0.05). The metabolic stress induced by the exercise model used was confirmed by the elevated HR (approximately 182 bpm) and RPE (approximately 18 on the 15-point Borg scale) for both conditions. No significant differences in plasma insulin, cortisol or free fatty acids were observed during exercise between the two trials. During the recovery period, free fatty acid and insulin concentrations were significantly lower in the CHO trial. Supplementation with CHO resulted in higher lactate associated with lipolytic suppression, but did not attenuate the cortisol, RPE or HR responses.


Yhdessä vajaan 30 sek suorituksessa aerobinen puoli ei näyttele vielä erittäin tärkeää roolia, mutta toistuvissa tuon pituisissa suorituksissa se korostuu selkeästi.

High-intensity exercise and muscle glycogen availability in humans.
Balsom PD, Gaitanos GC, Söderlund K, Ekblom B.
SourceDepartment of Physiology and Pharmacology, Karolinska Institute and University College of Physical Education and Sports, Stockholm, Sweden.

This study investigated the effects of muscle glycogen availability on performance and selected physiological and metabolic responses during high-intensity intermittent exercise. Seven male subjects completed a regimen of exercise and dietary intake (48 h) to either lower and keep low (LOW-CHO) or lower and then increase (HIGH-CHO) muscle glycogen stores, on two separate occasions at least a week apart. On each occasion the subjects completed a short-term (<10 min) and prolonged (>30 min) intermittent exercise (IEX) protocol, 24 h apart, which consisted of 6-s bouts of high-intensity exercise performed at 30-s intervals on a cycle ergometer. Glycogen concentration (mean +/- SEM) in m. vastus lateralis before both IEx(short) and IEx(long) was significantly lower following LOW-CHO [180 (14), 181 (17) mmol kg (dw)(-1)] compared with HIGH-CHO [397 (35), 540 (25) mmol kg (dw)(-1)]. In both IEx(short) and IEx(long), significantly less work was performed following LOW-CHO compared with HIGH-CHO. In IEx(long), the number of exercise bouts that could be completed at a pre-determined target exercise intensity increased by 265% from 111 (14) following LOW-CHO to 294 (29) following HIGH-CHO (P < 0.05). At the point of fatigue in IEx(long), glycogen concentration was significantly lower with the LOW-CHO compared with HIGH-CHO [58 (25) vs. 181 (46) mmol kg (dw)(-1), respectively]. The plasma concentrations of adrenaline and nor-adrenaline (in IEx(short) and IEx(long)), and FFAand glycerol (in IEx(long)), increased several-fold above resting values with both experimental conditions. Oxygen uptake during the exercise periods in IEx(long), approached 70% of Vo2max. These results suggest that muscle glycogen availability can affect performance during both short-term and more prolonged high-intensity intermittent exercise and that with repeated exercise periods as short as 6 s, there can be a relatively high aerobic contribution.

Sports Med. 2001;31(1):1-11.
The relationship between aerobic fitness and recovery from high intensity intermittent exercise.
Tomlin DL, Wenger HA.
SourceUniversity of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. donat@uvic.ca

A strong relationship between aerobic fitness and the aerobic response to repeated bouts of high intensity exercise has been established, suggesting that aerobic fitness is important in determining the magnitude of the oxidative response. The elevation of exercise oxygen consumption (VO2) is at least partially responsible for the larger fast component of excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) seen in endurance-trained athletes following intense intermittent exercise. Replenishment of phosphocreatine (PCr) has been linked to both fast EPOC and power recovery in repeated efforts. Although 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy studies appear to support a relationship between endurance training and PCr recovery following both submaximal work and repeated bouts of moderate intensity exercise, PCr resynthesis following single bouts of high intensity effort does not always correlate well with maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max). It appears that intense exercise involving larger muscle mass displays a stronger relationship between VO2max and PCr resynthesis than does intense exercise utilising small muscle mass. A strong relationship between power recovery and endurance fitness, as measured by the percentage VO2max corresponding to a blood lactate concentration of 4 mmol/L, has been demonstrated. The results from most studies examining power recovery and VO2max seem to suggest that endurance training and/or a higher VO2max results in superior power recovery across repeated bouts of high intensity intermittent exercise. Some studies have supported an association between aerobic fitness and lactate removal following high intensity exercise, whereas others have failed to confirm an association. Unfortunately, all studies have relied on measurements of blood lactate to reflect muscle lactate clearance, and different mathematical methods have been used for assessing blood lactate clearance, which may compromise conclusions on lactate removal. In summary, the literature suggests that aerobic fitness enhances recovery from high intensity intermittent exercise through increased aerobic response, improved lactate removal and enhanced PCr regeneration.


