Daa on paskaa sen tietää kohta kaikki, mutta mitenkäs tämä Omega Sports T-Force Sisältää Fadogiaa, ainakin arvostelut tuosta on kovat..vois tyypätä tribun kans
En usko, että toimii. Luin juuri kiinnostavan tekstin, jossa kerrottiin miksi tuo ja tribulus eivät toimi vaikka kyseisistä kasveista on eristettävissä jotain aineita joilla on anabolisia vaikutuksia. Marketissa olevat tuotteet kuitenkin sisältävät vain itse kasvimateriaalia, jossa vaikuttavien aineiden osuudet ova niin pienet, ettei niistä ole hyötyä. Onhan täällä pakkiksellakin todettu moneen kertaan, että tribulus on humpuukia. Tässä kyseinen teksti:
Fadogia Agrestris plant does NOT INCREASE TESTOSTERONE LEVELS!
There are a few unscrupulous supplement companies that are selling Fadogia Agrestris Plant and advertising it as a testosterone-booster. This makes me cringe...
Companies did the same thing with Tribulus plant for YEARS until Sopharma Bulgaria came along and standardized Tribulus for Protodioscin, the ACTIVE steroidal saponin. Before that, everyone was using the Tribulus plant and wondering why they weren't getting results.
Only a STANDARDIZED Fadogia Stem EXTRACT will increase testosterone levels. *There is NO STANDARDIZED FADOGIA AGRESTRIS STEM EXTRACT ON THE MARKET. These companies haven't even ISOLATED AND IDENTIFIED the specific active steroidal sapogenin responsible for increasing Testosterone.
Fadogia Agrestris plant contains trace amounts of an ACTIVE STEROIDAL SAPOGENIN, which I will not name. The stem contains the highest percentage of this particular steroidal sapogenin, so this is the part of the plant used when extracting the ACTIVE. The whole STEM itself does not contain enough ACTIVE, let alone WHOLE PLANT MATERIAL.
Another popular herb that contains a steroidal sapgenin, as I mentioned, is Tribulus Terrestris, which contains Protodioscin; the active steroidal sapogenin responsible for stimulating LH in men. However, Tribulus Terrestris PLANT only contains trace amounts of Protodioscin(the active), so consuming the whole plant is useless. Tribulus contains the highest percentage of Protodioscin in the fruits of the plant, which is why this aerial part of the plant is used for extracting the ACTIVES--Protodioscin. Tribulus MUST be STANDARDIZED for at least 10% PROTODIOSCIN in order to be effective. Tribulus is probably the most popular anabolic herb. Unfortunately, it has also been the victim of Supplement Industry DECEIT. As I said, Tribulus Terrestris PLANT is almost USELESS. It is PROTODIOSCIN that matters, and PROTODIOSCIN ONLY! But this is where things get even TRICKIER...
Tribulus contains MANY Frustanol Saponins. BUT, the ONY Frustanol Saponin that matters is PROTODIOSCIN. many supplement companies will sell a Tribulus product containing 40% Frustanol Saponins, but it only has 2% Protodioscin or LESS! Make sure your Tribulus product is STANDRADIZED extract containing 10% Protodioscin or HIGHER. AndroGenerator contains 20% PROTODIOSCIN!
There is NO FADOGIA EXTRACT available, only whole PLANT, and just like TRIBLUS PLANT, Fadogia plant is worthless. As of now, it's just pure MARKETING hype, Fadogia PLANT is USELESS, and so is any product containing it, just like Tribulus Plant.
ONLY a FADOGIA STEM EXTRACT containing at LEAST 10% ACTIVE steroidal sapogenin will increase Testosterone. THIS IS HERBALS 101--the first lesson is called STANDARDIZATION.
Take ANY HERB; it is USELESS as the WHOLE HERB. The herb itself contains little ACTIVE ingredient, which is why extraction methods must be developed to STANDARDIZE the herb:
Grape Seed is standardized for *Resveratrol
Tribulus Terrestris is standardized for *Protodioscin
Eurycoma Longifolia(Long Jack) is standardized for *Eurypeptides
Fenugreek is standardized for Fenusides
Horny Goat Weed is standardized for *Icariin
Echinacea is standardized for *Echinacosides
Green Tea is standardized for *catechins
Hawthorne Berry is standardized for *vitexin
Vitex Agnus Castus is standardized for *Avenoscides
Gink Biloboa is standardized for *Ginkgo Flavone Glycosides
Milk Thristle is standardized for *silymarin
*Fadogia Agrestris is standardized for **************
Let's take a look at Omega's "T-Force" Product:
Supplement Facts
Serving Size 1Cap
Servings Per Container 90
Amount Per Serving
Fadogia AgrestisPE 500mg
(Extracted To Contain A Full Spectrum Of Alkaloids, Saponins, Anthraquinones And Flavonoids)
ZMA Complex 250mg
T-Force Other Ingredients
Microcrystalline Cellulose, Gelatin
Here is where they TRY to trick you; Alkaloids, Saponins, Anthraquinones And Flavonoids--thes are GARBAGE. There are DOZENS of Saponins, Anthraquinones And Flavonoids found in all types of plants such as the Tribulus Terrstris Plant, but the ONLY SAPONIN that matters is the ACTIVE--PROTODIOSCIN, in the case of Tribulus.
Omega T-Force is NOT STANDARDIZED to contain a SPECIFIC Saponin, Anthraquinone or Flavonoid. It is simply PLANT MATERIAL extract that contains a bunch of useless saponins and NOT the ONE THAT MATTERS MOST--the one we can't say. *T-Force is NOT a STANDARDIZED extract. What is the extract STANDARDIZED FOR? It contains WHAT % of what compound?
These guys haven't even IDENTIFIED the active steroidal sapogenin, so that is why they can not standardize a Fadogia plant extract. Furthermore, it is impossible to even get a pure Aqueous stem extract, for the crop is only indigenous to certain parts of the world. We are trying to bring Fadogia production out of Africa.
Here is MyoGenX(now called "Fadogia Agressive"), Anthony's product. I GIVE HIM CREDIT FOR BRINGING FADOGIA TO THE MARKET, so hats off to him!
Supplement Facts:
Serving Size: 1 capsule
Servings per container: 90
Fadogia Agrestis: 500 mgs
Vitamin E: 200 mgs
Zinc 15: 15 mgs
As we can see, he doesn't even use a PLANT EXTRACT, just raw whole plant material. This stuff isn't going to do ANYTHING AT ALL. Like I said, you stilll have to give the guy credit for bringing this stuff to the supplement marketplace.