Terrorismi Suomessa ja muualla

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Hesari demonisoi valkoisia.

Floridan epäillyn kouluampujan kerrotaan kuuluneen valkoisten valtaa ajavaan puolisotilaalliseen järjestöön – tämä kouluampumisesta tiedetään nyt



-So its goes - (Those three famous words from Slaughterhouse-Five, by Kurt Vonnegut)
Eipä ole paljoa oikaisuja näkynyt noihin valheellisiin uutisiin että toi kouluampuja kuuluisi valkoista ylivaltaa ajavaan järjestöön.. Toisaalta sama se tässä vaiheessa on kun vahinko on jo tapahtunut.
Hienosti toimi obaman ääri-vasemmistolainen politiikka. Eikä tarvitse katsoa ku Ruotsiin, ei sielläkään ihan hyvin mene. Tai Euroopassa ylipäätään, paria poikkeusta lukuun ottamatta. Mutta siellä ei imetäkään vasemmiston munaa.


Hommassahan voi olla muutakin muutosta taustalla, kuin pelkkä presidentti.


Internet ja sen tuoma näkyvyys.

Ihmisten pahoinvoinnin kulminoituminen, kun työtä ei löydy enään jokaiselle.

Nää nyt oli heittoja, mutta asiat saa helposti näyttään tilastoissa sille, miltä sen halutaan näyttävän. En niinkään asioista tiedä tämän suhteen, mutta oppinut, että kolikolla on kaksi puolta.
Niiin...... totta turiset ...
katsotaan mikä on tuo luku tulee olemaan Trumpin hallinon aikana.
Jos se on korkea niin ..... kaikki vässykät ympäri maailmaa selittävät asian Trumpin syyksi.....
Obaman ollessa kyseessä haetaan innnolla kaikkia muita selityksiä.:worship:

-So its goes - (Those three famous words from Slaughterhouse-Five, by Kurt Vonnegut)
Vähintäänkin huolestuttavaa miten lainkuulisaisilta kansalaisilta ollaan keräämässä aseet pois ympäri maailmaa.

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Congressman David N. Cicilline (RI-01) is introducing the Assault Weapons Ban of 2018.

“Assault weapons were made for one purpose. They are designed to kill as many people as possible in a short amount of time. They do not belong in our communities,” said Cicilline. “I am proud to introduce the Assault Weapons Ban with the support of leaders in law enforcement. It’s on all of us to end this carnage.”

“Americans don’t own tanks or missiles; so why should our streets be flooded with weapons of war made for the sole purpose of killing people? The Stoneman Douglas community is still reeling from this awful tragedy. But they want and deserve action from Congress,” said Congressman Ted Deutch (FL-22). “Banning assault weapons isn’t a Democratic idea, nor is it new; President Reagan supported the initial ban, which expired in 2004. Most Americans support the assault weapons ban. Now it’s time for Congress to listen and pass sensible legislation to get these weapons of war off our streets.”

The Assault Weapons Ban of 2018 will prohibit the sale, transfer, production, and importation of:

· Semi-automatic rifles and pistols with a military-style feature that can accept a detachable magazine;

· Semi-automatic rifles with a fixed magazine that can hold more than 10 rounds;

· Semi-automatic shotguns with a military-style feature;

· Any ammunition feeding device that can hold more than 10 rounds;

· And 205 specifically-named and listed firearms.

“While NOBLE supports this legislation, we also understand as law enforcement that it will not completely resolve the gun violence in our country,” said Clarence Cox III and Vera Bumpers of the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives. “However, it is movement toward disrupting gun violence. Our children deserve to be protected and adults have an obligation to never forget that. NOBLE would also like the House to consider addressing the new “Ghost Gun.” The “Ghost Gun” is of grave concern to law enforcement. These guns allow individuals to legally purchase components and once all components have been assembled can create an assault weapon, there are currently no procedures in place to detect these weapons. These assault weapons will have no serial number and are commonly referred to as “Ghost Guns.”