J Appl Physiol. 1996 Mar;80(3):876-84.
Contribution of phosphocreatine and aerobic metabolism to energy supply during repeated sprint exercise.
Bogdanis GC, Nevill ME, Boobis LH, Lakomy HK.
SourceDepartment of Physical Education, Loughborough University, United Kingdom.

This study examined the contribution of phosphocreatine (PCr) and aerobic metabolism during repeated bouts of sprint exercise. Eight male subjects performed two cycle ergometer sprints separated by 4 min of recovery during two separate main trials. Sprint 1 lasted 30 s during both main trials, whereas sprint 2 lasted either 10 or 30 s. Muscle biopsies were obtained at rest, immediately after the first 30-s sprint, after 3.8 min of recovery, and after the second 10- and 30-s sprints. At the end of sprint 1, PCr was 16.9 +/- 1.4% of the resting value, and muscle pH dropped to 6.69 +/- 0.02. After 3.8 min of recovery, muscle pH remained unchanged (6.80 +/- 0.03), but PCr was resynthesized to 78.7 +/- 3.3% of the resting value. PCr during sprint 2 was almost completely utilized in the first 10 s and remained unchanged thereafter. High correlations were found between the percentage of PCr resynthesis and the percentage recovery of power output and pedaling speed during the initial 10 s of sprint 2 (r = 0.84, P < 0.05 and r = 0.91, P < 0.01). The anaerobic ATP turnover, as calculated from changes in ATP, PCr, and lactate, was 235 +/- 9 mmol/kg dry muscle during the first sprint but was decreased to 139 +/- 7 mmol/kg dry muscle during the second 30-s sprint, mainly as a result of a approximately 45% decrease in glycolysis. Despite this approximately 41% reduction in anaerobic energy, the total work done during the second 30-s sprint was reduced by only approximately 18%. This mismatch between anaerobic energy release and power output during sprint 2 was partly compensated for by an increased contribution of aerobic metabolism, as calculated from the increase in oxygen uptake during sprint 2 (2.68 +/- 0.10 vs. 3.17 +/- 0.13 l/min; sprint 1 vs. sprint 2; P < 0.01). These data suggest that aerobic metabolism provides a significant part (approximately 49%) of the energy during the second sprint, whereas PCr availability is important for high power output during the initial 10 s.

Ja maratoonarin aerobinen treeni on täysin erilaista mitä bodari tekee/kannattaisi tehdä. 3h/päivä, 6 x viikossa. Bodarille riittäisi hyvin sellaiset 2-4x30-60 min. Jay Cutlerkin vetää joka aamu sellaiset 30 min aerobista (tai ainakin teki, nykyään en ole seurannut), saman tyyppinen homma Colemanilla ja monilla muilla huipuilla.

Eniten noita HIIT-tyyppisiä intervalleja tekevät keskipitkän matkan urheilijat, kuten juoksijat, tuskinpa heidänkään kroppansa on sellainen mitä normibodaaja haluaisi.

Molemmista on potentiaalisesti hyötyä, molemmista liikaa ja väärin tehtynä potentiaalisesti haittaa.

Vaikka muutama viimeaikainen tutkimus on osoittanut, että EPOC voi olla suurempi tietyissä tilanteissa kuin mitä esim. pari vuotta sitten luultiin, näyttäisi sen kokonaisvaikutus olevan melko pieni. 6-15% liikunnan aiheuttamasta kokonaisenergian kulutuksesta.

J Sports Sci. 2006 Dec;24(12):1247-64.
Effects of exercise intensity and duration on the excess post-exercise oxygen consumption.
LaForgia J, Withers RT, Gore CJ.
SourceSchool of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences, University of South Australia, Adelaide, SA. joe.laforgia@unisa.edu.au

