BB PRO Kevin Levrone

3 kpl Basic Nutrition EAA -25%
Coaching Phone Call With Andrew, Our Randomly Selected Winner

I’m still enjoying the thrill of achieving the 500 lb squat. We have to take a breath and savor the achievements in life when they come.

All too soon we realize it’s the chase that excites us…and we know it’s time to move forward.

Below is footage from my conversation with Andrew on New Year’s Day.

Andrew is entering a defining phase of his life. By sheer chance he has me in his corner. The eyes of the community are on him. He has a nine-month break from school – endless time to train and rest. This should be good.

You, too, are entering a defining moment. I may not be on the phone, and you may not have oceans of time to train. But make no mistake, I’m in your corner. Because you’ve been in mine.

To be part of our endless transformation here – to train hard and share battle scars and victories daily – is a way for all of us to stay focused on the one idea that matters: whatever life throws our way, we have the choice to respond like champions.


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Going Forward In 2010
This year you can expect more training videos that will cover the whole body, and more cardio as well – along with plenty of detailed instruction, advice and inspiration.

Remember, where I am in my endless transformation is not necessarily where you are. Some of us need to lose fat. Others need to bulk up in certain areas. We’re all on different journeys.

The one journey we share in common is the journey we walk together as men of courage and dignity.

We all have different goals, but we can approach them according to one code: self mastery, overcoming obstacles, following our hearts and taking the high road.

There will be people who say to you “I don’t like your choices, I don’t like your goals, they don’t interest me!” I’ve been hearing that my entire adult life. I’ve learned that you can’t please everyone. You follow your heart… and eventually you’ll find your place in the world, and the people who understand.

It’s my hope that this blog, this community, is a place where we can encourage each other to pursue excellence while refraining from judgement regarding individual goals.

In other words, at we don’t tell you what your goal should be, we just help you get there. Please keep that philosophy in mind before you comment and participate in the blog.

At the end of the video there’s a surprise that should fire up every one of you. Watch and find out.


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Training Program & Nutritional Plan
Here’s the full plan I gave to Andrew, the Levrone Report member randomly selected to be trained by me. After you watch the video, scroll down to view the whole plan. Paste it into a doc and print it out for easy reference.

If you have any questions about the plan let me know in the comments. I might be able to answer a few general questions about modifications to fit your body and your goals.




Flat Bench: 4 sets, 6 to 8 reps

Incline Bench: 4 sets, 6 to 8 reps

Dumbell Flies: 4 sets, 10 to 12 reps


Smith Behind Neck Press: 4 sets, 6 to 8 reps

Dumbell Side Lateral Raises: 4 sets, 6 to 8 reps

Dumbell Front Alternating Raises: 4 sets, 6 to 8 reps


EZ Curl Push Downs: 6 sets, 12 to 15 reps



Leg Press: 4 sets, 6 to 8 reps

Hack Squats: 4 sets, 6 to 8 reps

Leg Extensions: 4 sets, 10 to 12 reps

Seated Calves: 4 sets, 6 to 8 reps



Front Pull Downs: 4 sets, 6 to 8 reps

Seated Rows: 4 sets, 6 to 8 reps

One Arm Dumbell Rows: 4 sets, 6 reps


Barbell Curls: 4 sets, 6 reps

Hammer Curls: 4 sets, 6 reps

Concentration Curls: 4 sets, 8 to 10 reps


Meal #1

8 egg whites

1 whole egg

Oatmeal 1 cup cooked

Cal: 371 Fat 8.9g Carb: 30.6g Protein: 41g

Meal #2

Cooked chicken breast, 6 oz

Brown rice, 1 cup cooked

Broccoli, 1 cup cooked

Cal: 399 Fat: 4g Carb: 45.6g Protein: 43.1g

Meal #3

Cooked chicken breast, 6 oz

Brown rice,1 cup cooked

Broccoli, 1 cup cooked

Cal: 399 Fat: 4g Carb: 45.6g Protein: 43.1g

Meal #4

Tuna, 1.5 cans

Brown rice, 1 cup cooked

Black beans, 1 cup cooked

Spinach, 1 cup cooked

Cal: 590 Fat: 6.7g Carb: 68.4g Protein: 62.035g

Meal #5

Fish (tilapia), 8 oz

Baked potato, 6 oz

Asparagus, 1 cup cooked

Cal: 510 Fat: 4g Carb: 64g Protein: 56g


Cal: 2,269 Fat: 28.6g Carb: 254g Protein: 245g
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Levrone Transformation #5 • Cardio/Meal/Chest/Shoulders/Tris
January 21st, 2010

Welcome to day one of the new quest to get down to a lean, mean 220 lbs. Now that I can bench 405 and squat 500, I’m ready to cut down to a balanced, spartan warrior physique that can handle anything.