“Assault weapons have no legitimate purpose on the streets of America. Their sole purpose is to enable shooters to rapidly kill large numbers of people, so it is no surprise that these high-power firearms have become the weapon of choice for mass killers,” added Chuck Wexler, Executive Director of the Police Executive Research Forum. “Prohibiting the manufacture and sale of assault weapons, and the high-capacity magazines they carry, would require shooters to stop and reload, providing opportunities to take down an active shooter. The 1994 assault weapons ban was effective until it expired in 2004. During the time it was in effect, police agencies saw decreases in criminals’ use of assault weapons. These favorable trends reversed when the ban expired. Assault weapons have been used in Parkland, in Las Vegas, in Orlando, in Sutherland Springs, in San Bernardino, and in many other mass shootings. Congress must act now to reduce the death toll.”

“WIFLE Foundation, Inc. supports Congressman Cicilline’s efforts to propose legislation that prohibits the sale, transfer, manufacture, and importation of semi-automatic weapons and ammunition feeding devices capable of accepting more than 10 rounds,” said Catherine W. Sanz, President of the Women in Federal Law Enforcement Foundation. “We also support the protection of sporting and hunting rifles and the use of assault weapons by law enforcement and the military.”

When an assault weapon or a high-capacity magazine is used in a shooting, the number of victims who are killed increases by 63%. There have been almost 8,300 incidents of gun violence so far in 2018. More than 2,200 Americans have lost their lives. More than 500 children have been killed or injured.

As the frequency of mass shootings has increased in recent years, assault weapons have become the weapon of choice for these murderers. Assault weapons were used in attacks on Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida and the Route 91 Harvest music festival in Las Vegas. Shooters have also used assault weapons to commit mass murder at Sandy Hook Elementary School and a movie theatre in Aurora, Colorado.
Norway set to ban semi-automatic weapons
Reuters Staff

OSLO (Reuters) - Norway is set to ban semi-automatic weapons almost seven years after a far right-wing extremist killed 77 people in a bomb and shooting rampage, the deputy leader of parliament’s justice committee said on Thursday.

The July 22 massacre in 2011“was committed using that type of weapon. We need to get rid of them,” Peter Froelich told broadcaster TV2.

He said a majority of parliamentarians now backed the measure, in line with a proposal by the center-right government, and a vote was scheduled for next week.

Anders Behring Breivik gunned down 69 people at a Labour Party youth camp on Uteoya Island using a semi-automatic gun after killing eight people with a car bomb in central Oslo.

Froelich said the ban would require owners of existing semi-automatic weapons to give them up, as well as prohibiting future sales. He estimated it would affect about 2,000 owners in the country of 5.3 million inhabitants.

In the United States, a gunman killed 17 people at a high school in Parkland, Florida, last month, igniting a wave of national student activism in support of firearms restrictions.
Tässä haisee propaganda voimakkaasti.

LETTER: It’s time to ban semi-automatic weapons in Canada

Gun owner says we are heading to misery if we don’t.

The recent shooting in the U.S.A. has sparked a movement to stop the gun violence in that country. Canada does have better gun laws than they do, but I still believe we are at serious risk of similar gun violence if we do not better control our guns.

When Marc Lepine shot those 14 women in Quebec years ago our government at the time responded by setting up a Canadian Firearms Registry. The registry treated all gun owners as criminals, did nothing to reduce the risk of gun violence and cost the taxpayer a fortune.

I am a gun owner, a hunter, and a farmer, and I own several guns. None of my guns are weapons. They are tools. The gun used to shoot 14 young women at L’ecole Polytechnique in 1989 was a semi-automatic rifle. A hunter or farmer does not want or need a semi-automatic gun, as he aims to use as few bullets as possible to subdue his quarry.

An animal shot just once in the chest usually results in a lot of bloodied and wasted meat, and every bullet thereafter compounds the problem. A semi- automatic gun is not required for hunting, but it does make a pretty good weapon if the the user is disposed to pursue that goal.

In addition the fact that each squeeze of the trigger produces another bullet, and a nanosecond of inattentiveness can turn out badly, make semi-automatic guns far too dangerous to be placed in the hands of the public. You couldn’t pay me enough to own a semi-automatic gun.

The time it takes to jack another bullet into the chamber is definitely time well spent.

If the government had gotten rid of semi-automatic guns instead of subjecting us all to a gun registry it would have done far more to reduce the chance of gun violence.

