Missä ne oikeasti yksinkertaiset ohjelmat ovat?

EAA-valmisjuoma 24-pack

Pineapple Passion Fruit

Olkapäät ja ojentajat, hullua kuritusta - jalat melkein olemattomalla panostuksella, eli tasapaino perseellään. Jako on IMO kummallinen ja ei ole edes kovin yksinkertainen treeni kaikenkaikkiaan, noin niinku tämän threadin mittapuulla.
Olkapäät ja ojentajat, hullua kuritusta - jalat melkein olemattomalla panostuksella, eli tasapaino perseellään. Jako on IMO kummallinen ja ei ole edes kovin yksinkertainen treeni kaikenkaikkiaan, noin niinku tämän threadin mittapuulla.
Jep, tuolla on kaikille RHP-lihaksille helvetisti eri liikkeitä (mukaanlukien täysin turhia hilavitkutuksia ja pieniä eristysliikkeitä), mutta jaloille niinkin hulppeasti treeniä kuin 2 fakin sarjaa kyykkyä ekassa treenissä ja 2 sarjaa mavea tokassa treenissä. Täydellisen epätasapainoinen ja epälooginen ohjelma ja suoraan sanottuna melkoinen rintahauispelletekele. Tuo vaikuttaa siltä, kuin joku RHP olisi miettinyt miten treenata yläkroppaa 2-jakoisesti, ja sitten juuri ennen ohjelman postittamista ympännyt tuonne nuo 2 sarjaa kyykkyä/mavea ihan vain sen takia että voisi sanoa tuota koko kropan (eikä vain yläkropan) ohjelmaksi. :rolleyes:
Nykyinen ohjelma:

Ti:penkki 2x6, 2x8, vinopenkki 3x6-8
kapea penkki 4x10, ojentajat taljassa 3x8-12 ojentajat niskantakaa KP 3x12, keskitetty hauiskääntö 2x8, hauis hammer otteella 2x8, hauis seisten KP 2x8-12

To:Ylätalja 4x10-12, alatalja 4x8-10, kulmasoutu 3x12
takakyykky 12,10,10 hack-kyykky 8,6,6,6
vatsat roomalaisessa penkissä 20,20,20,15
Olankohautukset 5x16-20


Olkapäät ja ojentajat, hullua kuritusta - jalat melkein olemattomalla panostuksella, eli tasapaino perseellään. Jako on IMO kummallinen ja ei ole edes kovin yksinkertainen treeni kaikenkaikkiaan, noin niinku tämän threadin mittapuulla.
:jahas: .. Minä kun luulin, että tein oikein hyvän ohjelman.. No kokeillaan uudestaan sitten!

Rinta, etureidet, olkapäät, ojentajat

-Penkkipunnerrus tanko x2
-Vinopenkkipunnerrus tanko x2
-Kyykky x 2
-Reiden ojennukset x2
-Pystypunnerrus tanko x2
-Vipunostot sivulle x 2
-Kapea penkki x3
-Rankalainen punnerrus x3

Selkä, pohkeet, hauikset, forkut/epäkkäät

- Kulmasoutu tanko x3
- Kulmasoutu kp x3
- Pohkeet seisten x3
- Hauikset tangolla x3
- Hauikset scott x3
- Hauikset kp x3
- Rannekäännöt x2
- Kohautukset x2

Sama kuin Ma

Sama kuin Ti
Mikä tossa nyt kusee? Nappasin ton meinaan tuolta "FAQ: Treeniohjelmat lihaksen kasvatukseen ja ruokavalioesimerkkejä" threadista
Meinasit treenata hauiksia useamman sarjan kuin kyykkyä? JA kolme liikettä hauviksille ja kaksi jaloille + pohkeet? Ei tuo olisi edes niin paha jos edes kyykkäisit kunnolla. Vuorottelisit edes penkkiä/vinopenkkiä ja päälle pystypunnerrusta ja jos on paukkuja niin sitten vipareita, sekä nuo ojentajaliikkeet eivät nyt aivan välttämättömiä ole tuommoisen jälkeen.
Mitä jos kokeilisit vielä kertaalleen

Tai jos et kuitenkaan.

Tässä on äärimmäisen yksinkertainen ja aloittelijalle äärimmäisen toimiva ohjelma, eli Mark Rippetoen Starting Strenght.
Huomaa erityisesti kikcbackien korvaaminen jalkatyöllä.

Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength Routine:

*note the dip/chin isnt in the original program

Here is a routine from Mark Rippetoe’s book called “Starting Strength”. You can buy the book at www.startingstrength.com. It includes endless useful info that all beginners should learn. But as for the program he suggests, his clients that he gives it to on AVERAGE gain 30-40 pounds in about 6 months or so which is amazing gains.

