Minulla on...
molemmat tähän liittyvät kirjat hyllyssäni, ja olen ne myös lukenut.
Mainittakoon, että taudit eivät ole mitenkään erityisen keskeisiä HLA:lle. Se on akronyymi sanoista Human Leucosyte Antigen, ja systeemi vastaa oma-vieras tunnistuksesta noin yleensä.
Närkästyksesi sinun on osoitettava Steve Sailerille, jolta olen lainannut kuvan:
"Cavalli-Sforza himself has written: "The classification into races has proved to be a futile exercise." He says his research is "expected to undermine the popular belief that there are clearly defined races, [and] to contribute to the elimination of racism." He adds: "The idea of race in the human species serves no purpose."
Don't believe any of this. It’s merely a politically-correct smoke screen that Cavalli-Sforza regularly pumps out to keep his life's work -- distinguishing the races of mankind and compiling their genealogies -- from being defunded by the leftist mystagogues at Stanford.
What's striking is how the press falls for his squid ink - even though Cavalli-Sforza can't resist proudly putting this genetic map showing the main human races right on the cover of his magnum opus of 1994, The History and Geography of Human Genes. (Here's a link to website of molecular anthropologist Jonathan Marks, one of the few leftists acute enough to notice Cavalli-Sforza's sleight of hand:
http://socrates.berkeley.edu/~jonmarks/hgdpmap.html )"
Kannattaa lukea myös tuo Jonathan Marksin kirjoitus. Mies on siis molekyyliantropologi. Linkki ei toimi, mutta tämä toimii:
Ehkä te osaatte ratkaista Marksin paradoksin?
Here's a paradox:
The HGDP says that one of its aims is to show that "... in biological terms, there is no such thing as a clearly defined race.... Most importantly, therefore the results of the Project are expected to undermine the popular belief that there are clearly defined races, [and] to contribute to the elimination of racism...."
This quotation is from their summary document, on the web at:
And yet their literature has shown this figure several times, with the caption "Four major ethnic regions are shown. Africans are yellow, Australians red, [Mongoloids blue], and Caucasoids green.” See, for example, The History and Geography of Human Genes, by Cavalli-Sforza, Menozzi, and Piazza (Princeton University Press, 1995).
Kiusallista, vai mitä? Ja tietenkin tuo aivan ensimmäiseksi osoittamani tutkimus on vielä paljon uudempikin. Tämä kuva on vaan niin kaunis