Recovery from a bout of exercise is associated with an elevation in metabolism referred to as the excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). A number of investigators in the first half of the last century reported prolonged EPOC durations and that the EPOC was a major component of the thermic effect of activity. It was therefore thought that the EPOC was a major contributor to total daily energy expenditure and hence the maintenance of body mass. Investigations conducted over the last two or three decades have improved the experimental protocols used in the pioneering studies and therefore have more accurately characterized the EPOC. Evidence has accumulated to suggest an exponential relationship between exercise intensity and the magnitude of the EPOC for specific exercise durations. Furthermore, work at exercise intensities >or=50-60% VO2max stimulate a linear increase in EPOC as exercise duration increases. The existence of these relationships with resistance exercise at this stage remains unclear because of the limited number of studies and problems with quantification of work intensity for this type of exercise. Although the more recent studies do not support the extended EPOC durations reported by some of the pioneering investigators, it is now apparent that a prolonged EPOC (3-24 h) may result from an appropriate exercise stimulus (submaximal: >or=50 min at >or=70% VO2max; supramaximal: >or=6 min at >or=105% VO2max). However, even those studies incorporating exercise stimuli resulting in prolonged EPOC durations have identified that the EPOC comprises only 6-15% of the net total oxygen cost of the exercise. But this figure may need to be increased when studies utilizing intermittent work bouts are designed to allow the determination of rest interval EPOCs, which should logically contribute to the EPOC determined following the cessation of the last work bout. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, the earlier research optimism regarding an important role for the EPOC in weight loss is generally unfounded. This is further reinforced by acknowledging that the exercise stimuli required to promote a prolonged EPOC are unlikely to be tolerated by non-athletic individuals. The role of exercise in the maintenance of body mass is therefore predominantly mediated via the cumulative effect of the energy expenditure during the actual exercise.


Aineenvaihdunta kiihtyy mutta se ei ole kuin muutamia prosentteja.

HIIT:in ja perinteisen aerobisen aikana käytetään rasvaa ja hiilihydraatteja eri suhteessa, mutta treenin jälkeen homma kääntyy toisinpäin. Pitkällä välillä (vaikka 24h) molempien vaikutus aineenvaihduntaan on yhtä suuri ja myös rasvaa käytetään energiaksi yhtä paljon.

J Appl Physiol. 2000 May;88(5):1707-14.
Substrate metabolism during different exercise intensities in endurance-trained women.
Romijn JA, Coyle EF, Sidossis LS, Rosenblatt J, Wolfe RR.
SourceDepartment of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Leiden University Medical Center, 2300 RC Leiden, The Netherlands. jaromijn@endo.azl.nl

We have studied eight endurance-trained women at rest and during exercise at 25, 65, and 85% of maximal oxygen uptake. The rate of appearance (R(a)) of free fatty acids (FFA) was determined by infusion of [(2)H(2)]palmitate, and fat oxidation rates were determined by indirect calorimetry. Glucose kinetics were assessed with [6,6-(2)H(2)]glucose. Glucose R(a) increased in relation to exercise intensity. In contrast, whereas FFA R(a) was significantly increased to the same extent in low- and moderate-intensity exercise, during high-intensity exercise, FFA R(a) was reduced compared with the other exercise values. Carbohydrate oxidation increased progressively with exercise intensity, whereas the highest rate of fat oxidation was during exercise at 65% of maximal oxygen uptake. After correction for differences in lean body mass, there were no differences between these results and previously reported data in endurance-trained men studied under the same conditions, except for slight differences in glucose metabolism during low-intensity exercise (Romijn JA, Coyle EF, Sidossis LS, Gastaldelli A, Horowitz JF, Endert E, and Wolfe RR. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 265: E380-E391, 1993). We conclude that the patterns of changes in substrate kinetics during moderate- and high-intensity exercise are similar in trained men and women.


J Appl Physiol. 2002 Mar;92(3):1045-52.
Effect of exercise intensity on 24-h energy expenditure and nutrient oxidation.
Melanson EL, Sharp TA, Seagle HM, Horton TJ, Donahoo WT, Grunwald GK, Hamilton JT, Hill JO.
SourceCenter for Human Nutrition, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado 80262, USA. Ed.melanson@uchsc.edu

The aim of this study was to determine the effects of exercise at different intensities on 24-h energy expenditure (EE) and substrate oxidation. Sixteen adults (8 men and 8 women) were studied on three occasions [sedentary day (Con), a low-intensity exercise day (LI; 400 kcal at 40% of maximal oxygen consumption) and a high-intensity exercise day (HI; 400 kcal at 70% of maximal oxygen consumption)] by using whole room indirect calorimetry. Both 24-h EE and carbohydrate oxidation were significantly elevated on the exercise days (Con < LI = HI), but 24-h fat oxidation was not different across conditions. Muscle enzymatic profile was not consistently related to 24-h fat or carbohydrate oxidation. With further analysis, it was found that, compared with men, women sustained slightly higher rates of 24-h fat oxidation (mg x kg FFM(-1) x min(-1)) and had a muscle enzymatic profile favoring fat oxidation. It is concluded that exercise intensity has no effect on 24-h EE or nutrient oxidation. Additionally, it appears that women may sustain slightly greater 24-h fat oxidation rates during waking and active periods of the day.


