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- 26.7.2003
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Pallolla mahaan harjoituksesta tulee aina mieleen Van Damme - Kickboxer
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Puhut (tai annat ymmärtää: jos et ole koskaan paininut niin olet ihan avuton blaa blaa, no aijaa?) kuin Floyd olisi joku 60 kiloinen kynis joka on just repäisty tietokoneen takaa pelaamaasta kynäriä. Kyseessä on yksi maailman kovimmista urheilijoista.
On ihan naurettavaa paskaa väittää että Floydin kaltaisen tyypin voisi joku vaan käydä "laittamassa tonttiin ja pistää armbar".
Kuten mainittu, Ronda söi edellisessä matsissa ihan helvetisti nyrkkiä ja nyt sitä nyrkkiä olisi tarjoamassa sen kokoluokan maailman paras lyöjä. Kyllä Ronda olisi iso altavastaaja matsissa. Kummallakin olisi silti mahdollisuus voittaa. Mitä vähemmän aikaa Floydilla olisi treenata alasvientejä sitä isompi etu Rondalla olisi, mutta ei tää nyt mikään ylikävely olis kummaltakaan osapuolelta siitä huolimatta.
Hitto kun tulikin sekaannuttua tähän vammaseen keskusteluun.. Olo on kuin A2-keskusteluillassa.
Cattihan oli kuumempi mitä muistinkaan![]()
"I've said before, I don't care if she's injecting horse semen into her eyeballs, I'll fight her, but that's just my personal decision," Rousey said. "But I can't make a decision for the whole division. I can't say it's the right thing. This girl has been on steroids for so long and [has been] injecting herself for so long that she's not even a woman anymore. She's an 'it.' It's not good for the women's division. It's not good at all.
"If she comes in the UFC and I beat the [expletive] out of her and then I retire and become an action movie star, then the UFC is still going to be stuck with her. The division could die. She could ruin the whole sport. Even though it's a fight a lot of people want to see, even if I beat the living crap out of her, it won't be good for the sport because then she'd still be in the UFC."
There are many fighters in the UFC who have failed tests and returned to competition with no problem, but Rousey said she believes, because of the potential consequences of steroid usage, the penalties should be stronger.
She said there should be bans for using steroids because of the damage they could cause in a fight. Rousey said she was also in favor of random, unannounced testing as is done during Olympic competition.
"I'd be honored to fight a competitor like Gina, who is an example of what real respect and honor is in the cage," Rousey said. "I really think with Cyborg taking all of those steroids and hormones and then going into the cage, it's like going in with a weapon. It's certainly very negligent, but it's also criminal. I believe, it really is. Promoting her would be promoting that act and I think it would be wrong in every way.
"I think it should be like the Olympics. If you [expletive] up once, you're not going to the [expletive] Olympics. There should be a zero tolerance policy where if you're caught doing anything, you should be done [expletive] forever."
Yleinen mielipide tuntuu olevan että Rondalla vähän puntit tutisee, "it" ei kelpaa vastaan mutta viimeksi vuosikymmen sitten otellut Carano kelpaa, siis se mimmi jonka viiminen matsi on tappio Cyborgille ja joka ei päässyt oikein ikinä ees 145 paunaan, ja joka tulisi varmaan 160 paunaisena kehään.. :D
Cyborg voi pudottaa ihan vapaasti sinne 135-paunaisiin ja tulla haastamaan Rondaa, niin kuin sanookin nyt aikovansa. Olisi ihan älytöntä väittää, että Rondalla olisi velvollisuus lähteä ylöspäin jonkun kärähtäneen roinailijan perässä. Cyborg voi muutenkin syyttää tilanteesta ihan itseään, koska Ronda vs Cyborgia oltiin jo järkkäämässä kesäksi 2012, mutta Cyborgilla oli liian kiire sössiä tilaisuutensa kärähtämällä huijaamisesta. Cyborg vielä sen jälkeen itse pyysi, että UFC päästää hänet menemään. Onhan se ihan ymmärrettävää, että nyt suu käy sieltä jostain lähes olemattoman säkkidivarin huipulta, kun ei ole mitään muuta keinoa pitää nimeään esillä, kuin huudella Rondan perään.
