Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor 26.8.2017

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Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor 26.8.2017, kumpi voittaa?

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Veikkaan kans et nyrkkeiliöille se isoin damage tulee treenisalilla eikä niinkää otteluissa, ainaki omasta kokemuksesta nyrkkeilysaleilla on ihan eri mentaliteetti ku vaikka vaparisaleilla, käytännössä joka treeneissä tai vähintää jokatoisissa treeneissä on jonkinsortin sparria missä lyödään kovaa
Niinpä. Vielä äskettäin v. 2013 Tyson veti 90 min stand up setin lavalla, joka on muuten helvetin hyvä kannattaa kattoa. Siinä ei ollu minkäänlaista puheen mongerrusta vaan läppä lensi suht. normaalisti. Tiedä sit jos on jotain piristeitä koneessa just sillä hetkellä ku toi on kuvattu.

Tuli yks päivä telkkarista. Oli muuten ihan perkeleen hyvä ja hauska! Kannattaa kattoa.
Jos Mikellä oli jotain aineita koneessa tuolla hetkellä, niin ei ne kyllä ainakaan piristeitä ollut. Sen varran hitaalla kävi, että veikkaisin jotain lääkkeitä, esim. rauhoittavia tai sitten jotain opiaattipohjaista kipulääkettä.

Nyrkkeily on kyllä laji missä aivot saa paljon vahinkoa ja se sitten rupeaa näkymään usein vasta vuosien jälkeen. Sen vuoksi Esim. Floyd on nero, koska otteli itselleen hirvittävän omaisuuden tyylillä, missä välttyi tuolta vahingolta
Huhtis taisi tarkoittaa että oli piristäviä ehkä siinä stand up -jutussa. En ota kantaa oliko vai menikö ihan adrenaliinin voimalla, mutta tuossa radiohaastattelussa voisi veikata jotain rauhoittavia olevan :D En itse lähtis tuota hidasta puhetta veikkaamaan mikskään aivovaurioksi ihan tuon haastattelun perusteella. Eikö me kaikki kuulosteta väsyneenä tuolta, tai ainakin minä kuulostan :)
Kommenteissa puhuivat että Tyson toipuu jostain leikkauksesta, vaikutti kyllä olevan vahvojen kipulääkkeiden alaisena, puhe sopers just siihen malliin. Vastaikään Tyson oli Norm Macdonaldin podcastissa ja kuulosti ihan normaalilta. Tai siis, normaalilta Tysonilta. :)

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Alchemistic Academician 13 tuntia sitten
I've rewatched this fight at least 10 times. I've watched the whole fight from 2 different angles at x0.25 speed all the way through. I saw clearly EVERY shot that has landed and EVERY shot that near missed and I've come to the following conclusion: 1. The first 4 rounds were much closer than they looked. Conor was giving many looks but Floyd was beautifully evasive. My take away was that Conor maintained long range and Floyd was not prepared to overextend to throw punches and the one or two times he did commit, Conor did a good job of slipping and touching him with a counter. I understand more now by watching it in slow motion, what Conor was saying about the gameplan changes from Floyd. It seemed that Floyd was having trouble getting into a range that he was comfortable with. He was in no rush to land anything and was being very defensively responsible with the shots that Conor was throwing. Conor was doing a good job of keeping Floyd's lead hand busy with his own lead hand, and was baiting him to throw his straight right but Floyd was too smart for that. BUT Conor landed something and Floyd landed basically nothing in the first part of this fight, but honestly the rounds were close as far as actual effectiveness.

2. The next 4 rounds (5th to 8th) were MUCH more competitive than people are giving Conor credit for. Whilst Floyd decided that forward pressure is the best course of action (shelling up until he got into range before firing, rather than countering, punching into range or setting traps as he was trying to do early on) he was still not landing a whole lot. However when he DID land, he landed with much more authority than Conor's punches BUT Conor did land a few hard punches in this part of the fight that people missed. Floyd got hit with that signature straight left 3 or 4 times in the segment of the fight but took it and came forward, Conor threw these with power splitting Floyd's bull guard but Floyd knew that eventually all this pressure will break Conor down. Conor moved well as Floyd came forward in these rounds, getting hit with a few solid shots here and there but for the most part being a decent matador.

3. The sequence in the beginning of the 9th round was started off by a straight left that lands hard on Floyd, from the other angle I saw it from (it was someones phone or something, they posted it up on YT but I think it got taken down like an hour ago, really good seats lol). This was followed by Conor pulling Floyd in with his right hand and coming around Floyd's guard with a left hook followed by a body shot that hit just below the belt or on the belt on Floyd's left side. It hit him in the hip. Floyd curls over and backs up like he got hit in the balls. Maybe he was pretending, maybe he was trying to buy time because the first left hurt him, maybe his nuts were squished to the far left near his hip. I don't know. But what is interesting is that when Floyd saw that the ref didn't step in, he essentially bent over to where his elbows touched his knees, giving Conor no legal target to hit. I don't know if he was hurt or what, but Conor tried to find his chin again one last time with his final burst of energy and then crashed HARD. It was an interesting sequence that only Floyd knows what really happened there, and he'll never admit that he was hurt by a legal punch, not unless it was obvious, which it wasn't.

