Jos tarkoitat nyt niitä sun matalaviritteisiä jenkkejäsi, niin niitä ei tosiaankaan kannata tuollaiseen testiin laittaa. Niissä vaikutus on vieläkin vähäisempi, eli käytännössä olematon. Luonnollisesti kannattaa testata niillä, joissa on edes teoreettinen mahdollisuus havaita eroja. Vaan kuten itsekin sanoit, jatka edelleen perseesi pyyhkimistä faktoilla. Tässä vielä lisää materiaalia perseenpyyhkimiseena:
The only modern engines that should really need premium are those with superchargers, which force-feed fuel into the cylinders. "You're driving along and just tramp the gas and the knock sensor cannot sense the knock fast enough in some cases," because the supercharger boosts pressure so fast, says Bob Furey, chemist and fuels specialist at General Motors.
There is "no way of taking advantage of premium in a regular-grade car," says Furey.
"No customer should ever be deluded into thinking there's any value in buying a higher grade of octane than we specify," says Toyota's Paul Williamsen, technical expert and trainer.
"There is no gain. You're wasting money," insists Jim Blenkarn, in charge of powertrains at Nissan in the USA.