Mielenkiintoista nähdä millaisella vauhdilla Kiinan päästöt vähenevät:
Kiina on lisännyt puhtaan sähkön tuotantoa tänä vuonna niin paljon, että lisäys vastaa koko Ranskan olemassa olevan sähköntuotannon määrää.
Aika oljenkorresta rakennettu juttu, minimaalinen kysynnän kasvun ja ennustetun ei toteutuneen uusiutuvan tekemisen erotus, siitä spekuloidaan muutos.
Oikeasti toteutunutta:
Global coal demand set to remain at record levels in 2023 - News from the International Energy Agency
However, demand from the two largest consumers, China and India, grew by over 5% during the first half, more than offsetting declines elsewhere.
The three largest coal producers – China, India and Indonesia – all produced record amounts in 2022. In March 2023, both China and India set new monthly records, with China surpassing 400 million tonnes for the second time ever and India surpassing 100 million tonnes for the first time. Also in March, Indonesia exported almost 50 million tonnes, a volume never shipped by any country before.
Coal Market Update – July 2023 - Analysis and key findings. A report by the International Energy Agency.
Global coal demand reached a new all-time high in 2022
In China, coal demand grew by 4.6% in 2022 to a new all-time high of 4 519 Mt.
Country seen accounting for 70% of demand increase this year
Global crude oil demand is expected to reach a record 102.06 million barrels per day in 2023, according to OPEC's September report released Tuesday, up 2% from 2022. Demand in China, the world's second-largest crude oil consumer, is seen growing 6% to 15.82 million barrels, up 50,000 barrels from the August forecast.
China's crude oil imports in August reached 52.8 million tonnes, up 21% from the previous month, according to official customs data. That translates to a 31% year-on-year increase and a 25% increase over pre-pandemic levels in August 2019.
China's oil refining volumes are also up, reaching 2.037 million tonnes per day in July, the third-highest month on record after 2.042 million tonnes in March and 2.038 million tonnes in April.
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A major difference between the two reports is that the 2023 report projects higher gas demand growth (5.5–7 percent) than the 2022 report (1–3 percent).
It projects China’s demand setting a new record of 385–390 bcm. In H1 23, China consumed 194.1 bcm, an increase of 5.6 percent over H1 22. Demand growth was met by domestic production of 115.5 bcm (up 5.4 percent) and gas imports of 79.4 bcm (up 5.8 percent; 58 percent LNG, 42 percent pipeline imports).
Eli hiili, öljy ja kaasu koko ajan paukutellaan uusia ennätyksiä Kiinassa. Ja globaalisti. Ja eipä se CO2 pitoisuuden nousun kulmakäyrä ole yhtään hidastunut. Ilmastopolitiikalla ei ole ollut mitään vaikutusta ilman CO2 pitoisuuteen. Mutta fiksuissa käsissä se on ollutkin. :-)
E: ja lisätään vielä tämä. Kuten arvata saattoi Xin ja Bidenin tapaamiseen ei ratkennut Ukrainan sota eikä ilmastonmuutos. Höpö-höpö ja : The agreement did
not include measures such as a gradual phasing out of coal use in China or a halt to the construction of new coal-based power plants.
The newly reached agreement between Beijing and Washington is expected to have a positive bearing on negotiations at the upcoming UN climate conference
8 vuotta Pariisin sopimuksen jälkeen Kiina tekee edelleen mitä huvittaa.