Artikkelin auktori Jaakko Mursu vastasi mun kyselyyn ja vihjaisi, että toksisuus siellä paistaisi läpi ja jenkkilän
"enemmän on parempi" -touhu näkyisi tuloksissa. Kaveri saanut ilmeisesti aika vihaista sähköpostia ja kehui mua kohteliaaksi. Jaakko ei ollut yhtään tyytyväisen oloinen median uutisointiin. En ole vieläkään lukenut juttua läpi, josko huomenna sen saisi.
EDIT: no nyt se julkaistiin.
Dietary Supplements and Mortality Rate in Older Women
The Iowa Women’s Health Study
Jaakko Mursu, PhD; Kim Robien, PhD; Lisa J.
Valitettavasti vain ne voivat lukea, joilla on oikeudet ko. tietokantaan tai maksavat siitä.
Lueskelin läpi ja ainakin tämä mun arvaus:
"ihmiset syövät ja liikkuvat huonosti + juovat helvetisti viinaa => paska kunto ja sitten napsitaan ravintolisiä ja luullaan ,että kaikki on ok" näyttäisi olevan väärin.
Lainaus artikkelista:
"At baseline, compared with nonusers,
supplement users had a lower prevalence of diabetes mellitus,
high blood pressure, and smoking status; a lower BMI
and waist to hip ratio; and were less likely to live on a
Supplement users had a higher educational level,
were more physically active, and were more likely to use
estrogen replacement therapy (Table 1). Also, supplement
users were more likely to have lower intake of energy,
total fat, and monounsaturated fatty acids, saturated
fatty acids and to have higher intake of protein,
carbohydrates, polyunsaturated fatty acids, alcohol, whole
grain products, fruits, and vegetables. Similar patterns were
seen in the 2004 questionnaire among 19 124 women
(Table 1) and for individual supplements (eg, iron and
calcium) (eTable 1;"
Eivät siis olleet laiskoja läskiperseitä, vaan vitamiinien käyttäjillä oli keskimääräistä vähemmän diabetesta, korkeaa verenpainetta, tupakanpolttoa ja pienempi painoindeksi + lantio-vyötärösuhde. Lisäravinteiden käyttäjät myös asuivat enemmän kaupungissa tai taajamissa, olivat korkeammin koulutettuja, fyysisesti aktiivisempia, kuluttivat vähemmän kaloreita ja söivät vähemmän rasvoja, saivat enemmän proteiineja, käyttivät enemmän alkoholia, täysjyvätuotteita, hedelmiä ja vihanneksia.
Foolihappo, monivitamiinivalmisteet ja kaikki metalliset hivenaineet lisäsivät kuolemanriskiä jonkun verran, rauta ja kupari eniten.
"In agreement with our hypothesis, most of the supplements
studied were not associated with a reduced total
mortality rate in older women. In contrast, we found that
several commonly used dietary vitamin and mineral
supplements, including multivitamins, vitamins B6, and
folic acid, as well as minerals iron, magnesium, zinc, and
copper, were associated with a higher risk of total mortality.
Of particular concern, supplemental iron was
strongly and dose dependently associated with increased
total mortality risk."
"Supplemental calcium was consistently inversely related
to total mortality rate; however, no clear doseresponse
relationship was observed."
"The evidence regarding a possible harmful effect of
supplemental iron is limited. Pocobelli et al6 found that
men in the highest category of average 10-year dose of
supplemental iron had a 27% increased risk of total mortality
compared with nonusers in age- and sex-adjusted
models. The association was, however, attenuated after
multivariable adjustment. High iron stores, measured as
serum ferritin, have been found to be related to increased
risk of CVD in 2 studies22,23 but not in another.24
Although we did not evaluate the possible mechanism,
iron is suggested25 to catalyze reactions that produce oxidants
and thus promote oxidative stress. However, we
cannot rule out the possibility that the increase in total
mortality rate was caused by illnesses for which use of
iron supplements is indicated. Chronic disease, major injury,
and/or operations may cause anemia, which is then
treated with supplemental iron. However, we could find
no evidence for such reverse causality. Iron supplementation
was related to future mortality rate even 19 years
later in women free of CVD, diabetes mellitus, and cancer;
baseline covariates of iron use were not greatly different
from those of other supplements; and progressively
lower doses were associated with excess risk as the
women aged.
Semmoista. Jätän nyt areenan vapaaksi ihmisille, jotka ovat perehtyneet ravintojuttuihin mua enemmän.