Today was about high reps, hard work, flexing and squeezing. Pumping the blood into the capillaries and working the cardio.

Felt awesome to be back in the gym banging out a full workout for the

This is just the beginning, I never take my goals lightly, I’m in to win and I hope you come along for the ride. This is about chasing down goals, whatever they are, and if we stick together, nothing can stop us. Let’s do this.

The Train With Levrone YouTube contest may be closing soon. Try to get your video in by this weekend for a chance to join my roster of champions along with Andrew.


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Levrone Transformation #5, Workout #2, Legs
Banged out an awesome leg workout today for workout #2 on the quest for a lean, mean 220 lbs physique.

Knowing you guys are watching always makes me perform better, especially during those last few reps where I’m really feeling the burn.

All the past transformations were rites of passage, getting back into shape and putting myself to the test, but this new transformation has extra meaning.

We’re bringing it all together and aggressively building the ideal physical state: strength, definition, conditioning.

Watch this video before you hit the gym on leg day. Remember to keep your intensity level up, stay focused, and move through your workout efficiently like a champion. Stretch between each set to bring blood to the muscle.

Breathe in and out during your reps, visualize, get it done, and go home victorious. Your ideal physique is yours for the taking. This is your time, and I’m in your corner. Let’s do this.

Kevin, out.

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Levrone Transformation #5 • Cardio & Abs
January 25th, 2010
The TRAIN WITH LEVRONE YouTube contest is closed as of midnight tonight. Thanks to everyone who participated. The winner will be announced shortly.

I’m a week into this new transformation and my resolve is extreme. My pledge is to get ripped to the bone – truly shredded, powerful, balanced. No turning back now, I’m seeing it clearly and I’m pursuing the vision.

It’s not enough to talk about visualization. It’s not enough simply to know about it. You have to utilize it. Every day, several times a day. That’s the weapon of champions. It’s your weapon now, too.

I’m doing high reps because my body is telling me to do high reps. I have explained why in past posts, but the proof will be in the results.

Let me tell you a secret: at the champion level, the true training program – the real one behind the scenes – is often unorthodox, unexpected, unique. It would leave most doctors and trainers scratching their heads because it’s closer to art than science.

Bruce Lee taught of a higher level, where you find your own path, your own way of training, which is ultimately a form of expression, not merely a chemical experiment in a lab.

As I share my training with you, I’m trying to let you into that world and expose you to my techniques. Ultimately you will find your own way, and combine bits and pieces from everything that you’ve learned.

And as always, you are welcome to share your wisdom with us, at

Kevin Levrone

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Levrone Transformation #5 • First Back & Biceps Routine
Here’s the full back and biceps routine to round out the full program for a lean, mean 220 lbs. Destroyed the biceps today and loved every minute of it.

Now you have it all: chest, shoulders, tris, legs, abs – we’ve talked about cardio and will continue to do so – and, today back and biceps. Refer to the past few posts to get caught up if you’ve missed them.

We’re getting into more details in these video. Hand position and movement. Work these details into your training carefully. Listen to your body, and remember that bodybuilding is mostly about mastering fundamentals.

Now we’re locked and loaded with a full training program, it’s time to really go to work with consistency and dedication. Plus, we’ll throw in some unexpected moves, shock the muscles, have some fun and try new approaches – cause that’s what the endless transformation is all about.


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Inside The Mind of Couch Dan • Shoulder Hand Walk Push Up

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Ihme jengiä.

M-Nutrition Sports Greens 1, 210 g, Lemon-Lime

Todella tykki viherjauhe

Inside The Mind of Coach Dan #2• The 6 Twist
Here’s another challenge courtesy of Coach Dan. The faint of heart need not apply. Core strength and abs. Like Coach Dan says: “If you have to do more than 12 reps, you’re doing wrong.” I tried it, and I can tell you he’s right.

I’ll be working the 6 Twist and Shoulder Walk into my routine. I’ll be on the lookout for more exercises like these and share them with you right here.

These exercises are not about being merely a bodybuilder who stands there – but an athlete that’s able to move.

The point of Transformation #5 is to achieve both. To combine the power, balance and agility of a warrior, with the brute strength, symmetry, mass and definition of a bodybuilder at the 220 lbs level.

Thanks Coach Dan for sharing these new routines. @Everyone, please let us all know how these exercises are working out for you.


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Transformation #5 Cardio Rain Run/6 Twist/Chest/Tri/Shoulders • Contest Winner
We had a LOT of comments on the coach videos, some positive, some negative. Anytime someone challenges us to work our cores, it’s controversial. Human nature pulls us toward the impressive looking muscles, chest and arms. Many don’t want to be reminded to work the core.

