In the interview, Jorge stated the following about what happened with the supposed UFO:
"The video is authentic, it was recorded by me at 1:00 p.m., first there was an approach with the object that was static floating in a specific point between Medellín and Santa Fe, it passed me by the side with the Co-pilot who came with me" .
"We were approaching Medellín, at the moment the object moved and approached us; when that happens I told Daniel, my co-pilot, did you see, did you hear? He said yes, they are occupational hazards, I told him no , so I turn around and when I turn the 360, which is the first video I have, I see the static object floating ".
And he continued:
"When I am recording the video, the alleged UFO moves a bit, so I start hunting it with the plane, and when I am getting closer to it, the object moves towards us, at that moment is when I dodge it, I am flying at 130 to 140 knots, at a speed with respect to 150 knots if we do the multiplication it is more than 300 kilometers per hour".
The pilot claims that when he first made contact with the object he was flying to Medellin.
"I passed very close to that and if it had been a balloon, no more than the mere wake of the plane would have finished it off or taken it from the point where it was, that's why I stayed, I stayed and that didn't go away, (it didn't flew away) and I said no, I have to look for it and it can't be a solar balloon".
Jorge A. Arteaga continued narrating about the alleged UFO:
"The object does not have a strip, it has nothing, a helium balloon does not reach up there, I was actually afraid. That is not any type of balloon, nor a drone, nor an object known to me."