4. The stoppage was good. Conor MIGHT have been able to survive with a man less skilled than Mayweather, but Floyd would've been too accurate, too energetic and too smart to let him escape that 10th round. Conor proved some very impressive things about his game that night, but also exposed some holes. His ability to deal with pressure, his ability to fight inside, his economy of movement, his mentality; they're all not on par with an elite boxer. All these are what separates an elite boxer from a talented boxer. A raw talent might have footwork, reactions, vision, distance and timing like Conor, but he hasn't put the time in to understand his body's economy, understand how to deal with constant forward pressure, little tricks to inside fighting. Floyd is too seasoned. He's simply a more complete boxer, a better boxer. Conor has very good amateur skills (4 round skills). 12 rounds is a different game.
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Alchemistic Academician 13 tuntia sitten
I've rewatched this fight at least 10 times. I've watched the whole fight from 2 different angles at x0.25 speed all the way through. I saw clearly EVERY shot that has landed and EVERY shot that near missed and I've come to the following conclusion: 1. The first 4 rounds were much closer than they looked. Conor was giving many looks but Floyd was beautifully evasive. My take away was that Conor maintained long range and Floyd was not prepared to overextend to throw punches and the one or two times he did commit, Conor did a good job of slipping and touching him with a counter. I understand more now by watching it in slow motion, what Conor was saying about the gameplan changes from Floyd. It seemed that Floyd was having trouble getting into a range that he was comfortable with. He was in no rush to land anything and was being very defensively responsible with the shots that Conor was throwing. Conor was doing a good job of keeping Floyd's lead hand busy with his own lead hand, and was baiting him to throw his straight right but Floyd was too smart for that. BUT Conor landed something and Floyd landed basically nothing in the first part of this fight, but honestly the rounds were close as far as actual effectiveness.

2. The next 4 rounds (5th to 8th) were MUCH more competitive than people are giving Conor credit for. Whilst Floyd decided that forward pressure is the best course of action (shelling up until he got into range before firing, rather than countering, punching into range or setting traps as he was trying to do early on) he was still not landing a whole lot. However when he DID land, he landed with much more authority than Conor's punches BUT Conor did land a few hard punches in this part of the fight that people missed. Floyd got hit with that signature straight left 3 or 4 times in the segment of the fight but took it and came forward, Conor threw these with power splitting Floyd's bull guard but Floyd knew that eventually all this pressure will break Conor down. Conor moved well as Floyd came forward in these rounds, getting hit with a few solid shots here and there but for the most part being a decent matador.

3. The sequence in the beginning of the 9th round was started off by a straight left that lands hard on Floyd, from the other angle I saw it from (it was someones phone or something, they posted it up on YT but I think it got taken down like an hour ago, really good seats lol). This was followed by Conor pulling Floyd in with his right hand and coming around Floyd's guard with a left hook followed by a body shot that hit just below the belt or on the belt on Floyd's left side. It hit him in the hip. Floyd curls over and backs up like he got hit in the balls. Maybe he was pretending, maybe he was trying to buy time because the first left hurt him, maybe his nuts were squished to the far left near his hip. I don't know. But what is interesting is that when Floyd saw that the ref didn't step in, he essentially bent over to where his elbows touched his knees, giving Conor no legal target to hit. I don't know if he was hurt or what, but Conor tried to find his chin again one last time with his final burst of energy and then crashed HARD. It was an interesting sequence that only Floyd knows what really happened there, and he'll never admit that he was hurt by a legal punch, not unless it was obvious, which it wasn't.

4. The stoppage was good. Conor MIGHT have been able to survive with a man less skilled than Mayweather, but Floyd would've been too accurate, too energetic and too smart to let him escape that 10th round. Conor proved some very impressive things about his game that night, but also exposed some holes. His ability to deal with pressure, his ability to fight inside, his economy of movement, his mentality; they're all not on par with an elite boxer. All these are what separates an elite boxer from a talented boxer. A raw talent might have footwork, reactions, vision, distance and timing like Conor, but he hasn't put the time in to understand his body's economy, understand how to deal with constant forward pressure, little tricks to inside fighting. Floyd is too seasoned. He's simply a more complete boxer, a better boxer. Conor has very good amateur skills (4 round skills). 12 rounds is a different game.

Ihan hyvää tekstiä muuten, mutta Conor alkoi hyytyä kunnolla jo kuudennessa erässä, eikä se hyytyminen tullut mitään yhtäkkiä yhdeksännessä, sitä ei vaan kaikki huomaa eikä tajua vaikka Conor kaasutti. Sen näki ihan selvästi jos osasi katsoa. Ja tämä yhdellä katsomisella, toista kertaa ei tule.
Ihan hyvää tekstiä muuten, mutta Conor alkoi hyytyä kunnolla jo kuudennessa erässä, eikä se hyytyminen tullut mitään yhtäkkiä yhdeksännessä, sitä ei vaan kaikki huomaa eikä tajua vaikka Conor kaasutti. Sen näki ihan selvästi jos osasi katsoa. Ja tämä yhdellä katsomisella, toista kertaa ei tule.

