- Liittynyt
- 28.12.2005
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"He weighed 270-pounds at the time and was so lean he had veins running across his abdominal and deltoids. His thighs taped 35-inches when he squatted 986, bench pressed 600 and deadlifted 826 wearing supportive gear laughable by todays standards."
Ihan kohtuulliset tulokset.
Doug Furnas:in ohjelma oli suhteellisen simppeli:
penkki kisa otteella
penkki kapealla otteella
penkki leveällä otteella
penkissä mentiin ilmeisesti 10/8/5/3/2 toistoa, tämä tehdään 14 viikon sisällä ja lisäämällä rautaa aina lissee.
ja harvoin myös maastavetoa
Kyykyissä ei koskaan yli 5 toiston ja sykleittäin 5 ja 3 toistoon saakka.
Loppujen lopuksi Doug päätyi tekemään yhden työsarjan kyykyssä
Muutama kuva(painihan tuo vielä voimailun lisäksi):
"He weighed 270-pounds at the time and was so lean he had veins running across his abdominal and deltoids. His thighs taped 35-inches when he squatted 986, bench pressed 600 and deadlifted 826 wearing supportive gear laughable by todays standards."
Ihan kohtuulliset tulokset.
Doug Furnas:in ohjelma oli suhteellisen simppeli:
penkki kisa otteella
penkki kapealla otteella
penkki leveällä otteella
penkissä mentiin ilmeisesti 10/8/5/3/2 toistoa, tämä tehdään 14 viikon sisällä ja lisäämällä rautaa aina lissee.
ja harvoin myös maastavetoa
Kyykyissä ei koskaan yli 5 toiston ja sykleittäin 5 ja 3 toistoon saakka.
Loppujen lopuksi Doug päätyi tekemään yhden työsarjan kyykyssä
IRON395 sanoi:Muscle and Fitness Jan 1988,
This article was written when Furnas was 26. I will bring up some of the more important points of the article.
Fact#1 He trains only two days a week.Fact#2 He does almost zero assistance work!
Training each lift once a week, Furnas says his workouts are very intense. "Most guys think they train hard, but only about 5% really train hard. When I train, I really bust my gut".
Sunday is not a day of rest for Furnas, Its a day of benching. Besides the actual lift,He performs two sets of close and wide grip bench presses.He squats and deadlifts on Wednesday: Thats all.
The article goes on to describe his pre-contest cycles where he begins a 14 week phase of reps of ten on bench,then adding weight and dropping reps to sets of 8s 5s 3s then 2s. On his squats he never goes higher than five reps and does a cycle of 5s and 3s. In Ed Coan′s book there is a section dedicated to Furnas as the two were close friends. Furnas is asked what his best five rep squat was and he replied 900 for 5. He rarely trained his deadlift and when he did he trained it after his squat.He used to do four work sets and then later went to only one workset. He did no negatives and forced reps and never trained to failure on any sets.
Muutama kuva(painihan tuo vielä voimailun lisäksi):