Toi kävis järkeen jos Ginan pitäisi tehdä sama mutta Gina käy 160 paunaisena. Cyborgi on rangaistuksensa kärsinyt ei muuta kuin uutta matoa koukkuun, paitsi että Ronda pelkää, vaikka Cainille pärjäisikin.
Ronda lähtee lomalle taikka eläkkeelle ennen kuin Cyborg matsi toteutuu, ei sillä oo todellista halua edes otella parhaita vastaan. Sanois vaan rehellisesti ettei uskalla ottaa puolimiestä vastaan missään painoluokassa niin ei tarttis tätäkään turhaan odotella, ei tule tapahtumaan ei niin ei.
Toi kävis järkeen jos Ginan pitäisi tehdä sama mutta Gina käy 160 paunaisena. Cyborgi on rangaistuksensa kärsinyt ei muuta kuin uutta matoa koukkuun, paitsi että Ronda pelkää, vaikka Cainille pärjäisikin.
An attorney/adviser for Cristiane Justino said there’s probably a reason UFC women’s bantamweight champion Ronda Rousey was so ruthless during a recent interview.
According to George Prajin, who represents “Cyborg,” Rousey has resorted to name-calling, false accusations and verbally attacking his client “because she can’t physically.”
Prajin addressed Rousey’s comments in a statement issued to MMAjunkie.
This past week, in an interview with Yahoo! Sports‘ Kevin Iole, Rousey blasted Justino, a former Strikeforce champion who’s been campaigning for a shot in the UFC, due to her past failed test due to her use of a performance-enhancing drug. The UFC champ then suggested Justino is a longtime PED user with her most damning comments.
“I’ve said before, I don’t care if she’s injecting horse semen into her eyeballs, I’ll fight her, but that’s just my personal decision,” Rousey told Yahoo! Sports. “But I can’t make a decision for the whole division. I can’t say it’s the right thing. This girl has been on steroids for so long and [has been] injecting herself for so long that she’s not even a woman anymore. She’s an ‘it.’ It’s not good for the women’s division. It’s not good at all.”
Prajin’s statement:
First of all Cris Cyborg is a beautiful woman with a huge heart. She has a mother and father and a beautiful niece that she has raised since she was born. Ronda is not only trying to hurt Cris but is hurting them as well. This is fight sport, no reason for hateful attacks. You want to hurt Cris, get in the cage. Dare you.
Cris Cyborg does not need to resort to personal insults. She wants to hurt Ronda physically not verbally. Ronda’s hateful statements show that she fears Cris because she knows she has to verbally attack her to hurt her because she can’t physically. She knows she has no chance against Cris in a fight.
First she ran to 135 to escape her, hoping that she would never have to face her. Then when fans started to demand the fight, she hid behind her weight division. Now that Cris is coming after her she now is setting up the excuse of all excuses – fighting Cris wouldn’t be fair.
She is right about one thing: It would not be fair. And it has nothing to do with performance enhancing drugs. It’s because Cris is just that much better. And to agree with Ronda, it would be criminal. In fact, if it wasn’t a consensual fight, it would end in a crime upon her.
Ronda is making serious allegations that Cris is abusing steroids. Unless she has proof, she is having a reckless disregard for the truth!
Ronda knows Cris has passed four drug tests in a row including a random drug test performed this past March. All Ronda is doing is trying to build an excuse once Cris mops the cage with her. That is by lying and saying that Cris is a cheater.
Affirmatively, Cris is not using any performance enhancing drugs!
UFC officials didn’t respond to a request for comment or address Rousey’s use of the word “it” to describe a fellow female fighter. Representatives from GLAAD, who addressed similar comments that UFC heavyweight Matt Mitrione made about transgender fighter Fallon Fox in 2013, also weren’t available.