What Coach Dan is teaching is awesome, and I want you to try both exercises. Get grounded like a tree trunk, solid and strong as a wall. Agile and balanced, in addition to looking great.

Now, back to the Levrone-style training. Ran almost 4 miles in the LA rain. Banged out a killer Chest, Tri, Shoulders, see it below. Also added the 6 Twist as a nod to coach Dan, and core strength in general.

Also announcing the winners of the last YouTube contest. The announcement is in the third video – make sure you watch all three. Wait, did I say winners…plural? I guess I did. Check it out.

Have a great Super Bowl weekend.

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Transformation # 5 • Bigger, Fuller Biceps
Part of the Lean & Mean 220 Lbs Challenge is making sure that my muscles stay as full and developed as possible while I cut myself down to the goal weight.

For today’s video, I focus on biceps. Check out these finer points of how you can shape and maximize each aspect of your biceps, so that your arms can look their best AND function at an optimum level.

Also, be sure to check out Levrone Audio Training: Chest Quest. I recorded this 40-minute chest workout especially for you, so that it feels like I’m right there with you, training you in person. There’s nothing else like it anywhere and I’m so glad to make it available to you. Let me know what you think. More muscle groups are coming soon.

To the 27 people who submitted videos to the Train With Levrone YouTube page, please email me at for your free download of Levrone Audio Training: Chest Quest. Please put CHEST QUEST in the subject line and include the url link to your video. Thanks again for your awesome videos.

– Kevin

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Transformation #5 • Back Attack
Check out how the pros build a big, thick, cut back. Do it like this and it WILL WORK. Pay close attention to the bar selection, hand position and form.

As always, let me know if you have any questions/comments. You always do. That’s what I love about this BLOG.

This was a great workout. I’m amped up and conditioned. I’m losing weight while maintaining all my strength.

If you’re following along on the same path, let me know how it’s going.

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Transformation # 5 • Advanced Leg Training
Here are leg exercises I want you to try. Most of us know how to do basic squats, leg presses, etc. Here are movements that focus on outer quads, the glute-hamstring tie-in and all the stabilizing muscles that play a part in strengthening your squat.

These are pro-grade exercises that I personally did while getting ready for the Olympia stage. Anyone can do these, and they’re great for ripping up the legs, and they also give you that functional muscle you need to move like an athlete or a warrior – which is all part of my quest for a lean & mean 220 lbs, which combines strength, definition and balance for the ultimate well-rounded physique.

So get psyched up for leg day, take these new exercises for a test-drive and feel the burn. These are new weapons in your arsenal from the Levrone playbook. Use them well, and let me know how it all goes down.
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The Rishi Transformation • Setting The Stage
Here’s my conversation with Rishi below. I can tell he has the intensity to get the job done, all he needs is some guidance. Does that sound like you, too?

The Rishi Transformation can be your transformation. I’m connecting to Rishi directly, but I’m sharing the tips and advice with you all the way.

Watch this video and focus, visualize what it feels like to be in on the conversation, live through Rishi’s experience and get the same jolt of urgency you need to get the same benefits.

I’m not on the phone with all of you, but I know you’re out there. You are part of this. This is your moment, too. Step up and make this transformation your own. I will do my part to guide you, please do yours. All levels welcome.

My own transformation is still on, full blown. I’m rapidly moving toward my goal of a lean & mean 220 lbs. I decided at the beginning of this year that I have to get ripped to the bone and very balanced. Failure is not an option.

I’m closing in on my goal. When I get there, you’ll be the first to know.

Thanks Rishi for stepping up to the plate, putting yourself on the line. Get ready to work, bro. The eyes of the community are on you and they are waiting to follow your example. Let’s do this.

– Kevin

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This week we’re shocking the muscles so hang on tight. I need to shake things up if I’m going to reach my goal by April, so it’s time for some shock treatment to get my muscles to respond differently after doing the same workouts for months.

In life, just like in training, change and growth can come from sudden, bold ACTION in a new direction. Something to upset the balance of those same old moves and get us on the path to new growth.

Do it right and you’ll feel your body on high alert, your heart rate will be higher than usual. You’ll reach new levels of focus and intensity as you battle to control the foreign moves, and the novelty of the new challenges will add exhilaration to your routine.

That’s what’s needed right now. More effort, more challenge, more exhilaration and drive. Because come April, the shirt comes off. That’s our target month to see what’s up with me AND with you.

Shock treatment is always part of the process in the life of a champion on an endless transformation. Change it up with me this week, and let me know how it’s going for you. We’re a team, so let’s keep communicating and sharing the wisdom.


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