The program is as follows:

You alternate Workout A and Workout B every other day, 3 times a week. So you could either do Mon, Wed, Fri or Tues, Thurs. and Sat. Depending on what works best for you.


Week 1:

Monday - Workout A
Wednesday -Workout B
Friday - Workout A

Week 2:

Monday - Workout B
Wednesday - Workout A
Friday - Workout B


For the actual workouts read below:

Note: This doesn’t include warm-up sets

**Means this is OPTIONAL**

Workout A
3x5 Squat
3x5 Bench Press
1x5 Deadlift
**2x8 Dips (if you cant do these or no assist machine then do Decline Dumbbell Bench Press with your hands Facing each other)

Workout B
3x5 Squat
3x5 Standing military press
3x5 Pendlay or Bent Rows (or power cleans)
**2x8 Chin-ups (recommended mainly if doing the cleans)

Assistance work:

Most people cant get it through there head that compound lifts also work your arms Plenty and always Insist on direct arm work. As quoted by Madcow2, “Don't **** with this. Every bodybuilder seems to have Attention Deficit Disorder and an overwhelming desire to customize everything.” If you are one of these people note that you have the option of doing the dips and chins which give PLENTY of arm work. Abdominal work is fine to do also if needed.

I recommend weighted decline sit-ups and/or Hanging Leg Raises at 2x8-10.


As for the weight, make sure that you use the SAME weight throughout the sets. For example if I do the first set if Squats with 200lbs then I do the other 2 sets of squats with 200lbs.

Every week make it a goal to increase each of your lifts by 2.5%. Meaning if I lifted 100lbs for my Bench Week 1 then Week 2 I would try for 102.5lbs. If I did 200lb Squats Week 1 I would try for 205lbs in Week 2. Sometimes you will be able to do more but don’t mess with your form just to lift more.

Warm-up Sets:

Before all your working sets it is best to do a few warm-up sets. Specifically for your first lift. You don’t have to do the whole thing for the other lifts but definitely the first.

What you do is you ramp your weight up to your working sets.

For example:

2x5xbar (sets x reps x weight)

And the working set weight would be 175.

If you are lifting your working sets under 150 I would cut out the 3rd warmup set of 1x5 because it wont be needed.

The Lifts:

**Used references and quotes from Madcow2 and Bodybuilding.com**

Barbell Squat: These should be full range Olympic style squats. Use the full range of your body - that means as low as you can go which for almost everyone is past parallel. If the top of your thighs aren't at least parallel it's for sh!t. If you think this is bad for your knees going low, you and whoever told you that are relying on an old wives tale. Anyone who knows the human body will tell you that below parallel is MUCH safer on the knees whereas parallel and above put all the sheer right on them and doesn’t allow proper transfer of the load to the rest of your body (this is how your body was designed).

Rest a barbell on the upper portion of your back, not your neck. Firmly grip the bar with your hands almost twice your shoulder width apart. Position your feet about shoulder width apart and your toes should be pointing just a little outward with your knees in the same direction. Keep your back as straight as possible and your chin up, bend your knees and slowly lower your hips straight down until your THIGHS ARE AT LEAST PARALLEL TO THE FLOOR. Once you reach the bottom position, press the weight up back to the starting position.

Video: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/2003/barbellsquat.wvx

To be honest ATG (Ass to the Grass) squats work the best IMO. What you do is you go ALL the way down until your hamstrings touch your calves and keep the same Olympic squat form.

Barbell Deadlift: Each rep is deweighted fully on the floor. No touch and go. This is called the 'dead'lift because the weight is 'dead' on the ground. You can touch and go warm ups but that's it.

This is a very complicated exercise so here is bodybuilding.com’s detailed instructions on this lift.


Video: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/2003...ontofknees.wvx

Flat Barbell Bench Press: Lie on a flat bench and firmly position your feet flat on the floor a little more than shoulder width apart. Keep your back flat on the bench! Using a grip broader than shoulder width, hold the barbell above your body, then lower slowly to the middle of your chest. Without bouncing the weight off your chest, drive the barbell up over the middle of your chest until your arms are straight and your elbows are locked. Lower the bar down slowly.

Video: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/2003...essideview.wvx

Standing Barbell Military Press: Standing overhead presses. Supporting weight overhead is a fundamental exercise and stimulates the whole body.
Raise barbell to your chest with your hands shoulder width apart. Lock your legs and hips. Keep your elbows in, slightly under your bar. Press bar to arm's length overhead. Lower to your upper chest or chin (depending on what is comfortable).

