BB PRO Martin Fitzwater

In this video I take you guys through a full day of meals, there is a little cooking, a lot of eating, and a few tips here and there. Currently this is my diet every day, with the acceptation of on rest days I don't do the post workout shake and gatorade.

When there is only sink or swim aka do or die, the only thing you are thinking about is staying alive and anything that gets in the way is toast.

That is a bit of how Martin's approach to competitive bodybuilding is.

This is Martin's 2nd year as a professional and is looking to come shake it up again with seasoned pros at the Texas Pro this August.

Here he is training back at a hot AF Metroflex plano.

First VLOG workout w/ Keone Prodigy.

This was a great session with a few tips and pointers as well as a great session to get a nasty pump!!!

Alright guys another highly requested video Day in the Life and this one shows it pretty perfectly. I don't run you through meals do to the fact the diet is the same as my full day of eating, so didn't want to bore you!

I trained chest solo and walk you through how I run everything!

Hey guys sorry I've been slacking but we are getting a video out not just under 7 weeks out here and we had a blast. Ariel and I headed down to Houston and not only meet a bunch of fans but got to see some parts of Texas I haven't! A full Texas road trip wouldn't be complete without buckees so we stop in to one and show Ariel a real gas station. Last we tried to put on a show and give everyone a glimpse of what we will bring in 7 weeks.

Not a lot of talking you know the style get in kill ourselves go home and recover it was a great session.

Hey guys finally getting back to the swing of things I have this full day of eating coming at you! Its pretty quick and easy I give you a run down on how I cook most things and the changes we have mad

I also filmed chest on this day that will be coming soon after! let me know what else you guys what to see and hear from me as we get close to the show! hope to get quick videos out like this if you guys like them let me know!

another full day of eating for yo guys but this time its time to have a low day it not super exciting but its part of the process and I promised to take you along

I will have a check in video coming soon on here and I also pose with Chris Cormier in this video! please let me know what else I can be doing to be better for you guys and what other content do you guys want to see please let me here it.

No talking here. Martin Fitzwater is brining the intensity all the way through contest day. Nothing to see here other than a super hungry Martin giving it all to his goal.

In this video I go over a full posing round and talk about my condition and where I see it to be and what I want better going forward. I go over each pose as well as fully go through my carb cycle with each days details. last but not least I give a brief over view of what Ive been doing training wise and how things are doing there. Next training video ill put more detail into the split what is going on there and how I'm recovering.

Pure Creatine 300 g -25%

Puhdaslaatuinen kreatiinimonohydraatti


Day 2 of filming into the show we couldn't film the whole day but we got the workout for y'all and its a great one! I Pushed as hard as I was allowed and we made sure we beat the legs up before we let the detail come back! very excited for you guys to see and join in on this journey.

Alright guys we have a rest day here were I go see a new recovery person @Patrick_the_punisher on Ig is one of the best in Dallas and he works on opening my poses up. we do ART, FST, Muscle activation and many other forms of recovery to get my body right. Then we have a Megafitmeals delivery that I explain what I get on a weekly basis thanks for watching guys really appreciate it!!!! Alright guys lets get into it 12 days out and a full day the workout will be in a seperate video for you guys but in this we have the meals a Chiro visit and a few other things through out the day!
Mielenkiintoista lihasmanipulointia. Siis tehdään kiristysside paksulla kuminauhalla (niveleenkö?) ja sitten aletaan taivutella jäsentä eri suuntiin. Osaako joku sanoa mihin homma perustuu ja mihin sillä pyritään?

Dallasin ao. videolla tähän ensimmäisen kerran törmäsin


edit: tarkemmin katsottua, vähän eri hoitoa tuossa annetaan, mutta edelleen kiinnostaisi tietää voiko tuolla tavalla saada esim. parannettua nivelen liikkuvuutta.
Viimeksi muokattu:

Another day closer guys in this we go see Branch at the gym, go to the grocery store, training chest at metro with Branch (full video coming next) then we picked Ariel up from the Airport 8 days out and counting we are getting better by the day and I'm so excited to show you guys the hard work we put in.

7 days out guys you know the drill have branch look at me train this is a shoulder session in metro plano then after the session Ariel asks me some deeper questions! tune in!!!

the boring but necessary part of bodybuilding shaving tanning and resting!!! but it must be done we have the check in for the show as well as an interview and so break down with Branch!!

Alright guys here we have it almost have you caught all the way up go check out the last training sessions before drop the last 2 days tomorrow morning before I hit the stage at 1 pm CST tomorrow

The final day, the final moments, the final thoughts. Not a lot of talking but a lot of showing my support system and the just how amazing the Texas Pro is! Big thank you to y’all tuning in and following the journey Not what we wanted but we definitely improved and now I go back to work as always.

We are BACK easy work out getting back into the groove of things post show its fun to spend some time with Ariel post show and give her some time that she deserves. I answer some deeper questions at the end you don't want to miss as well as a better workout edit for yall!

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