Now pistols and such are considered to be restricted weapons, and they are only supposed to be used at a target shooting range. They can’t be kept in your glove compartment or used for hunting of any kind. They are supposed to be strictly controlled. Yet the gun that killed Coulton Boushie was a semi-automatic pistol, which the owner had stored in his shed.

I recently saw a gun shop advertising a 24-inch long, eight shot, 12 gauge shotgun for sale. That is a small hand-held cannon. Surely, I thought, that can’t be legal in Canada, but there it was. There is no job that would require this gun as a tool; it is clearly designed to be a weapon.

It’s time for Canada to show our American siblings the way, get rid of the weapons and allow law-abiding gun owners to keep their tools. If we don’t, we too are headed for misery.

Rod Retzlaff,

Glade, B.C.

Boldaus oma, aseet ei tapa ihmisiä.
Jorma Bulkkinen laittoi linkin toiseen lankaan, laitan tännekin.

Islamilaisessa koulussa toiminut mies yritti värvätä 11–14-vuotiaita lapsia tekemään terrori-iskuja Lontoossa

25-vuotias Umar Haque (vas.) suunnitteli terrori-iskuja Lontoossa ja yritti värvätä koululaisia mukaan suunnitelmiinsa. Suunnitelmissa olivat mukana myös Muhammad Abid ja Abuthaher Mamun.

Julkaistu: 4.3. 9:45

Äärijärjestö Isisiä tukeva mies suunnitteli terrori-iskuja muun muassa Big Beniin, pankkeihin ja suureen ostoskeskukseen.

Britanniassa äärijärjestö Isisiä tukevan miehen todettiin perjantaina syyllistyneen lasten värväämiseen jihadistien riveihin. Uutistoimisto Reuters kertoo, että 25-vuotias Umar Haque oli näyttänyt 11–14-vuotiaille lapsille teloitusvideoita ja muuta väkivaltaa sisältävää propagandaa sekä pakottanut lapset leikkimään roolileikkejä, joissa he hyökkäsivät poliiseja vastaan.

Lontoon poliisin mukaan miehen toimien tarkoituksena oli värvätä lapsia toteuttamaan useita terrori-iskuja Lontoossa. Haque suunnitteli syyttäjän mukaan käyttävänsä lapsia esimerkiksi Big Benin torniin, kuningattaren vartijoihin, pankkeihin, suureen ostoskeskukseen ja medioihin kohdistuvissa iskuissa.

– Hän yritti ja uskoaksemme radikalisoikin 11–14-vuotiaita, haavoittuvaisia lapsia, Dean Haydon Lontoon poliisin terrorismiyksiköstä kommentoi.


Umar Haque oli näyttänyt lapsille teloitusvideoita sekä pakottanut lapset leikkimään roolileikkejä, joissa he hyökkäsivät poliiseja vastaan. (KUVA: -)

Lapsista 35 on nyt Reutersin mukaan nyt viranomaisten erityistarkkailussa. Kuusi lapsista todisti oikeudessa kertoen yksityiskohtaisesti, kuinka Haque oli opettanut heille, että taisteleminen on oikein. Haydonin mukaan lapset olivat olleet hyvin peloissaan, koska Haque oli sanonut kuuluvansa Isisiin ja uhkaillut lapsia videoilla nähdyllä kohtalolla, jos he kertoisivat vanhemmilleen tai opettajilleen.

Haque ei virallisesti työskennellyt koulussa opettajana, eikä hänellä ollut valtuuksia opettajan tehtäviin. Poliisin mukaan hän oli kuitenkin esiintynyt kuin opettaja ja levittänyt propagandaa 110:lle lapselle. Kyseessä oli Lontoon itäosissa sijaitsevan moskeijan yhteydessä toimiva pieni islamilainen koulu.

– Hänen ei olisi pitänyt opettaa. Meillä on ollut haasteita sekä paikallisen yhteisön että instituutioiden kanssa, Haydon sanoi.


Abuthaher Mamun suunnitteli Haquen kanssa iskua, jossa he ajaisivat räjähteillä täytetyn auton väkijoukkoon Lontoossa.(KUVA: HANDOUT)

Viranomaiset uskovat Haquen radikalisoituneen internetissä ja saaneen inspiraatiota Lontoossa viime maaliskuussa tehdystä terrori-iskusta. Tuolloin Khalid Masood ajoi vuokratulla autolla jalankulkijoiden päälleen Westminsterin sillalla tappaen neljä ihmistä. Myöhemmin hän puukotti kuoliaaksi myös poliisin.

