Herätys Dopey, Obama oli mukana masinoimassa Syyrian sotaa, USA aseisti kaiken maailman roskajoukkoja ja tuloksena oli 500 000 ihmisen kuolema. Asian olisi voinut hoitaa toisinkin.
Under the aegis of operation Timber Sycamore and other clandestine activities, CIA operatives and U.S. special operations troops have trained and armed nearly 10,000 rebel fighters at a cost of $1 billion a year.[44][45] In early September 2013, President Barack Obama told U.S. Senators that the CIA had trained the first 50-man insurgent element and that they had been inserted into Syria.[46] The deployment of this unit and the supplying of weapons may be the first tangible measure of support since the U.S. stated they would begin providing assistance to the opposition.[47][48] However, the CIA had been facilitating the flow of arms from Libya to Syria "for more than a year" beforehand in collaboration with "the UK, Saudi Arabia and Qatar"; "the operation was largely run out of a covert CIA annex in Benghazi." U.S. military intelligence predicted "the fall of the Assad regime would lead to chaos and, potentially, to Syria's takeover by jihadi extremists, much as was then happening in Libya."[49]
Ja me saimme 2015 pakolaiskriisin, oletko unohtanut tämän? Maailma oli aivan sekaisin Obaman kaudella.
Ja olihan sitä paljon muutakin, Libya eskaloitiin vaalivoiton saamiseksi.
Mitä tulee esittämääsi kaavioon: rajasitko itse alalaidasta pois tekstin "Steve Benen, Maddowblog"?
Kaavio on senkin takia mielenkiintoinen että useimmat Q3 tiedot ovat tulematta ja nyt on 10/2019, mutta kaaviossa on jo koko 2019.
CIA activities in Syria - Wikipedia
Under the aegis of operation Timber Sycamore and other clandestine activities, CIA operatives and U.S. special operations troops have trained and armed nearly 10,000 rebel fighters at a cost of $1 billion a year.[44][45] In early September 2013, President Barack Obama told U.S. Senators that the CIA had trained the first 50-man insurgent element and that they had been inserted into Syria.[46] The deployment of this unit and the supplying of weapons may be the first tangible measure of support since the U.S. stated they would begin providing assistance to the opposition.[47][48] However, the CIA had been facilitating the flow of arms from Libya to Syria "for more than a year" beforehand in collaboration with "the UK, Saudi Arabia and Qatar"; "the operation was largely run out of a covert CIA annex in Benghazi." U.S. military intelligence predicted "the fall of the Assad regime would lead to chaos and, potentially, to Syria's takeover by jihadi extremists, much as was then happening in Libya."[49]
Ja me saimme 2015 pakolaiskriisin, oletko unohtanut tämän? Maailma oli aivan sekaisin Obaman kaudella.
Ja olihan sitä paljon muutakin, Libya eskaloitiin vaalivoiton saamiseksi.
Mitä tulee esittämääsi kaavioon: rajasitko itse alalaidasta pois tekstin "Steve Benen, Maddowblog"?
Kaavio on senkin takia mielenkiintoinen että useimmat Q3 tiedot ovat tulematta ja nyt on 10/2019, mutta kaaviossa on jo koko 2019.
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