BB PRO Jay Cutler

3 kpl Basic Nutrition EAA -25%
DJacobs sanoi:
ruhl sanoi:
Inside Scoop – Jay Cutler has once again hired nutrition guru Chris Aceto to handle his Olympia prep. . .

Yep, it was Jay that suggested I talk to Chris for my diet as well, so I hired him to do all my diet, gear and training programs for the competition. When I had to have surgery we decided to put the project on hold until I am ready to prep for the next comp, so I am hoping to see what will happen next year.

If you havent read any of Chris Acetos books they are incredible. I have some left if anyone needs them.

But this year is all Jays man, he is THE man and I bet he comes into the stage looking great and kicks that fat bloated nasty piece of crap coleman right off the stage and into the trash where he belongs. I am also really looking forward to seeing Dexter as he is always in great condition....
There is some intresting info in there! So, did you work with Aceto via email and phone? When you are planning to work together again? Best wishes to your recovery from the operation.
pexxi sanoi:
There is some intresting info in there! So, did you work with Aceto via email and phone? When you are planning to work together again? Best wishes to your recovery from the operation.

I was in email contact with him twice a week and pictures sent to him on Tuesdays and Saturdays. We spoke on the phone every couple of weeks. He is an EXTREMELY nice person and very easy to deal with.

He is very straight to you and does not hold back his opinions but he is not rude or mean in any way, just lets you know where you stand.

The information he provides is incredible and very detailed. He can look at the pictures and then make gram by gram changes in your diet that have a noticeable impact on how you look and feel.

Here is the summary of what he told me when I first started with him.

Your Condition:
You are lean and in good condition but flat and soft.
You started your diet WAY too early and you will screw your metabolism and fat loss potential if we dont change things immediately

Drop your gear from 2grams of test to 1.5, NEVER EVER EVER use T4 only T3, Use only 120mg of Trenbolone per week max. Stop Deca minimum 8 weeks out, preferrably 10 if you are prone to water retention. Stop Anadrol and Enth completely. Only use Prop for the rest of the time for the comp. 2 weeks before we will change things up to get you ready for the stage. Growth hormone is 4IU per day, Insulin is 5 units normally but on high carb days 25 units.

Training Program:
Perfect, dont change a thing.


Sorry, on this he is very very specific that it is not allowed to be disclosed. You sign a paper saying you will not give out his programs or diet details. I can say however if you read the following: Everything you need to know about fat loss and championship bodybuilding you are 80% there with all the needed information for a hardcore competition and off season program. They are just incredible books.

I was really lucky to be able to work with him, honestly it was only because of Jay Cutler that I was able to get on with him. Sometimes you get really really lucky.....But I will say it aint cheap.......But its money well spent.
Wow! Thanks for the reply! Chris Aceto has been around years even though everybody is talking about Chad Nicholls nowadays... I believe Aceto is also very skillfull in his line of work.
I think these guys are pretty much on an equal basis of experience and capabilities. They know some nice tricks and how to use gear in certain ways as well, but at that level there aren't any surprises. I think everyone knows and has access to the same info, it all comes down to what the bodybuilder does with that information.
You are absolutely right on that! It boils down to the personal responsibility of the bodybuilder...although help comes in handy in professional level too.


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M-Nutrition Sports Greens 1, 210 g, Lemon-Lime

Todella tykki viherjauhe

Jay on kyllä niin :kuola: pan.... ainiin eihän nämä kommentit kuuluneet tänne!

Hienolta näyttää, toivottavasti saadaan uusi #1 viikonloppuna!
Tietääkö kukaan paljon Jayllä oli painoa tällä videopätkällä? Näytti siltä että selkään olisi tullut paksuutta lisää.
Pro-Pain sanoi:
Tietääkö kukaan paljon Jayllä oli painoa tällä videopätkällä? Näytti siltä että selkään olisi tullut paksuutta lisää.
290 omien sanojensa mukaan... :whip:
Postattu myös toisaalle:

Cutlerin kuulumisia:

"..then I talked to Jay Cutler for a little bit. Let me tell all the people who don't believe that he eats as much as he says he does, you are wrong! The guy eats every hour, every time I saw him he was eating. Clean, mind you. Jay said he's not sure what he is going to do next, but he said he was not doing the Arnold, and he wasn't sure about the Olympia yet, either. "


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