BB PRO Fouad Abiad

  • Keskustelun aloittaja Keskustelun aloittaja Pro-Pain
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3 kpl Basic Nutrition EAA -25%


Time Stamps:
00:00 - Intro, Olympia winning coach and what it means. 07:28 - Aspirations to turn pro. Pec Tear
12:15 - Why are your guys bigger? 14:46 - Full time coaching, supplement owner, time management.
25:42 - Diet or Training what is more important? Training talk. 34:41 - Matt's diets.
43:16 - Motivating clients. 45:38 - Protein. 50:20 - Fats, Fibre, Appetite 53:54 - Water manipulation.
56:00 - Insulin, GH & Steroids. 1:12:06 - Running a supplement company.


Time Stamps:
00:00 - Intro, Olympia winning coach and what it means. 07:28 - Aspirations to turn pro. Pec Tear
12:15 - Why are your guys bigger? 14:46 - Full time coaching, supplement owner, time management.
25:42 - Diet or Training what is more important? Training talk. 34:41 - Matt's diets.
43:16 - Motivating clients. 45:38 - Protein. 50:20 - Fats, Fibre, Appetite 53:54 - Water manipulation.
56:00 - Insulin, GH & Steroids. 1:12:06 - Running a supplement company.

IFBB PRO NICK TRIGILI | Matt Jansen talks about insulin + HGH + PEDS ! LIES!​

Loistava podcast jälleen kerran.
Iain Valliere, Chris Bumstead ja James Hollingshead vieraina.


Time Stamps:
00:00 - Intro, Chris on acting, Olympia and vacation. 06:20 - James joins. 12:12 - Doug Miller, drug free bodybuilding. 18:26 - If animals could talk... 19:19 - Favourite bp to last. 20:50 - First thing you think of when you think of Switzerland. 21:24 - Any natty's in classic at the Olympia? 22:56 - Flex Wheeler ranking. 29:20 - Anxiety, Depression awareness. 32:50 - Winning pro cards... 35:03 - Could Chris win a pro show in the Open? 45:53 - Would you trade.. 52:33 - First man to milk a cow... 54:33 - Finasteride.. 55:43 - Would you rather... 1:04:01 - Other talents other than BBing? 1:06:10 - Would you rather.. 1:07:45 - Would you rather.. 1:10:21 - Highering coaches. 1:14:45 - Worst advice given at the gym. 1:16:26 - Riddle. 1:20:42 - Would you rather.. 1:21:54 - High metabolism and eating junk to grow. 1:26:15 - Biceps or ball bags. 1:29:11 - SEO's. 1:31:04 - Working the negative portion of the rep. 1:32:46 - What would life look like if... 1:39:13 - The pieces you need most for your gym. 1:41:23 - How long did it take you to get to Open Bodybuilding weight? 1:46:09 - Would you rather... 2:06:56 - Reacting to people who wanna lift with you. 2:10:22 - Things you missed out on because of BBing.
Loistava podcast jälleen kerran.
Iain Valliere, Chris Bumstead ja James Hollingshead vieraina.


Time Stamps:
00:00 - Intro, Chris on acting, Olympia and vacation. 06:20 - James joins. 12:12 - Doug Miller, drug free bodybuilding. 18:26 - If animals could talk... 19:19 - Favourite bp to last. 20:50 - First thing you think of when you think of Switzerland. 21:24 - Any natty's in classic at the Olympia? 22:56 - Flex Wheeler ranking. 29:20 - Anxiety, Depression awareness. 32:50 - Winning pro cards... 35:03 - Could Chris win a pro show in the Open? 45:53 - Would you trade.. 52:33 - First man to milk a cow... 54:33 - Finasteride.. 55:43 - Would you rather... 1:04:01 - Other talents other than BBing? 1:06:10 - Would you rather.. 1:07:45 - Would you rather.. 1:10:21 - Highering coaches. 1:14:45 - Worst advice given at the gym. 1:16:26 - Riddle. 1:20:42 - Would you rather.. 1:21:54 - High metabolism and eating junk to grow. 1:26:15 - Biceps or ball bags. 1:29:11 - SEO's. 1:31:04 - Working the negative portion of the rep. 1:32:46 - What would life look like if... 1:39:13 - The pieces you need most for your gym. 1:41:23 - How long did it take you to get to Open Bodybuilding weight? 1:46:09 - Would you rather... 2:06:56 - Reacting to people who wanna lift with you. 2:10:22 - Things you missed out on because of BBing.