Bent Barbell Row: Raise barbell to your chest with your hands shoulder width apart. Lock your legs and hips. Keep your elbows in, slightly under your bar. Press bar to arm's length overhead. Lower to your upper chest or chin (depending on what is comfortable).

Video: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/2003...barbellrow.wvx

You could also do Pendlay Rows which IMO are also better. This illustration below is a great demonstration for them (thanks for the pic Kethnaab!) :

Power Clean: This is also a very complicated exercise so here is bodybuilding.com’s detailed instructions on this lift.


Video: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/vide...powerclean.wvx

Chin-Up: Hold the chin-up bar with a supinated grip (palms facing you) with your hands about 6 to 8 inches apart. Pull yourself up and try to touch either your chin or upper chest to the bar. Return slowly to the starting position. Do NOT swing back and forth! Using this grip works more of your biceps than your back or lats.

Video: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/videos/2006/chinup.wvx

Dip: Using the parallel bars, grip the handles and push yourself up to your starting position. With elbows close to body and hips straight, lower body until shoulders are slightly stretched. Push body up in same posture and repeat. You can bend and cross your legs or keep them straight.

Video: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/vide...estversion.wvx

The Diet:

If you are bulking, which is what people usually do on this program, you need to be eating like there is no tomorrow. 3000-4000 calories a day. Make sure you get 1 to 2 x your bodyweight in protein (in grams) and more than that in carbs. Mark Rippetoe also suggests that you drink up to a gallon of milk a day and plenty of water.

Your bulk could be clean but its hard to do so. I suggest just going all out and getting any protein you can get your hands on. For example lean grilled chicken and egg whites is best but if you want to gain that muscle fast then ground beef, steaks, whole eggs, cheeses etc is great. Eat a lot of oats, pasta, wheat bread, yogurt, cottage cheese, tuna, etc.

Make sure you get a huge breakfast. Mark recommends 4 huge meals a day with breakfast being the largest. Make sure all your meals have plenty of both carbs and protein! Also look into getting a PWO shake for post workout to get some carbs DIRECTLY into your system when your done lifting. Then an hour later eat a meal. Its also good to eat a snack before bed. Just remember to get big you need to eat big because eating is 90% of your muscle gains.

Good luck and above all have FUN!

Suora copypastetus Bodybuilding.comilta

3 kpl M-Nutrition EAA+

Mango - Hedelmäpunssi - Sitruuna - Vihreä omena

2-jakoiset ohjelmat kohdasta tuo eka. Muokkasin sitä hieman. btw tarkoittaako tuo "-Penkkipunnerrus tanko / Vinopenkkipunnerrus tanko x2" että tehään molemmat liikkeet vai vuorotellaan jos tekisi penkin maanantaina sit torstaina vinopenkki?
Kehoitan käyttämään tuota e-miehen ohjelmaa samalla kun lueskelet alan kirjallisuutta.
2-jakoiset ohjelmat kohdasta tuo eka. Muokkasin sitä hieman. btw tarkoittaako tuo "-Penkkipunnerrus tanko / Vinopenkkipunnerrus tanko x2" että tehään molemmat liikkeet vai vuorotellaan jos tekisi penkin maanantaina sit torstaina vinopenkki?

Suosittelen lopettamaan ohjelmien muokkaamisen. Ja kyllä maanantaina tehdään penkkipunnerrusta tangolla ja torstaina vinopenkkipunnerrusta tangolla.

Niin ja tässä on ilmeisesti se alkuperäinen ohjelma, jota hieman muokkasit. Jos ei lontoo taivu niin käytä vaikka tätä alkuperäisessä muodossaan.

1. Rinta, etureidet, olkapäät, ojentajat

-Penkkipunnerrus tanko / Vinopenkkipunnerrus tanko x2
-Vinopenkki kp / tasapenkki kp x2
-Etukyykky / kyykky / prässi x 3
-Reiden ojennukset / x3
-Vipunostot taakse / vipunostot sivulle x 2
-Pystypunnerrus tanko / pystypunnerrus käsipainot x 2
-Rankalainen punnerrus / ojentajapunnerrus / kapea penkki x3

2. Selkä, takareidet, pohkeet, hauikset, forkut/epäkkäät

- Alatalja / kulmasoutu tanko / kulmasoutu kp x3
- Ylätalja / leuanveto x3
- SJMV (=Suorin Jaloin MaastaVeto) x3
- Koukistukset x 2
- Pohkeet seisten / pohkeet istuen x4
- Hauikset tangolla / hauikset scott / hauikset kp x3
- rannekäännöt / kohautukset x2

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