nt J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2009 Dec;19(6):607-23.
Postexercise fat oxidation: effect of exercise duration, intensity, and modality.
Warren A, Howden EJ, Williams AD, Fell JW, Johnson NA.
SourceSchool of Human Life Sciences, University of Tasmania, Launceston, Australia.

Postexercise fat oxidation may be important for exercise prescription aimed at optimizing fat loss. The authors examined the effects of exercise intensity, duration, and modality on postexercise oxygen consumption (VO2) and substrate selection/ respiratory-exchange ratio (RER) in healthy individuals. Three experiments (n = 7 for each) compared (a) short- (SD) vs. long-duration (LD) ergometer cycling exercise (30 min vs. 90 min) matched for intensity, (b) low- (LI) vs. high-intensity (HI) cycling (50% vs. 85% of VO2(max)) matched for energy expenditure, and (c) continuous (CON) vs. interval (INT) cycling matched for energy expenditure and mean intensity. All experiments were administered by crossover design. Altering exercise duration did not affect postexercise VO2 or RER kinetics (p > .05). However, RER was lower and fat oxidation was higher during the postexercise period in LD vs. SD (p < .05). HI vs. LI resulted in a significant increase in total postexercise energy expenditure and fat oxidation (p < .01). Altering exercise modality (CON vs. INT) did not affect postexercise VO2, RER, or fat oxidation (p > .05). These results demonstrate that postexercise energy expenditure and fat oxidation can be augmented by increasing exercise intensity, but these benefits cannot be exploited by undertaking interval exercise (1:2-min work:recovery ratio) when total energy expenditure, duration, and mean intensity remain unchanged. In spite of the apparent benefit of these strategies, the amount of fat oxidized after exercise may be inconsequential compared with that oxidized during the exercise bout.


Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2004 Jun;28(6):759-65.
Substrate oxidation differences between high- and low-intensity exercise are compensated over 24 hours in obese men.
Saris WH, Schrauwen P.
SourceNutrition and Toxicology Research Institute Maastricht (NUTRIM), Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands. W.Saris@hb.unimaas.nl

OBJECTIVE: Exercise has been proposed as a tool for the prevention of obesity. Apart from an effect on energy expenditure, in particular low-intensity (LI) exercise might also influence substrate metabolism in favour of fat oxidation. It is however unclear what is the most beneficial exercise regime for obese people. We therefore studied the effect of either high-intensity (HI) or LI exercise on 24 h energy expenditure (24 h EE) and substrate metabolism.

METHODS: Eight healthy obese male volunteers (age: 38+/-1 y, BMI: 31+/-1 kg/m(2), W(max): 235+/-16 W) stayed in the respiration chamber for two nights and the day in-between. In the chamber they cycled either at a HI (three times 30 min in a interval protocol (2.5 min 80/50% W(max))) or LI (three times 60 min continuously at 38% W(max)) protocol with an equicaloric energy expenditure. In the chamber subjects were fed in energy balance (37/48/15% of energy as fat/carbohydrate/protein).

RESULTS: The 24 h EE was not significantly different between protocols. In both protocols, sleeping metabolic rate (SMR) was elevated after the exercise (average+6.7%). The 24 h respiratory quotient (24 h RQ) was not different between protocols. During exercise, RQ was higher in the HI compared to the LI protocol (0.93 vs 0.91 resp., P<0.05), whereas in the postexercise period RQ tended to be lower in the HI compared to the LI protocol (P=0.06).

CONCLUSION: 24 h EE is not differently affected by HI or LI exercise in obese men. Similarly, the differences in HI and LI exercise, RQ are compensated postexercise leading to similar substrate oxidation patterns over 24 h independently of the level of exercise intensity.


Rasvanpolton näkökulmasta HIIT vs. aerobinen-tutkimukset ovat olleet melko jakautuneita: välillä toinen on ollut parempi, välillä toinen ja välillä kumpikin yhtä tehokkaita. Lihasmassan säästämiseen HIIT on ollut parempi. Mutta näissä tutkimuksissa ei ole ollut punttitreeniä mukana olleenkaan. Diettaaminen ilman stimulusta lihaksille.. hmm mitenköhän siinä käy?

