En kyllä huomannut mitään giljotiiniyritystä. Mutta näin vapaaottelulasien läpi katottuna en tajua miten Andy voitti ton matsin. Toinen vei mattoon varmaan 20 kertaa ottelun aikana, toki se hävis sit vikan erän selvästi. Mutta musta toinen hallitsi kaks ekaa erää suvereenisti.
Fighters are awarded points for their success in striking, throwing, and applying standing submission holds to their opponent. They are also given points for four categories of performance: number of times down, amount of damage done to opponent, number of clean hits, and aggressiveness. Fighters are graded from 1-10 in each category, with the difference of score in any one category being limited to 4 points.
Extra points can be awarded at certain points in the match, when the referee makes certain calls. When a fighter performs a front or back throwing technique, the referee calls "shoot", denoting one of these opportunities. The other occurs when a fighter achieves a standing submission; at this point, the referee calls "catch"." -wikipedia
En tiedä tajusinko oikein, mutta alasvienneistä siis pitäisi saada aika nätit pisteet.