Tokyo Ariake Coliseum: vs. Tony Halme
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New Japan juttua, siellä on muistakin halmeen otteluista kerrontaa jos kiinnostaa:
"Ishu Kakutogisen: Big Van Vader vs. Tony Halme. This was when boxer Halme was getting started in pro wrestling. The idea of using him in mixed matches was good, and Vader was so good here carrying this clueless putz that it should have been passable. The problem is someone had the bright idea that these guys are so tough they should do 6 rounds. 6 rounds in a real shoot is one thing, but when you have one guy that doesn't know what he's doing and another that's used to faking it in the pro wrestling sense, it's just asking for trouble. The match was generally good when Vader was on offense. His clubbing blows put the boxer's punches (which were more like haymakers than anything you'd actually throw in boxing) to shame, but he showed more diversity than in his UWF-I days as the top monster, actually pulling out some submissions rather than just relying on power. Halme's conditioning was poor, so he was sucking wind quickly. Even before that, he was just sucking. He basically just punched, which would be fine if they weren't either love taps or complete misses. Vader wasn't going to embarrass himself by flopping for these things, but since none of Halme's strikes were good he was stuck going down for the ones he could actually feel, resulting in his selling being exaggerated. The later stages were the worst because Halme took over after Vader bladed and the fighters and their tactics were just worn out."
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