Haque oli lisäksi keskustellut vastaavan iskun tekemisestä 19-vuotiaan Abuthaher Mamuninkanssa, joka niin ikään opetti moskeijalla. Miehet olivat suunnitelleet aseistautuvansa ja täyttävänsä vuokra-auton räjähteillä. Suunnitelmat olivat poliisin mukaan kuitenkin vasta alkutekijöissään.

Mamunin lisäksi myös 27-vuotias Muhammad Abid todettiin syylliseksi iskujen suunnitteluun ja avustukseen siihen liittyvässä varojenhankinnassa. Tuomiot luetaan myöhemmin.


Mukana Haqueb suunnitelmissa oli myös Muhammad Abid.(KUVA: HANDOUT)
"An Islamic paramilitary organization financed by Iran has infiltrated large swaths of South America, joined forces with drug cartels and created a major threat to Florida and the rest of the U.S., experts testified at a Congressional Field Hearing in Pensacola on Monday about Hezbollah's gains in the Western Hemisphere."


Olen jo aiemmin todennut, että Iran soluttautuu länsimaihin ja on valmis terroriin ja sabotaasiin, mikäli katsoo tilanteen sitä vaativan. Tämä muodostaa potentiaalisesti suuremman uhan kuin ISIS.

Olen törmännyt joskus sellaiseen ajatukseen, että shiia-islam olisi jotenkin sunniversiota rauhanomaisempaa ja sivistyneempää. Ikävä kyllä sunni- ja shiiaopit eivät meidän "vääräuskoisten" kannalta poikkea toisistaan. Samaa jihadpaskaa on tarjolla Shiioiltakin, eikä edes kovin erilaisessa paketissa.

"Turun puukkoiskun esitutkintapöytäkirjan läpi kahlattuani katson, että pienikin määrä oikein kohdistettua hyvyyttä voisi riittää estämään tämän kaltaiset tapahtumat"

"Jos meissä on riittävä määrä hyvyyttä kumoamaan pahuus sisällämme, se riittää myös lopettamaan terrorin"

- Rebekka Härkönen

Eli todellinen uhri oli se Marokkolainen muslimi joka nyt yksin kyyhöttää vankilassa.
Viimeksi muokattu:

Panttivankien vapauttamisoperaatioon osallistunut poliisi haavoittui, kertovat lähteet.

Viranomaiset ovat määritelleet tilanteen terroriteoksi. Asemies ilmoitti olevansa äärijärjestö Isisin kannattaja.

Uutistoimisto AFP:n haastatteleman lähteen mukaan tekijä huusi arabiaksi "Allahu Akbar" eli Jumala on suurin, ennen kun hän astui sisälle supermarketiin hieman puolenpäivän jälkeen Suomen aikaa. Sen jälkeen kaupasta kuului ammuskelua, lähde kertoo.

...kevättä rinnassa niin alkaa keppostelu maistua

M-Nutrition Sports Greens 1, 210 g, Lemon-Lime

Todella tykki viherjauhe


"Turun puukkoiskun esitutkintapöytäkirjan läpi kahlattuani katson, että pienikin määrä oikein kohdistettua hyvyyttä voisi riittää estämään tämän kaltaiset tapahtumat"

"Jos meissä on riittävä määrä hyvyyttä kumoamaan pahuus sisällämme, se riittää myös lopettamaan terrorin"

- Rebekka Härkönen

Eli todellinen uhri oli se Marokkolainen muslimi joka nyt yksin kyyhöttää vankilassa.

Tää Härkönen on osastoa Kaikki alpakat penaalissa ja pelpakat....Näkee natseja tuolla, kuu-ukkoja täällä, yksisarvisia siellä, kaikki kivaa, mukavaa, yhtä suurta perhettä. Kunpa vaan voisimme rakastaa maailman ehyeksi.
Sadiq khan sanoo varmaan tähän "part & parcel"
Tästä voi myös huomata ettei aseistariisunta ole oikea ratkaisu kitkemään väkivaltaa, eiku hetkinen, kielletään veitset niin kaikki on taas hyvin..