HIIT näyttäisi olevan parempi nälänhallintaan. Itsellä (ja monilla muilla) aerobisen jälkeen on enemmänkin väsynyt olo, HIIT taas enemmänkin piristää. Lisäksi HIIT näyttäisi kiihdyttävän NEAT:iä enemmän päivän aikana.
Mitäs sanoisitte sellaiseen kun ajatus on että alan nyt keväällä kävelemään kouluun, matkaa 5 kilometriä suuntaansa, eli noin 2 tuntia n. 5km/h kävelyä, onko myrkkyä lihaksille? Syklittelen 2vk:2vk jaolla, dieettikaudella menee varmaan paremmin, mutta onko ihan järjetön ajatus myös bulkilla kävellä, kun huolehtii että sapuskaa tulee sitten sen edestä lisää että pysyy sen 300-500 plussilla?
Tuskimpa kävelystä kovin suurta haittaa lihoilles on, ainakaan jos syöt ylikulutuksen. Ainakin raitista ilmaa saa ja mieli pysyy virkeänä, jos ei muuta. :)
Mitäs sanoisitte sellaiseen kun ajatus on että alan nyt keväällä kävelemään kouluun, matkaa 5 kilometriä suuntaansa, eli noin 2 tuntia n. 5km/h kävelyä, onko myrkkyä lihaksille? Syklittelen 2vk:2vk jaolla, dieettikaudella menee varmaan paremmin, mutta onko ihan järjetön ajatus myös bulkilla kävellä, kun huolehtii että sapuskaa tulee sitten sen edestä lisää että pysyy sen 300-500 plussilla?

Hyvää vaan tekee ja saattaa jopa auttaa palautumiseen! muista vain syödä plussilla ja dieetillä tuo olisi erinomainen vaihtoehto.
Nonii, ensimmäistä diettiä pitäis lähtee rakentamaan. Salilla tullu käytyä semmonen 1v 3kk massaa tullut n. 20kg. Rasvaprosentti ~17% ja se olisi tarkoitus pudotella johonkin 12% luokkaan. Aamuaerobiset ei ole mahdollista, mutta illalla mahdollista kyllä. Pitäiskö selvittää ihan ensin kulutus ja rakentaa hyvä ruokavalio? Ja voiko tehdä normi body treeniä vai pitääkö sitäkin muuttaa jotenkin? :)
Mulla on tullut massaa nyt vuoden aikana 11kg ja suuri osa on kyllä lihasta. Saliharrastuksen aloitin vuoden alussa ja tehnyt tähän päivään asti. Kuitenkin rasvaa on kertynyt tiettyihin ruumiinosiin ja ajattelin pudottaa painoa max 5kg. Onnistuuko ihan aerobisella liikunnalla, koska ainut liikunta on jäänyt nyt puntiksi 4x vko? Joka talvi on tullut hiihdeltyä, mutta heikolta näyttää lumitilanne ja juoksukaan ei maistu näin pimeässä. 183/78 18v, mutta hoikka ruumiinrakenne. En ole siis vielä täysin aikuisen mitoissa..
Mulla on tullut massaa nyt vuoden aikana 11kg ja suuri osa on kyllä lihasta. Saliharrastuksen aloitin vuoden alussa ja tehnyt tähän päivään asti. Kuitenkin rasvaa on kertynyt tiettyihin ruumiinosiin ja ajattelin pudottaa painoa max 5kg. Onnistuuko ihan aerobisella liikunnalla, koska ainut liikunta on jäänyt nyt puntiksi 4x vko? Joka talvi on tullut hiihdeltyä, mutta heikolta näyttää lumitilanne ja juoksukaan ei maistu näin pimeässä. 183/78 18v, mutta hoikka ruumiinrakenne. En ole siis vielä täysin aikuisen mitoissa..

