
M-Nutrition EAA-valmisjuoma 24-pack

Pineapple Passion Fruit

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Unidyne (130 caps.)

When it comes to straight thermogenic supplements, nothing can match the power and comprehensiveness of Unidyne. The thermogenic compound in Unidyne has been proven in clinical studies to dramatically increase fat loss while preserving lean mass. Why does this matter? For the dieting individual, selectively burning fat is critical as lean mass is the body’s metabolic engine–muscle burns more calories than fat. By keeping more lean mass, your body will have the ability to burn more calories, even at rest. Therefore, a thermogenic supplement like Unidyne can give anyone interested in weight loss the ultimate advantage. While Unidyne can significantly enhance thermogenesis, it can also increase your energy levels, focus and performance. By increasing energy, heightening focus, and reducing the perception of fatigue, Unidyne allows you to train longer, harder and more effectively. And increasing duration and intensity means your desired results will come sooner than you thought possible. In the real world, you’ll definitely notice the difference immediately. What makes Unidyne different is the inclusion of two unique ingredients not found anywhere else: Citrilene™ and Isoflavonol™. Citrilene™ has the ability to inhibit the ATP-citrate lyase enzyme which is responsible for the production of fat. By blocking the formation of new fat, Unidyne works better to help you achieve a sharp, defined look. Furthermore, Citrilene™ can help your body utilize glycogen more efficiently. As glycogen storage is stimulated, receptors in the liver create the sensation of fullness by activating the vagus nerve, thereby working to enhance Unidyne’s overall appetite-suppressing effects. Isoflavonol™ has been added to help promote healthy cholesterol levels and to help reduce the glycemic response of carbohydrate foods.

Siinäpä sitä...
Pantothenic Acid 40 mg
Bitter Orange Extract (4% Synephrine) 250 mg
Coleus Forskohli Extract (forskolin, coleonol) 100 mg
Guarana Extract (22% caffeine) 910 mg
White Willow Extract (15% salicin) 105 mg
Ginger Root 50 mg
Citrilene (hydroxycitric acid) 50 mg
Proprietary Blend (L-Tyrosine, Acetyl-L-Carnithine (ALC), Fisetin, Magnesium Phosphate, 2-Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) 250 mg
Isoflavonol (isoflavones) 50 mg

Sanoisin että lukuunottamatta synepriiniä, kofeiinia ja salisiinia tuossa on liian vähän muita vaikuttavia aineita (kuten lähes kaikissa Universalin tuotteissa).


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