BB PRO Jay Cutler

3 kpl Basic Nutrition EAA -25%
pexxi sanoi:
Here's how you'd live life if you were Jay Cutler.

2. Cell Phone- I just have a basic model. I talk in mine. I don't take pictures.
6. Artists- Tupac, Snoop Dogg, Dr. Dre, the Cure,
7. Drink- wine
9. Biggest waste of money- I can spend $500.00 a week on sushi.
10. Biggest waste of time- Sitting in front of my computer.
11. Biggest extravagance- My sneaker collection. I have 45 pairs of sneakers.
13. Sleep- 8 hours a night.
14. Meals- At least 10 a day.
15. Showers- 6 or 7 a day.
16. Teeth- I brush 8 or 10 times a day. I have a toothbrush in every room that has a sink. I floss every day. I'm a little anal about this.
17. Body- I get pedicures, facials, and manicures at least once a month.
18. Massage- 2 times a week for 2 hours each time. It's necessary for my body."

No nyt selvisi, miksi Jay on niin ihana!
No en ehkä tuhlaa noin paljon Sushiin ja kenkiä mulla on enemmän...
Hummerillakin olis kiva hurjastella. ;)
Jay is da Man! Mies chillaa Olympian jälkeen ja saa nähdä, mitä päättää tehdä ensi vuoden kanssa?
Signeerattu painos opuksesta laskeutui käsiini lahjana valmistumisen johdosta! Täytyy sanoa, että hyvin mielenkiintoinen opus. Sisältää n. 50 sivua yleistä historiaa ja juttua Jaystä, 80 or so sivua treenaamisesta ja loput ruokavaliosta ja muusta sälästä... Suhteellisen hyvin kirjoitettu kirja bodauskirjaksi ja antaa lisävaloa siihen, millainen kaveri Jay Cutler oikein on. Suosittelen lämpimästi kiinnostuneille!
Updatea asiasta kiinnostuneille:

Jayn uusi dvd ilmestyy miehen itsensä mukaan kolmen viikon sisällä. Tilattavissa saitilta ilmestyttyään.
Ceo Muscle!


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Kommenttia Sarcevin boardilta (vaatii rekisteröitymisen):
"Just received Jay's book yesterday and read through it. Jay's training and diet is a no nonsense, common sense plan.

Jay does not buy into the extreeme high protein, low carb diet trend. Jay follows the 1.2gram per per pound of bodyweight for protein and 3grams carbs per pound of bodyweight. He limits fats and eats as lean and clean as possible.

Jay doesn't buy into fad training either. He thinks super slow reps is super stupid. In defense of Milos' style training, I have to disagree here. I've done Milos' super slow negatives and it has taught me to be more in touch with my trained muscles and has hit them in a way explosive reps can't. Yet, I have also tried 5 weeks training Jay's way with explosive reps and my strength continued to increase. Both methods work for me.

Both in my opinion have there place and can shock the trained muscle into new growth. For all out mass growth goals, I tend to agree with Jay's explosive power sets. The form may not be as strict as slow, controlled reps, but the intent here is to grow frig'n huge, that means pushing and pulling massive weights, period. For shapping the mass, I would add Milos's strict form and methods.

Then there's DC's (DoggCraps) style and theories, completely different than Milos' and Jay's methods, as different as night is from day. I won't go there as I have not tried DC's methods yet.

I have personally combined the best of both worlds and have pulled from both Milos's and Jay's training. As far as diet, my high protein, low carb days are shelved until I feel the need to diet down further. I have been on the 1.5g protein, 3g carb plan for 4 weeks now and the results thus far are great. Strength is now increasing and body is really growing (almost too fast).

I strongly recommend you get a copy of Jay's book:

I'm still hoping that Milos will publish his training and diet methods someday before I retire from bodybuilding (I'm already an old man Milos so please take it serrious!) "
Jay Cutlerin uusin dvd ilmestynyt! Vaihtoehtoisesti leffan voi tilata joko Jaylta tai Mitsulta.

"New Release!
Jay Cutler / Ripped to Shreds / 2 disc-set DVD
Release date : Jan. 14. 2005
Jay's "right before contest preparation"
Filmed February - March 2004 right before his third
consecutive win of Arnold Classic 2004.
( Contest scene is not included. )
Whole body routine with extreme condition.
210 minutes in total length.
$39.95 each + $4.00 S&H (US&Canada), $8.00 (Foreign)

(Web-site will be update in a few days. )
Thank you for your attention.
Mitsuru Okabe"


  • JCRippedToShreds.webp
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M-Nutrition Sports Greens 1, 210 g, Lemon-Lime

Todella tykki viherjauhe

48 dollaria, alkaa mennä jo aika liki verovapaan rajaa. Toivottavasti dollarin arvo ei enää nouse tuosta.

