- Liittynyt
- 3.8.2005
- Viestejä
- 4 667
Jatkan, kun tämä kirjoitus on niin herkullinen:
Koraani vs. Raamattu (eritoten AKV:lle
Before comparing the Koran with the Bible, it should be noted that with the Bible I do not mean the old testament, which isn't less ridiculous than the Koran, but the new testament (N.T.).
And while the Koran and Bible have the same purpose, spreading a religion, the difference between them is striking.
While Christianity (N.T.) spreads it with friendship and love, without force, asks to pray for the unbeliever and to help them with their conversion or otherwise forgive them, etc.,
Islam is hard, biding, punitive and aggressive. Or, with one word: primitive, because it hasn't changed one bit in fourteen centuries.
....This opinion, which Islamic women carry with them from under their 'hizjab' has been poured into them from childhood, because all Muslim women find all white women - simply put - repulsive. The white women walk in public with their legs and shoulders visible, go to bars and sit among men, drink alcohol, and have sex before marriage.
A Turkish guy once summarized it openly on national TV when he called Dutch women whores, and was seconded by an Islamic girl who declared openly on TV (February 24, 1987, IKON) that she'd never marry a Dutch guy.
This results in an interesting one-sided situation, where the Dutch give all their love and only get contempt in return, then what are all these Muslims doing in the Netherlands?
It can't be so that Allah agrees that such a halal (pure) Muslim civilization lives on such a haram (impure) soil. Back to the content of the Bible and Koran.
Some people claim the Bible also contains reprehensible scriptures, or that the Koran has good sides as well.
In the Bible that I read (N.T.) there must be pages missing with the instruction to whip and mutilate, or scriptures with a mutual intention.
And regarding the good side of the Koran, the lawyer of Ferdy E. said nothing about the family members of Albert Heijn that Ferdy did not kidnap, and Khomeini couldn't say either: 'Hey, why is everybody after me? How many writers are there that I did not sentence to death?' The good side of the Koran doesn't neutralize its bad side.
Antaa ymmärtää muttei tartte antaa:
It happens that a Dutch girl wants to kiss but doesn't want you to touch her body, goes with you but doesn't want to pull off her clothes. It can even go as far that she wants to lie naked together yet doesn't want to have intercourse. Or, in a more common situation, a Dutch girl would want to pose as a model in her underwear but would never prostitute herself.
Antaa ymmärtää = on kirjaimellisesti huora
A girl in Morocco kisses to have sex, or not at all, and if she's stupid enough to pose in her underwear, she might as well become a prostitute because her family would never believe her and cut all ties.
Girls from Amsterdam have long learned not to smile to Muslim guys, because they take that as a wink, and then bother them until they say 'lesbian' and walk away.
The difference between the Dutch and the Muslim is as extreme as it gets. Certain things you can mention in the Netherlands would already lead to conflicts in other Western nations.
Kuinka valtaväestön rasismi on musulle kestämätöntä:
Regarding being accepted: I have met a thousand Dutchmen and have dozens of Dutch friends, and never was I given the feeling that I wasn't welcome or was ignored.
To the contrary: I'm often annoyed that I'm treated extra politely.
The truth is that only those who create a situation where they are being rejected, who patronize themselves and become inaccessible, feel discriminated against.
For really it is the Muslims who reject the Dutch, and their complaints about being discriminated against is only a diversion that comes in handy.
Kauheen vaikeeta sopeutua, jotenki:
"But the discrimination and mutual social problems are only a matter of adjustment", argue the sociologists. T
hey explain to us that the Muslims, children as well as grown ups, have difficulties transferring from their culture to the Dutch culture, and that they, as long as they are busy with that (many years by now), demand nothing except being tolerated.
That probably holds more, and an older, truth than the sociologists researched.
Maybe the Muslims had adjustment issues in their own nation, where they fought continuously, were aggressive, even before their arrival in the Netherlands. Maybe they've been trying for centuries, but because the sun sets in the west, or because of the lack of an East pole, they never succeeded.