Jätä vaikka 1 välipala pois ja polje vaikka treenin jälkeen 20-40min kuntopyörää niin ei tarvii lenkkeillä tai muuta

3 kpl M-Nutrition EAA+

Mango - Hedelmäpunssi - Sitruuna - Vihreä omena

Kannattaako aerobinen harjottelu dieetillä tehä ennen- vai jälkeen treenien? Vai kenties eri päivinä. Yleensä ei vaan saa itteään liikkeelle jos ei oo salille tarkotus suunnata :S
Kannattaa muistaa peruaktiviteettitason nosto jos haluaa painoa alas. Jotenkin jengi miettii vaan aamuaerobista tai niitä aikataulutettuja sali/liikuntatreenejä. Käyttää portaita hissin sijaan missä on järkevää, lähtee ulos kävelylle vs. tuijottaa Idolssia tms. telkkarista etc. Ja perusliikkeitä voi tehdä himassa milloin vain VIITSII. Punnerukset, vatsat, kyykyt jne.
Rasvaprosentin alasvienti.

Eli rasvaprosentti pitäisi saada alas. Kuinka syödä, kun kouluruokailu pitää pistää mukaan? (kulutus noin 3400 lepopäivänä ja treenipäivinä 3800). Kuinka paljon miinuksille kannattaisi mennä? Ajattelin syklitellä, aluksi olisin 6 viikkoa dieetillä ja 2 bulkilla. Kun saavutan halutun kunnon jaksottaisin 6 viikkoa bulkki ja 2 viikkoa dieetti.
Aamuaerobiset on mahdottomia, joten voiko ne tehdä päivällä?
Minkälaista treeniohjelmaa kannattaisi noudattaa dieetillä?
Jos kävisi vaikka 4 kertaa viikossa salilla ja 2 kertaa tekisi aerobisen, eli viikolle tulisi 6 treenikertaa. Onkohan liikaa? Kannattaisiko tehdä aerobiset treenin päälle?

Älkää turhautuko. :D

Kiitos jos joku jaksaa asiallisestikkin vastata, vaikka suuresti sitä epäilen.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Eli rasvaprosentti pitäisi saada alas. Kuinka syödä, kun kouluruokailu pitää pistää mukaan? (kulutus noin 3400 lepopäivänä ja treenipäivinä 3800). Kuinka paljon miinuksille kannattaisi mennä? Ajattelin syklitellä, aluksi olisin 6 viikkoa dieetillä ja 2 bulkilla. Kun saavutan halutun kunnon jaksottaisin 6 viikkoa bulkki ja 2 viikkoa dieetti.
Aamuaerobiset on mahdottomia, joten voiko ne tehdä päivällä?
Minkälaista treeniohjelmaa kannattaisi noudattaa dieetillä?
Jos kävisi vaikka 4 kertaa viikossa salilla ja 2 kertaa tekisi aerobisen, eli viikolle tulisi 6 treenikertaa. Onkohan liikaa? Kannattaisiko tehdä aerobiset treenin päälle?

Älkää turhautuko. :D

Kiitos jos joku jaksaa asiallisestikkin vastata, vaikka suuresti sitä epäilen.

Anteeksi :offtopic:, mutta miten hemmetissä voi kulutus olla lepopäivinä 3400kcal? Sun varmaan helpompi pudottaa painoa kuin kerätä massaa :)
Metallipajassa 8h päivässä :D En tiedä onko kulutus oikeasti noin suuri, kalorilaskuri antoi tuon. :)
No onnittelut pudotuksesta, suurin osa nesteistä lähtee kyllä ekojen viikkojen aikana. En tässä enempää rupea väittelemään vaan jokainen diettaa omalla tavalla.

Toisaalta noi tulokset tukee just sitä mikä on ollu tiedossa jo aikasemmin, tän kaltasilla dietillä saadaan suhteellisen hyvät tulokset lyhyellä aika välillä.

Kyllä ne nesteet lähteet ekojen päivien aikana, ei siihen viikkoja mene.
Kyllä ne nesteet lähteet ekojen päivien aikana, ei siihen viikkoja mene.
Tuliko sellanen fiilis että tämä 4 vuoden takainen vääryys on nyt korjattava? :)

Taisin kyllä varmaan neljä vuotta sitten tarkoittaa ekaa viikkoa en ekoja viikkoja. Mulla henkilökohtaisesti ei ole lähtenyt koskaan ekoja päivien aikana vaan viimeistään jossain 3-7 päivän välillä. Broscience :fuckyeah:
Kunhan nyt nostin ketjun henkiin tässä ennen kesää..:) Joo, sit olen samaa mieltä kanssasi, ekat 3-5kg pudotuksesta on tosiaan nesteitä, riippuen lähtötasosta ja kehonpainosta. Varsinkin ku hiilarit karsitaan pois, sen jälkeinen pudotus tulee laardista, lihasmassa säilyy aika hyvin kuitenkin tolla tsydeemillä.

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