Post-workout video on sitten varmaan, kun Cutler voitti Olympian tai sitä K-18 viteo materiaali, mutta itse ainenkin katsoisin Jayn posettamista mielummin.
... :thumbs: onnee sullekkin. :piis:
Ei ole mitään näyttöä siitä että sekstailusta oikein ajoitettuna ainakaan olisi mitään haittaa esim. lihaskasvuun tai harjoittelun fysiologiaan.
Onko muuten jossain tutkimuksia miten seksi/masturbointi ja ehkäpä vielä ejakulaatio vaikuttavat hormonipitoisuuksiin?
:D Ai että on kivaa kaivella Pubmediä ja tehdä turhia ja epätieteellisiä päätelmiä:
The circulating level of 17alpha-hydroxypregnenolone increased significantly (in young men after ejaculation)"
Voiko siis 17OH-Preg (siis tuo 17alpha-hydroxypregnenolone) korottaa tuota kautta androgeeni tasoja (ei hajuakaan onko tästä sitten hyötyä vai haittaa)?
Jaahas, taidan vastata itse tuohon alkup kysymykseen näillä:
Neuroendocrine and cardiovascular response to sexual arousal and orgasm in men.
Data regarding the neuroendocrine response pattern to sexual arousal and orgasm in man are inconsistent. In this study, ten healthy male volunteers were continuously monitored for their cardiovascular and neuroendocrine response to sexual arousal and orgasm. Blood was continuously drawn before, during and after masturbation-induced orgasm and analyzed for
plasma concentrations of adrenaline, noradrenaline, cortisol, luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), prolactin, growth hormone (GH), beta-endorphin and testosterone. Orgasm induced transient increases in heart rate, blood pressure and noradrenaline plasma levels.
Prolactin plasma levels increased during orgasm and remained elevated 30 min after orgasm.
In contrast, none of the other endocrine variables were significantly affected by sexual arousal and orgasm.
Vai niin.
Mutta ohoo:
Endocrine response to masturbation-induced orgasm in healthy men following a 3-week sexual abstinence.
This current study examined the effect of a 3-week period of sexual abstinence on the neuroendocrine response to masturbation-induced orgasm. Hormonal and cardiovascular parameters were examined in ten healthy adult men during sexual arousal and masturbation-induced orgasm. Blood was drawn continuously and cardiovascular parameters were constantly monitored. This procedure was conducted for each participant twice, both before and after a 3-week period of sexual abstinence. Plasma was subsequently analysed for concentrations of adrenaline, noradrenaline, cortisol, prolactin, luteinizing hormone and testosterone concentrations. Orgasm increased blood pressure, heart rate, plasma catecholamines and prolactin. These effects were observed both before and after sexual abstinence. In contrast, although plasma testosterone was unaltered by orgasm, higher testosterone concentrations were observed following the period of abstinence.
These data demonstrate that acute abstinence does not change the neuroendocrine response to orgasm but does produce elevated levels of testosterone in males.
:D :arvi:
Fuck that. Nyt rupee wannabebodarit selibaattiin tämän nähdessään, elleivät ole jo.