If the adjustment argument held any ground, the Dutch who immigrated to Canada and Australia would become aggressive, hard to educate, commit crimes, etcetera. "
Koraani vs. Raamattu (eritoten AKV:lle

Before comparing the Koran with the Bible, it should be noted that with the Bible I do not mean the old testament, which isn't less ridiculous than the Koran, but the new testament (N.T.).
And while the Koran and Bible have the same purpose, spreading a religion, the difference between them is striking.
While Christianity (N.T.) spreads it with friendship and love, without force, asks to pray for the unbeliever and to help them with their conversion or otherwise forgive them, etc.,
Islam is hard, biding, punitive and aggressive. Or, with one word: primitive, because it hasn't changed one bit in fourteen centuries.
....This opinion, which Islamic women carry with them from under their 'hizjab' has been poured into them from childhood, because all Muslim women find all white women - simply put - repulsive. The white women walk in public with their legs and shoulders visible, go to bars and sit among men, drink alcohol, and have sex before marriage.
A Turkish guy once summarized it openly on national TV when he called Dutch women whores, and was seconded by an Islamic girl who declared openly on TV (February 24, 1987, IKON) that she'd never marry a Dutch guy.
This results in an interesting one-sided situation, where the Dutch give all their love and only get contempt in return, then what are all these Muslims doing in the Netherlands?
It can't be so that Allah agrees that such a halal (pure) Muslim civilization lives on such a haram (impure) soil. Back to the content of the Bible and Koran.
Some people claim the Bible also contains reprehensible scriptures, or that the Koran has good sides as well.
In the Bible that I read (N.T.) there must be pages missing with the instruction to whip and mutilate, or scriptures with a mutual intention.
And regarding the good side of the Koran, the lawyer of Ferdy E. said nothing about the family members of Albert Heijn that Ferdy did not kidnap, and Khomeini couldn't say either: 'Hey, why is everybody after me? How many writers are there that I did not sentence to death?' The good side of the Koran doesn't neutralize its bad side.
Antaa ymmärtää muttei tartte antaa:
It happens that a Dutch girl wants to kiss but doesn't want you to touch her body, goes with you but doesn't want to pull off her clothes. It can even go as far that she wants to lie naked together yet doesn't want to have intercourse. Or, in a more common situation, a Dutch girl would want to pose as a model in her underwear but would never prostitute herself.
Antaa ymmärtää = on kirjaimellisesti huora
A girl in Morocco kisses to have sex, or not at all, and if she's stupid enough to pose in her underwear, she might as well become a prostitute because her family would never believe her and cut all ties.
Girls from Amsterdam have long learned not to smile to Muslim guys, because they take that as a wink, and then bother them until they say 'lesbian' and walk away.
The difference between the Dutch and the Muslim is as extreme as it gets. Certain things you can mention in the Netherlands would already lead to conflicts in other Western nations.
Kuinka valtaväestön rasismi on musulle kestämätöntä:
Regarding being accepted: I have met a thousand Dutchmen and have dozens of Dutch friends, and never was I given the feeling that I wasn't welcome or was ignored.
To the contrary: I'm often annoyed that I'm treated extra politely.
The truth is that only those who create a situation where they are being rejected, who patronize themselves and become inaccessible, feel discriminated against.
For really it is the Muslims who reject the Dutch, and their complaints about being discriminated against is only a diversion that comes in handy.
Kauheen vaikeeta sopeutua, jotenki:
"But the discrimination and mutual social problems are only a matter of adjustment", argue the sociologists. T
hey explain to us that the Muslims, children as well as grown ups, have difficulties transferring from their culture to the Dutch culture, and that they, as long as they are busy with that (many years by now), demand nothing except being tolerated.
That probably holds more, and an older, truth than the sociologists researched.
Maybe the Muslims had adjustment issues in their own nation, where they fought continuously, were aggressive, even before their arrival in the Netherlands. Maybe they've been trying for centuries, but because the sun sets in the west, or because of the lack of an East pole, they never succeeded.
If the adjustment argument held any ground, the Dutch who immigrated to Canada and Australia would become aggressive, hard to educate, commit crimes, etcetera. "