- Liittynyt
- 30.9.2008
- Viestejä
- 46
Löysin tuolta netistä etsiskellessäni suraavanlaisen nopeusvoimatreenin:
Training program for speed improvement
The following program was devised by Barry Ross a USA track and field coach with 25 years experience to increase the running speed of his athletes.
1. Warm up and dynamic stretching
2. Deadlift (MAVE) - 2 to 3 sets of 2 to 3 reps @ 85 to 95% 1RM - each set followed by 6 depth jumps and then a 5 minute recovery (depth jumps must be conducted within one minute of completing the set of deadlifts)
3. Bench Press - 2 to 3 sets of 2 to 3 reps @ 85 to 95% 1RM with a 5 minute recovery between each set
4. Power Clean (Rinnalleveto) - 2 to 3 sets of 2 to 3 reps @ 85 to 95% 1RM with a 5 minute recovery between each set
5. Abdominal exercises - 3 to 5 sets of 3 to 5 reps @ 85 to 95% 1RM with a 5 minute recovery between each set
6. Cool down and static stretching
3 and 4 above could be replaced with Clean and Jerk (Ylöstyöntö) - 3 to 5 sets of 3 to 5 reps @ 85 to 95% 1RM with a 5 minute recovery between each set.
The program is conducted on 3 consecutive days each week.
Kuulostaa vähän jännältä, että tuollasella vois saada nopeutta aikaan.:wtf: Oudolta tuntuu myös tehä penkkii useaa kertaa viikossa. Ja penkille varmaan myös ois tärkee tuo vastaalike eli selkä. Voiskohan tuo toimia, sillä ite tarvitsisin juuri tuota nopeusvoimaa... Tässähän tavoite on seuraava:
Speed is considered to be the combination of two factors - stride rate and stride length. Greater forces increase the stride length and decrease the contact time so stride rate increases. To improve these factors coaches have focused on developing leg strength that in turn has resulted in an increase in body weight. What we ideally require in our runner is a high power to weight ratio. The objective of Barry's program is to increase strength with minimal gain in bulk thereby achieving a high power to weight ratio.
Lyhyesti: Nopeus on askeleen pituuden ja askeleen laadun summa. Kun askelpituus voimaa lisätessä kasvaa niin askelkontakti maahan pienenee ja näinollen askeleen laatu paranee. Näin pyritään saamaan mahdollisimman suuri voima-paino suhde ruumiiseen.
Training program for speed improvement
The following program was devised by Barry Ross a USA track and field coach with 25 years experience to increase the running speed of his athletes.
1. Warm up and dynamic stretching
2. Deadlift (MAVE) - 2 to 3 sets of 2 to 3 reps @ 85 to 95% 1RM - each set followed by 6 depth jumps and then a 5 minute recovery (depth jumps must be conducted within one minute of completing the set of deadlifts)
3. Bench Press - 2 to 3 sets of 2 to 3 reps @ 85 to 95% 1RM with a 5 minute recovery between each set
4. Power Clean (Rinnalleveto) - 2 to 3 sets of 2 to 3 reps @ 85 to 95% 1RM with a 5 minute recovery between each set
5. Abdominal exercises - 3 to 5 sets of 3 to 5 reps @ 85 to 95% 1RM with a 5 minute recovery between each set
6. Cool down and static stretching
3 and 4 above could be replaced with Clean and Jerk (Ylöstyöntö) - 3 to 5 sets of 3 to 5 reps @ 85 to 95% 1RM with a 5 minute recovery between each set.
The program is conducted on 3 consecutive days each week.
Kuulostaa vähän jännältä, että tuollasella vois saada nopeutta aikaan.:wtf: Oudolta tuntuu myös tehä penkkii useaa kertaa viikossa. Ja penkille varmaan myös ois tärkee tuo vastaalike eli selkä. Voiskohan tuo toimia, sillä ite tarvitsisin juuri tuota nopeusvoimaa... Tässähän tavoite on seuraava:
Speed is considered to be the combination of two factors - stride rate and stride length. Greater forces increase the stride length and decrease the contact time so stride rate increases. To improve these factors coaches have focused on developing leg strength that in turn has resulted in an increase in body weight. What we ideally require in our runner is a high power to weight ratio. The objective of Barry's program is to increase strength with minimal gain in bulk thereby achieving a high power to weight ratio.
Lyhyesti: Nopeus on askeleen pituuden ja askeleen laadun summa. Kun askelpituus voimaa lisätessä kasvaa niin askelkontakti maahan pienenee ja näinollen askeleen laatu paranee. Näin pyritään saamaan mahdollisimman suuri voima-paino suhde ruumiiseen.