- Liittynyt
- 8.1.2004
- Viestejä
- 606
Avoid Useless Leg Work
This next study, using ECG monitoring of muscle activity, dealt with comparisons of different exercises regarding hamstring activation. Many of us already know that athletes tend to disproportionately train their quadriceps compared to their hams. Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries and other issues can result. But how much direct hamstring work is necessary?
As often hypothesized at T-Nation, exercises such as the deadlift — and to a lesser extent step-ups, lunges and squats — seriously activate the hamstrings, even though they're considered quadriceps movements.
Deads offer nearly double the hamstring stimulation of the other quad-focused exercises. In fact, the data regarding the deadlift "suggest it's a better hamstring training stimulus than exercises previously thought to specifically train the hamstrings such as the stiff legged deadlift, single legged deadlift, and good morning exercises."
What this means to some readers is A.) Prevention of ACL injuries could be partly addressed just by performing your favorite "quad movements" and B.) Don't waste extra time doing step-ups and lunges and squats in the same session as far as hamstrings are concerned. These movements all stimulate the hams about equally.
Eli jos jollekin ei tuo englanninkielinen teksti auennut, niin tuoreen tutkimuksen mukaan maastaveto on tehokkaampi liike takareisille kuin "perinteiset" takareisiliikkeet kuten SJMV tai hyvää huomenta -liike.