VX715: Mitä tässä oikeasti lukee? Eli B/C arvot eivät näy näytöllä ollenkaan kun niitä säätää? Vai näkyvätkö ne näytöllä prosentteina mutta eivät graduationeina(?)? Onko niin, että B/C arvot näkyvät prosentteina suhteessa aiemmin käytössä olleeseen arvoon? Mikä ero on prosenteilla ja graduationeilla(?), ovatko ne vain 0-100 ja 0-255?
Originally Posted by Tom's Hardware
The OSD is not the most intuitive we've seen - the brightness and contrast adjustments don't use graduations, but percentages. This is not extremely bothersome, but it does make the tester's job a little more complicated. This isn't the first time I've had to make this comment about ViewSonic's monitors. You can never tell what point of the scale you're at and you're forced to guess. And it's impossible to go back exactly to an earlier adjustment unless you memorize the number of times you pressed the button. Please, design engineers, show the adjustment values in your OSDs! Surely it can't cost much more, and it makes users' lives easier.