Jo joskus vuonna miekka ja kivi taisin muistinvaraisesti sivuta seuraavaa aihetta jossakin tredissä, eli euraasialaisten kauan spekuloitua ristiinsikiämistä neandertaalien tahi muun vastaavan kanssa. Eli tämmöisen kaivoin pikaisesti (julkaistu New York Timesissa) >
"Researchers in Iceland have discovered a region in the human genome that, among Europeans, appears to promote fertility, and maybe longevity as well."
“A further unusual property is that the region has a much more ancient lineage than most human genes and the researchers suggest, as one possible explanation, that it could have been inserted into the human genome through interbreeding with one of the archaic human lineages that developed in parallel with that of modern humans.”
“The Decode scientists found that the chromosome 17 inversion is rare in Africans, almost absent in Asians, but is possessed by 20 percent of Europeans, the same frequency as in Iceland. The inversion seems to have been favored by natural selection among Europeans in fairly recent times, perhaps the last 10,000 years. ‘Maybe something switched it on in the European environment, such as an interaction with diet,’ said Dr. David Reich, a population geneticist at the Broad Institute.”
AKV on totaali IGNORESSA