Onnistui silti monien silmissä voittamaan vielä kahdeksannen erän, vähintäänkin erä oli tasainen. Eli joko löysi jostain uutta virtaa, tai sitten ei ollut niin väsynyt, kuin luulet. Se hyytyminen tapahtui todellakin aika dramaattisesti 9 erässä kelvollisen 8 erän jälkeen.
Se, että Floydin naamassa ei hirveästi näy noi 84 osumaa, saattaa kertoa esim. osumien puhtaudesta tai impaktin voimasta. Kyl ne silti powerpuncheja on.

Konna taisi lopulta lyödä enemmän niskaan kuin etupuolelle. ;) Ja se veti Viikinki-Halmeen vasaraiskujakin muina miehinä muutaman.

3 kpl M-Nutrition EAA+

Mango - Hedelmäpunssi - Sitruuna - Vihreä omena

Eli hetkinen, toihan on eri mieltä kuin tikkuukko, ton mielestä Conor ei ees hallinnu niitä ekoja eriä, vaan että ne oli tasasia.
Tässä on muuten kaksi eri tyyliä ottaa Conorin vasuri vastaan. Näissä esim. huomaa eron ammattinyrkkeilijän ja mma-ottelijan suojauksessa. Floyd väistää taakse, samalla blokkaa oikella kädellä lyönnin olkakapäähän ja silmät ei mene kiinni. Eddiellä kädet auki, silmät kiinni ja perille meni.


Mutta tämä:pano:

No laitonhan tuo on kun lyö vyötärön alapuolelle. Ihan yhtä laiton kuin heti tuon tilanteen jälkeinen lyönti, missä Conor lyö Floydia tuomarin ollessa välissä.
Sitä paitsi Floydin reaktiosta huomaa heti, että ei osunut vartaloon. Vartaloiskun kipu ei tule noin salamannopeasti vaan pikku viiveellä. Joskus isollakin viiveellä. Tiedät varmasti Mauler tämän, jos olet kehässä ollut.
Veikkaan kans et nyrkkeiliöille se isoin damage tulee treenisalilla eikä niinkää otteluissa, ainaki omasta kokemuksesta nyrkkeilysaleilla on ihan eri mentaliteetti ku vaikka vaparisaleilla, käytännössä joka treeneissä tai vähintää jokatoisissa treeneissä on jonkinsortin sparria missä lyödään kovaa

Menee aiheen ohi mut ei nyt ihan noinkaan. Se on eriasia lyödä kovaa kun lyödä pihalle.
On tos kyl tietty perä tossa mut johtuu lajista. Hyvät nyrkkeilijät voi sparrata lujaa ilman ihmeempää "damagea" paitsi vahinkoja sattuu välillä.
Tos vaparijutus se takana että aina ei ollut tapana sparrata kevyesti, joskus ollut liian lujaa tapana tehdä nimenomaan vaparisaleilla ja alusta asti koska kovaa hommaa. Sit kylän kyrvät tietenki piti hakata kun pahikset halus kokeilla tietysti heti vaparia koska nähneet sitä telkkarista. Tää oli sillon 90luvun lopulla kun kuviteltiin ettei ole sääntöjä ja mitälie.
Itse uskon että kaikkein vaarallisinta ei ole se, että lyödään yhdellä iskulla tajuttomaksi vaan pikemmin se että otetaan tosi iso määrä peräkkäin kovia koppeja päähän. Tästä ei tietenkään ole kellään mitään tutkimusdataa, kun ei asiasta oikein voi järjestää standardoitua koeasetelmaa, jossa lyötäisiin vakiovoimalla ihmisiä eri kohtaan päätä - ainakaan muut kuin tohtori Mengele.

Minulla on kuitenkin tällainen tuntuma esim. sen takia että useimmat nyrkkeilijöiden kehäkuolemat vaikuttavat tapahtuvan juuri tälläisissä TKO-keskeytyksissä tai jopa täyden ajan pieksännän jälkeen. Itsellä pahimmat pääoireet (huimausta pari päivää myöhemmin) tuli kun voitin kolme samana päivänä käytyä matsia.

Sitten on tietysti varmaan niin että aivoihin voi tulla eri tyyppisiä vammoja eikä niin että aivoilla olisi vain jotkut tietyt "kestopisteet" joiden laskettua X% alkaa puhe sammaltaa ja niiden laskettua Y% ei osaa enää lukea. Ehkä erilaiset iskut (yksi kova vs. monta kevyempää) aiheuttavat myös erilaisia vammatyyppejä. Kuka tietää.
AndyS sanoi hyvin, tuskin se ykkösellä valot pihalle on se isoin ongelma aivoille, vaan ne jatkuvat tärähtelyt mitä kovaa tehdyssä paritekniikassa ja sparrissa tulee(myös kovat lyönnit suojauksee välillä saa pään tärähtämää hyvin), jokakerta ku päähän osuu ja pää tärähtää ni se on aivoille sama reaktio ku ottaisit viilipurkin ja ravistat sitä kovaa. Aivot on aikamoista hyytelöä ja pääkoppa on kovaa luuta.

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