- Liittynyt
- 19.9.2014
- Viestejä
- 324
On muuten voimanosto penkki yks huonoimpia harjotteita muuhun kuin voimanostoon.
Mun kokemuksen mukaan ei hyötyä lyönteihin, tuskin painiinkaan.
En ole kamppailija, mutta ei nyt varmaan ihan mitätön ole hyöty, VBT vehje salille ja tangon nopeuksia mittailemaan
"This study investigated the relationship between punching performance and the velocity at which different loads were lifted during the bench press (BP) exercise in 12 professional boxers ... The main finding was that RA PVmax was correlated with the BP velocity at all submaximal intensities ... Results encourage coaches and trainers to use BP exercise with high loads (i.e., 80% of 1RM) because this could be a reliable predictor of performance during the rear arm max punching velocity"
- Relationship Between Bench Press Strength and Punch Performance in Male Professional Boxers (2020) http://doi.org/10.1519/JSC.0000000000003362
Mut kai kontrastitreenilläkin (räjähtävyystreeniä yhdessä maksimivoiman kanssa) paikkansa, ja näinkö on et koutsit fiilispohjalla voimatreenejä ottelijoille räiskii kun on ennenkin näin tehty neuvostohymnin soidessa salilla?
"Currently, there is an absence of research appraising the biomechanics and physical performance-related qualities associated with boxing punches, and as such, there are no practical guidelines pertaining to resistance training and its impact upon these important characteristics. In this respect, coaches and boxers are reliant consequently upon non-scientific approaches to training and contest preparation. Thus, the purpose of this thesis was to quantify the biomechanics and physical performance-related qualities associated with maximal punching techniques common to amateur boxing, and investigate the extent to which resistance training enhances such features. ... The findings highlighted that contrast training was superior among male amateur boxers over a six-week intervention, though strength training alone also brought about improvements. This current research has advanced our understanding of maximal punching and the influence of resistance training on a variety of its determinants. Nonetheless, future research is required to identify if the same findings can be generalised to higher standards of boxing and whether alternative strength and conditioning strategies are equally, or more effective."
- Maximal punching performance in amateur boxing: An examination of biomechanical and physical performance-related characteristics (2020)