London murder rate overtakes New York's
  • 1 hour ago
  • _100656237__100115786_mediaitem100115785.jpg
Image captionTwo teenagers were stabbed to death in Camden on 20 February
A spike in violent crime in London saw more murders committed in the city in February and March than there were in New York, figures show.

So far in 2018, the Met Police has investigated 46 murders, compared with 50 in the US city.

But, while New York's murder rate decreased from the end of January, London's rose markedly from that point.

Ex-Met Police Ch Supt Leroy Logan says it is proof that "London's violent traits have become a virus".

Statistics from the New York Police Department (NYPD) and the Metropolitan Police, reported in the Sunday Times and obtained by the BBC, highlight narrowing murder rates between the two cities, which have similar population sizes.

City Hall says it is "deeply concerned" by knife crime in the capital, but, along with the Met Police, insists London "remains one of the safest [cities] in the world".


  • In January, the Met investigated eight murders whereas the NYPD looked into 18 killings
  • By February, the NYPD's figures had dropped to 11, while London's rose to 15
  • In March, 22 murders were investigated in London while 21 inquiries were launched in New York
The Met said it was "concerned at the increase in murders in London".

"One murder is one too many, and we are working hard with our partners to understand the increase and what we can all do to prevent these tragedies from happening in the first place," a spokesman said.

However, it is a murder rate that has left Mr Logan feeling "absolutely devastated".


Image captionFormer Ch Supt Leroy Logan retired from the Met Police in 2013 after 30 years' service
"I cannot understand how things have gotten out of hand," he said.

"We have seen the virus of violence spreading. It is endemic in so many different parts of societies.

"It can only be dealt with in a holistic manner, because it is so holistic in its impact.

"Police can't just arrest or stop and search their way out of this problem; it has to be done in partnership with the communities."


Media captionYouth club leader describes an ‘increasing level of violence’ among teenagers.
The Met Police has launched 44 murder investigations in 2018, 31 of which have been as a result of stabbings.

The deaths of 47-year-old Laura Cecilia Navarrete De Figueira, from Twickenham, and her sons Claudio, 10, and Joaquin, seven, are part of the same Met Police murder investigation. She was found stabbed in London, while the boys were discovered dead, along with their father, at the foot of Birling Gap, in Sussex.

Croydon Central MP Sarah Jones, who chairs the all-party parliamentary group on knife crime, told the BBC's Today programme that London could learn from New York in how to reduce violent crime.

Image copyrightJACOB SACKS-JONES
Image captionSarah Jones says "London needs to treat violent crime like a disease"
"New York has been able to bring down serious violence through a public health approach," she said.

"We need a proper strategy that looks at all of the issues.

"Knife crime and violent crime acts like an epidemic, so you need to go in at the source to cut it off and then you need to inoculate the future young people against it.

"Going in at source means major intervention work with youth workers, inoculating means going into schools, changing the social norms, educating kids, teaching them what it is to be a man, teaching them how they don't need to carry knives."

Image copyrightPA
Image captionThe Met has investigated 46 murders in 2018 - of which 31 were stabbings
In February, the Met's Commissioner Cressida Dick visited police in Glasgow to learn about a public health approach which has seen murder rates in Scotland drop dramatically.

There are plans for Ms Dick to carry out more "fact-finding trips", in New York and with the West Midlands, Durham and Avon & Somerset forces.

Meanwhile, the government has launched a £1.35m campaign aimed at 10 to 21-year-olds.

The adverts to run across social media and digital channels feature stories of teenagers who have been stabbed.
1.4.2018 "i did it in the name of allah"

Algerian who plowed into church barriers in Pompeii sentenced
An Algerian is under investigation for terrorism in Italy, after he crashed against the barriers put up in defense of a church in Pompeii. To his terrified audience, he recited a litany in Arabic.


Germany: 1 dead and 17 injured after Syrian refugee sets building alight and blocks the exit


Germany van HORROR: Truck rams crowds killing multiple people and injuring 30
AT least 3 people are dead and dozens more injured after a van drove into a crowd of people in Germany.
Sadiq khan sanoo varmaan tähän "part & parcel"
Tästä voi myös huomata ettei aseistariisunta ole oikea ratkaisu kitkemään väkivaltaa, eiku hetkinen, kielletään veitset niin kaikki on taas hyvin..