Tää on kyllä henkilökohtainen lemppari podcast. Mukavasti huumoria, mutta myös vakavasti osaavat keskustella. Tuntuu niiku tuntis jo nämä kaverit. :D


Time Stamps:
00:00 - Intro, training in BC, buying cars, using bands, joint pain. 17:43 - Indy Recap.
48:30 - NY Breakdown. 1:04:30 - Writing down placings, making bets. 1:16:47 - Rate your physique.
1:23:46 - Guilty pleasure TV show. 1:25:18 - Action movie with the cast. 1:26:32 - Being yourself or creating a mentality.
1:29:24 - Late night snacks. 1:32:29 - Cycling GH 1:33:26: - Iain or James? 1:44:04 - Bad to always put yourself down and is it ok to have self doubt.
1:51:55 - 100% Fouad vs Iain and James 2:05:32 - Favourite thing about each cast member.


Time stamps:
00:00 - Intro, NY win 06:32 - Guy shows up. Guys drama. 18:30 - Winning the NY pro. 25:30 - Post show food, tier system, Paul & Iains bet, the Olympia.
47:40 - Hosstile gym. 49:10 - Valuable skills as a top pro. 56:00 - Towel washing. 1:00:58 - Fork or spoon. 1:04:52 - Fuck, Marry, Kill
1:12:55 - Nick & the Olympia placings. 1:15:33 - Seth Feroce. 1:17:25 - How does it feel to be inspirations.
1:19:52 - Do you think about posting on social media while training? 1:23:12 - Rate your physique. 1:29:33 - Longest time without training?
1:35:58 - Blue balls or left handed wank. 1:41:07 - How to get over the fear of reinjury? 1:43:52 - Losing 100lbs of weight.
1:44:42 - Drinking and bodybuilding. 1:51:45 - If you only could ask one question. 1:53:50 - Grizzly bear or Silverback.
Classic physiqueen siirtyvä Men's physique pro


Time Stamps:
03:50 Transitioning from physique to classic 19:00 Joining the military
23:00 Upbringing, troublemaker middle child 26:30 Military training 35:30 Deploying to Iraq
40:24 Best and worst experiences during deployment 45:20 Bodybuilding during deployment
50:55 Leg day backfires 53:35 Leaving the military 1:01:20 Progressing in men's physique
1:05:16 Supplement sponsorships 1:10:02 Future goals 1:14:43 Final message

M-Nutrition Sports Greens 1, 210 g, Lemon-Lime

Todella tykki viherjauhe

Fouad Abiad takes you on a gym tour to show some of the equipment choices, set up and how it's coming together.



Time Stamps:
00:00 - Manscaped Ad 01:05 - Intro, Nick's mindset, weight gain. 05:22 - Iain joins, taking it all in.
07:18 - Guy joins. Iain competing again... 08:44 - Paying for the bets. 11:25 - Fouad commentating Prague. Covid restrictions.
15:40 - Placings at the Olympia... 42:45 - Nick's girlfriend. 47:02 - Guy's dad in the ER. 56:56 - Liver King.
1:08:44 - New shows to watch. 1:15:58 - Effects of the podcast. 1:23:40 - Guy's lawn. Moving out of town.
1:28:49 - Older bber's being rude. 1:35:03 - Best drip. 1:38:50 - Branch Warren's Beef Jerky! 1:40:12 - Coaching 3x Mr.O
1:46:30 - Nick, Shaun & Matt. 1:50:03 - Nick & Iain's plan to move up at the O. 1:55:02 - We lost Iain (from podcast 😁) and finished up OG style.
Fouad Abiad, Iain Valliere, Nick Walker ja Guy Cisternino, keskustelevat mikä voisi olla syy viime aikoina menehtyneiden kehonrakentajien kuolemiin, ja löytyykö tähän ratkaisua, jolla nämä voitaisiin tulevaisuudessa välttää.


Time Stamps:
01:25 - Bodybuilding deaths, peoples reaction. 05:39 - Guy's reaction to Shawn Ray. 19:41 - Iain joins the group. Who has Covid.
24:58 - A solution to bodybuilding deaths. 1:06:48 - Heart checks. Having Covid. 1:15:00 - Coffee. 1:19:08 - Hand jobs. 1:20:25 - Romania Pro
1:32:08 - N'Sync. Action stars revisited. 1:39:44 - Weirdest habit in prep & The Texas plan. 1:44:34 - Who would house sit. 1:46:58 - Boxers 1:52:23 - Waking up in 2040.
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