Ihan saissea.
Aasialaiset on muutenkin fyysisesti pienempiä. Ja munan pituuteen ei soijan syönti vaikuta, tutkittu juttu. Voit lukea soijan vaikutuksesta testotasoihin ja treenaamiseen liittyen puolueettoman huippuravintotieteilijän artikkelin täältä:
Ihan hyvä artikkeli. Vielä loppusanat tähän.
It's one food. One of a few thousand foods people can include in their diets. It's nothing more.
So, as the title of this article hints at, we want people to re-freakin-lax when it comes to soy. Moderate doses of whole-food soy proteins really are no big deal.
Niille ketä kiiinnostaa lukea t-nation soija juttua lisää.
5 Reasons Soy Sucks
Q: Soy protein is touted as a health food, but Testosterone has always said that people should avoid it. What do you think?
A: Soy is for dorks. That's what I think. But people love lists, so here are five reasons not to eat soy:
Reason 1 — Toxicity: Soy increases your toxic load. It's one of the most sprayed crops. Their high content of pesticides increases your ever-increasing toxic load. In addition, aluminum content skyrockets in processing.
Just say no.
Reason 2 — Potential hypothyroidism: Soy contains goitragens, which are compounds that lead to hypothyroidism. To learn more about fighting hypothyroidism, attend one my Biosignature Modulation seminars.
Reason 3 — Blocking mineral absorption: Soy has a high content of phytates, which are known to inhibit the absorption of both macro-minerals (i.e. calcium) and trace minerals (i.e. zinc). The good news is that meat consumption blocks phytates. If you're going to eat tofu, make sure to eat some meat (ironically) during the same meal.
Reason 4 — Link to Attention Deficit Disorder: Soy-based infant formulas are linked to ADD. They contain 80 times more manganese than breast milk. Too much manganese content is linked to neurotoxicity.
Reason 5 — Increased cardiovascular load: Hemaglutinin is found in soybeans. This compound is known to make red blood cells aggregate, therefore increasing your cardiovascular load.
If you're not convinced, read Dr. Kaayla Daniel's book, The Whole Soy Story, or check out her interview HERE on this site. The information and research provided will blow you away.
In conclusion, soy is for dorks.
About the Author
When a country wants a gold medal, they come to Charles. Coach Poliquin has been hailed as the most successful strength coach in the world, having coached Olympic medalists in seventeen different sports ranging from shot put to biathlon. To read more about his training methodology and his strength coaching certification courses, go to his website:
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