Tässä on juurikin yks tärkeimmistä syistä laillistaa kannabis. Sen myynti pitäisi saada tiskin taakse valvotun silmän alle eikä villisti rikollisten idioottien myytäväksi kaduille, missä ei tietenkään tarkasteta henkkareita. Eikä kukaan valvo mitä muuta katumyyjät pistävät kannabiksen sekaan. Ja helvetin suuret rangaistukset niille jotka antaa kannabista alaikäisille. Ikärajaksi vähintään 21v.
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According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, marijuana is far less addictive than alcohol, tobacco, and in some ways caffeine (daily coffee drinkers know that missing a cup one day can result in physical withdrawal symptoms, whereas no physical withdrawal symptoms are associated with marijuana). This is not to say marijuana cannot become habit-forming and problematic for some; like many substances and behaviors, it can. But the potential for addiction and the harms associated with it pale in comparison to alcohol, which we clearly accept as a product that needs to remain legal and regulated in this country. By continuing to exaggerate the potential for addiction and other potential harms of marijuana, people like those with Smart Colorado are teaching young people not to trust what they hear about substances from authority figures. If they are told marijuana is incredibly addictive, some will inevitably try it, realize it is not remotely as addictive as they've been led to believe, and then assume they were lied to about other drugs that might actually be quite addictive.