En näe tällaisissa paastoissa mitään järkeä ellei tarkoitus ole tuhota lihasmassa ja sekoittaa täysin koko kroppa. Koita siinä sen jälkeen palata normaaliin tahtiin kun keho on tottunut über vähiin kaloreihin. Hormonitasot naksahtaa aika hyvin persiilleen kun olet viikon minimikaloreilla ilman rasvaa. Ehkä hitusen kärjistettyä, mutta pointti oli, että tällaiset paastot ovat mielestäni typeriä eikä järin tarkoituksenmukaisia.
The logic behind extremely low calorie diet: fat is hideous, so eliminate it (and all calories for that matter) from the diet. By this rationale, the dieter assumes that the body has no choice but to begin slashing inches off its carcass. In reality, this is hardly the case. In fact, just the opposite is usually true, such that the body responds by administering its fat strangle-hold even tighter, making the process of weight loss almost impossible.
If the human body could list its top ten most efficient processes, adaptation would probably rank number one. Evolution's millions of years have shaped the body into a species that is geared not for the production of a slim waist or muscular arms, but for survival. In ages prior, when restaurants were about as plentiful as the wheel, periods of famine prevailed. Yet, so did the human race. The catch, unfortunately, is that those with a considerable propensity to store fat survived. Thus, the twentieth-century version of our ancestors is one that has adapted to years of food shortages through a nauseating ability to maintain a pear-shaped torso. So much for "Survival of the fittest."
When the innocent dieter initiates a restrictive diet, the conditioned response by the body is to kick into the aforementioned survival mode. This, in essence, is a signal to store fat to offset an anticipated period of deficient caloric intake. Compounding matters is a gradual decline of the body's metabolism, rendering the process of fat loss even more difficult. The process is no different than any other the body performs when encountering change - it adapts. Instead of perceiving food as the culprit, it should rather be viewed as fuel. Food is fuel for an increasing metabolism, fuel for the release of fat-burning and muscle-building hormones, and finally, fuel for a healthy diet and a normal lifestyle. When food is eaten in the precise amounts, the body again must adapt. This time, however, it adapts to the notion that its needed energy will be granted. When this gift is awarded, the body responds with its own goodwill gesture, a liberation of its suddenly unnecessary fat stores.