Minä olen odotellut sitä offseason-filmiä, josta hän puhuu tuolla edellisellä levyllään, mutta kyllähän tuonkin voisi hankkia. Jay on asiallisen oloinen tyyppi.
Tahvo Tohveli sanoi:
Minä olen odotellut sitä offseason-filmiä, josta hän puhuu tuolla edellisellä levyllään, mutta kyllähän tuonkin voisi hankkia. Jay on asiallisen oloinen tyyppi.
Itsekin olin siinä uskossa, että seuraava levy olisi kunnon offseason-filmi, jossa rauta saa kyytiä. Edellisellä levyllähän Jay antoi ymmärtää näin, että "trilogiaan" kuuluisi pätkä kolmelta eri ajanjaksolta: kisoihin valmistautuminen, kisojen jälkeinen "palautteluvaihe" ja kolmantena tulisi sitten tämä puhdas offseason-pätkä, jossa ollaan kunnon massoissa ja liikutellaan isompia romuja. Odotellaan sitten edelleen.
Joo, tilanteet muuttuu! Ja Mitsun filmit kestävät laittoman kauan ennekuin ilmestyvät...Battle 2004 olis kuulemma tulossa ensi kuussa?Uskokoon ken tahtoo..
Pakkohan tuokin on hankkia. Toivottavasti myös se offseason-versio ilmestyy joskus.

pexxi sanoi:
Battle 2004 olis kuulemma tulossa ensi kuussa?Uskokoon ken tahtoo..

Ensi kuussa? Vaikea uskoa Mitsulta.
Pro-Pain sanoi:
Pakkohan tuokin on hankkia. Toivottavasti myös se offseason-versio ilmestyy joskus.

Ensi kuussa? Vaikea uskoa Mitsulta.

Niin mustakin...mutta katsellaan sano lääkäri;)
Ripped To Shredsiä pitäisi saada jo tämän viikon loppupuolella Kokkoselta.

MAYHEM SILVER Join Date: May 2003
Location: Pgh
Posts: 1,192
Re: Cuts new dvd rocks
Well Folks its time for a review of Jays new dvd.
Lets do a recap
In Jays first, video we seem him prepare the 1999 Mr. Olympia. Although impressive Jay is not nearly as big or ripped as we see him now.
In Jays second video we see him in "rest and recover mode" about 4-5 weeks after the 2003 Arnold Classic.

In his lates dvd we see him 3 weeks to the Arnold classic 2004. At first I was concerned about this because in this contest Jay showed up a little flat. I was worried that in the dvd he would be somewhat smaller then I expected.


At 3 weeks out jay was weighing 265-270. The dvd starts out with an incredibly intense leg workout.
First up is smith machine squats. After a light warm up jay performs and endless set with 315, before bumping it up to a set with 365. Not too impressive in the wieght catagory, but the intensity is more then enough to rival Yates, and borders on Platz! Not to mention that the detail in Jays thighs are utterly incredible! SPlits and deep straitions upon striations!!!
Oh did I mention his last set with 365 is done in drop set fashion (SQUATS IN DROP SET FASHION!)
We then see a lot of other exercises for legs, Leg press preformed extremely deep with about 1,000 lbs, Leg extension showing so much detail it boggles the mind! Walking lunges and more!

After his workout is through he barely has enough in him to hit a few poses. His thighs are so thick and pumped they really look inhuman!

Two things jay appears to be missing,

Skin and fat!!

Then we see jay at the Ironman Expo and we what appears to be fan after fan come up and get there pic taken with jay, which jay doesn't seem to mind doing. But does comment that it is nothing compared to what he will go through at the Anrold.

Then comes a chest routine.
Dumbell flys, followed by dumbell presses and incline smith machine presses, and then cable cross overs. Again jay pushes the boundries of intensity. While his muscles push against his skin as if they are ready to blow!

his next dvd shows arms and delts, and then a back workout, but its all filmed much closer to the Arnold, more like one week out. He has dropped in weight but he does look depleted however he is totally ripped.

We seem get another massage, and we seem guest pose again, but since its after the Arnold its obvious that his weight has rebounded!.

Highlights of the dvd is jays hour long cardio session at the gym at 2:00 am in the morning! You heard me right 2:00 am in the morning.

Jays dedication comes through in this dvd more so then any other dvd I've witnessed.

Also Jays condition at 3 weeks out is far better then that of his 2001 Olympia form. I've seen Jay on video every year, I've seen the 2001 O and 2002 Arnold, and let me say Jays condition 3 weeks out from the Arnold is the best combination of size and detail he has ever had. He basically was ready at 3 weeks out.

This video was inspiring because Jay works so damn hard. Intense Intense Intense, did I mention intense workouts!!!! Not mention ultra dedication when it comes to cardio (try 2.5-3 hours a day!!!!)
Lets talk about dietary discipline!!!!

This dvd is also sprinkled with diet advice as we see Jay eat Turkey and brown rice at almost every meal.

Awesome conditioning.

I have a lot of dvd's and let me tell you know one has ever shown this level of conditioning in a dvd before, not Ronnie, not Dexter, Not Cormier, not anyone!!!!

This dvd gets an easy 5 out of 5"

Flatin kisakunnon syy?
"No! It's long, 2 discs set. Here's a little know fact. The last week before the 2004 Arnold, Jay got food poisonning from eating a rest of old turkey mixed in with fresh turkey. So while trying to carb up and doing cardio and threw up countless time in between.
I actually only found that out a few weeks ago and I asked him. Why did you not say anything? He said because I did not want people to think I was making excuses for being smaller or flater than usual. That might explain a little why he looked so good right 2-3 weeks before the show and so depleted the day of. I guess it's really hard to carb up when you throw up constantly.
I'm sure he won't mind I told you now since it's been almost a year.
Anyway I just thought it might explain a few things.

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