- Liittynyt
- 8.8.2005
- Viestejä
- 3 802
- Ikä
- 38
Tais kyseessä olla esiclene, joka turvotti lihasta poskettoman paljon. Tätä käytettiin varsinkin 80-luvulla kilpailijoiden keskuudessa. Muistelen kuulleeni tai lukeneeni Jorma Rädyn käyttäneen tätä ainetta hauiksiin, joka sai hauikset pomppaamaan kunnolla esiin.^Jos en ihan väärin muista, niin kyllä Marko taisi ihan itse puhua kuinka kisojen alla joitain olkapään tai olkavarren pienempiä lihaksia korostettiin paikallista tulehdusta aiheuttavilla aineilla.
Esiclene is also known as Formebolone, and is a water-based steroid. It is developed in Italy, and is very widely used by bodybuilders all over the world. The steroid is also very weak, but it is still a main preference of bodybuilders competing at professional levels. Esiclene is only used for getting the muscles to swell for a short period of time. No matter where the shot is given, it will result in the muscle being bigger and harder.
Some of the best competing bodybuilders have even taken forty to eighty small and concentrated shots of Esiclene on the day of a competition a couple of hours before the first round of judging begins. The process itself is usually pretty painful, but most of them are willing to undergo this pain. This is because Esiclene can take care of weaker muscle areas by swelling them up and giving the illusion of better muscle presence. The process of injecting usually involves a small gauge needle; this will be used by one or two trainers to symmetrically inject a single drop of oil for each shot. The shots are given into different muscle groups that will swell up and become hard.
Many wonder if use of Esiclene is worth the risks. With so many shots being injected in such a short amount of time, the chance of a blood clot is higher. If one shot goes bad, it could result in vein being hit which would cause blood to shoot across the room. The temporary stress that the liver endures is immeasurable, this is because of the huge portion of oil that the liver needs to process in a short amount of time. Even though the effect only lasts for about twenty hours, it's still very toxic to the liver. So because of this reason, Esiclene is mostly reserved for use right before shows when the need for muscle swelling is high.