Stock-trading time traveler
Andrew Carlssin is a fictitious person who was reported arrested in January 2002 for SEC violations for making 126 high-risk stock trades and being successful on every one. Carlssin started with an initial investment of $800 and ended up woth of over $350,000,000, which drew the attention of the SEC.[13] Later reports suggest that after his arrest, he submitted a four-hour confession wherein he claimed to be a time traveler from 200 years in the future. He offered to tell investigators such things as the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden and the cure for aids in return for a lesser punishment and to be allowed to return to his time craft,[14] although he refused to tell investigators the location or workings of his craft.[15]
The Carlssin story originated as a fictional piece in Weekly World News a satirical newspaper, it was later repeated by Yahoo news where it's fictitious nature became less apparent. It was soon reported by other newspapers and magazines as fact this in turn drove word of mouth spread through email inboxes and internet forums leading to far more detailed descriptions of events.[16]