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Henry Miller
Kravun kääntöpiiri
Amerikkalaisen kirjallisuuden kauhukakaran Henry Millerin omaelämäkerrallinen esikoisteos on kiihkeä ja estoton sukellus 30-luvun Pariisin boheemielämään. Kravun kääntöpiiri julkaistiin 1934 Pariisissa, kaupungissa, jonne Miller oli lähtenyt – kymmenen dollaria taskussaan – pakoon amerikkalaista pikkusieluisuutta. Tämä kertojanääneltään kaikista siihenastisista poikkeava teos herätti tavattomasti huomiota, mutta kiellettiin pornografiana lähes kaikkialla missä sitä yritettiin levittää – Suomessakin sen ensimmäinen painos takavarikoitiin vuonna 1962. Kirja eli ensimmäiset vuosikymmenensä kielletyn kirjan maanalaista elämää. Kesti lähes 30 vuotta ennen kuin teos vapautui pannasta ja nykyään sitä pidetään yhtenä vuosisatamme suurista romaaneista, jonka vapauttava vaikutus kirjallisuuteen ja yleiseen ilmapiiriin on ollut suunnaton. Kravun kääntöpiiri on myös loistava näyttö nuoren Pentti Saarikosken suomentajankyvyistä, hallittu ja eläytyvä suoritus luomisvoimansa parhaita vuosia eläneeltä runoilijalta.
Ja aurinko nousee
The Sun Also Rises is set in the bars and cafes of Paris and the bull rings of Pamplona during the Festival of San Fermin and the running of the bulls in the 1920s. The story is about a group of young Americans and English expatriats in Paris trying to enjoy their lives after the First World War.
Jacob Barnes (known as Jake) is the narrator of the story and the hero. He is an American from Kansas City now living in Paris and working as writer/newspaper reporter. Jake is impotent after being wounded in the war but he is deeply in love with a woman called Brett - her full name is Lady Brett Ashley, the title she inherited from her husband. Brett is seeking a divorce from her husband and it quickly becomes clear she is a very shallow person who loves to tease men and have affairs with them but she is incapable of having any real deep feeling for anyone.
The story spans just a few weeks in the lives of Jake, Brett and a circle of friends. Hemingway makes much of the comaderie Jake has with men and the support he always offers Brett, despite her rejection of him because he is impotent.
Hemingway develops his characters well, notably, Michael Campbell, Brett's fiancee, who is indifferent to her other affairs. Brett treats men as sexual objects and drifts from one man to the other in the story, always returning to her indifferent fiancee, Michael.
Robert Cohn is an immature, emotionally weak member of the group. He is strongly dependent on everyone and is full of self pity. He wins the attention of Brett and feels superior but she dumps him and he is left feeling even more weak and destroyed.
Jake sits back and watches Brett's relationships with men in a calm, controlled way but always painfully aware of his own physical inadequacies. Every time she breaks up with someone or is feeling depressed she turns to Jake.
Alocohol plays an important part of the story, often making the characters reveal their true selves when they are drunk.
There is repetition in the story. The inevitability that Brett will have another affair, Jake is always there to comfort her. Michael is always there to put up with her. Each character goes away to heal their wounds. Just like the sun always rising every morning and setting every night.
Jake has one friend, called Bill Gordon, he is the only male character not to fall in love with Brett but just enjoys the company of Jake in Spain, whilst they fish and watch the bull fights. A bullfighter, called Pedro Romero also falls in love with Brett. He is a young, confident and handsome Spaniard, admired by all for his expertise in the ring. He tries to change Brett, to make her into a more womanly woman. He wants her to grow her hair long, (she has short boyish hair). Pedro will lose respect in his country if he carries on his liaison with Brett. They part but Brett is distraught, perhaps for the first time. She runs to Jake for support. The story finishes with Brett telling Jake they should be together but they can't because he is impotent.