Taitaa olla vaan osa jostain podcastista, alkuun käsitelty tuo aihe ja fouad tökänny mahd.nopeesti ulos sen jälkee kun tuo uutinen tuli. Jatkanut sit loppu pätkän editointia, oisko.
Time Stamps: 01:55 - Intro, Neil's weight cap, Blessing, James join. 07:40 - Mad at predictions, James strategy. 13:31 - Urs joins. Wife eating junk while prepping. 17:00 - Looking at James. His prep. 20:30 - Looking at Blessing. 22:47 - Posing practice. Posing routines. 28:00 - Looking at Neil. Height/weight caps. 33:00 - Looking at Urs. 37:00 - Blessings shirt, hair. The bad guy, negativity. 41:00 - Shape, size, the Olympia. 44:52 - www.MANSCAPED.com/RBP or use code RBP for 20% OFF + FREE SHIPPING! 45:55 - The NPC video... 49:45 - Urs carb load and happiness. Being zoned in & suffering or living with balance. 1:23:19 - Neils carb load. 1:26:35 - Couple classic notables. 1:35:40 - Wrapping up.
Time stamps: 00:00 - Intro, sick, the Hosstile booth, Olympia timing. 07:00 - Guy joins, Atv riding, Sunday night going out. 14:19 - Iain's Olympia. 25:45 - The best conditioned bber. 28:20 - Going through the rest of the top ten. 41:30 - Jose joins. Jose loses bet. 48:21 - Jose's opinion on the judging overall. 57:38 - How many guys could be Mr.O out of this group. 1:05:00 - Era comparisons....again. Derek & Hadi comparisons. 1:13:47 - Looking at our predictions. 1:18:20 - Jose's Sunday night. 1:26:33 - Critiquing physiques. Thinking Ramy was winning. 1:33:42 - Hany & Chris. 1:40:11 - Bikini drama 1:44:30 - Dennis James & Chad
Derek Lunsford joins Fouad Abiad on the Real Bodybuilding Podcast for episode 155. They discuss the Olympia, his change over the years and whats to come in 2023!