London murder rate overtakes New York's
  • 1 hour ago
  • _100656237__100115786_mediaitem100115785.jpg
Image captionTwo teenagers were stabbed to death in Camden on 20 February
A spike in violent crime in London saw more murders committed in the city in February and March than there were in New York, figures show.

So far in 2018, the Met Police has investigated 46 murders, compared with 50 in the US city.

But, while New York's murder rate decreased from the end of January, London's rose markedly from that point.

Ex-Met Police Ch Supt Leroy Logan says it is proof that "London's violent traits have become a virus".

Statistics from the New York Police Department (NYPD) and the Metropolitan Police, reported in the Sunday Times and obtained by the BBC, highlight narrowing murder rates between the two cities, which have similar population sizes.

City Hall says it is "deeply concerned" by knife crime in the capital, but, along with the Met Police, insists London "remains one of the safest [cities] in the world".


  • In January, the Met investigated eight murders whereas the NYPD looked into 18 killings
  • By February, the NYPD's figures had dropped to 11, while London's rose to 15
  • In March, 22 murders were investigated in London while 21 inquiries were launched in New York
The Met said it was "concerned at the increase in murders in London".

"One murder is one too many, and we are working hard with our partners to understand the increase and what we can all do to prevent these tragedies from happening in the first place," a spokesman said.

However, it is a murder rate that has left Mr Logan feeling "absolutely devastated".


Image captionFormer Ch Supt Leroy Logan retired from the Met Police in 2013 after 30 years' service
"I cannot understand how things have gotten out of hand," he said.

"We have seen the virus of violence spreading. It is endemic in so many different parts of societies.

"It can only be dealt with in a holistic manner, because it is so holistic in its impact.

"Police can't just arrest or stop and search their way out of this problem; it has to be done in partnership with the communities."


Media captionYouth club leader describes an ‘increasing level of violence’ among teenagers.
The Met Police has launched 44 murder investigations in 2018, 31 of which have been as a result of stabbings.

The deaths of 47-year-old Laura Cecilia Navarrete De Figueira, from Twickenham, and her sons Claudio, 10, and Joaquin, seven, are part of the same Met Police murder investigation. She was found stabbed in London, while the boys were discovered dead, along with their father, at the foot of Birling Gap, in Sussex.

Croydon Central MP Sarah Jones, who chairs the all-party parliamentary group on knife crime, told the BBC's Today programme that London could learn from New York in how to reduce violent crime.

Image copyrightJACOB SACKS-JONES
Image captionSarah Jones says "London needs to treat violent crime like a disease"
"New York has been able to bring down serious violence through a public health approach," she said.

"We need a proper strategy that looks at all of the issues.

"Knife crime and violent crime acts like an epidemic, so you need to go in at the source to cut it off and then you need to inoculate the future young people against it.

"Going in at source means major intervention work with youth workers, inoculating means going into schools, changing the social norms, educating kids, teaching them what it is to be a man, teaching them how they don't need to carry knives."

Image copyrightPA
Image captionThe Met has investigated 46 murders in 2018 - of which 31 were stabbings
In February, the Met's Commissioner Cressida Dick visited police in Glasgow to learn about a public health approach which has seen murder rates in Scotland drop dramatically.

There are plans for Ms Dick to carry out more "fact-finding trips", in New York and with the West Midlands, Durham and Avon & Somerset forces.

Meanwhile, the government has launched a £1.35m campaign aimed at 10 to 21-year-olds.

The adverts to run across social media and digital channels feature stories of teenagers who have been stabbed.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqsoRsptJhY
"Thats part and par-par-politics"
Vittu mikä jätkä.

Poliiseille ei löydy varoja, joka näkyy suoraan väkivalta tilastoissa.

Kun ulkomaille työnnetään 13 miljardia

Khan on muslimi, juristi, feministi, joka kannattaa Britannian EU- jäsenyyttä....

enough said ...........

-So its goes - (Those three famous words from Slaughterhouse-Five, by Kurt Vonnegut)

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