Latsi kohautukset rekillä/dippitelineessä?

M-Nutrition EAA-valmisjuoma 24-pack

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Onkos kukaan kuullut tälläisistä liikkeistä?

TexasTarzan sanoi:
Lat Dips Yes. I'd think there are two ways of doing lat dips depending on if you're talking about a dip rack or chinning bar.

1. On a dip rack, with you arms locked, lower and raise yourself where you're only using your traps and upper lats for the movement. It is only a short range of motion. I learned this one years ago from an Olympic lifter who had one of the best built backs I'd ever seen.

2. The other version is a trick bodybuilder Larry Scott stole from Vince Gironda. Hanging from a chinning bar, lean back and simply use your lats to move yourself up and down four or five inches. You should feel a LOT of movement in your scapula and the mid-portion of your upper back. I think he used to have a picture of this on his web site?


Aika erikoiselta vaikuttivat niin oli pakko kokeilla, miten kädet suorina latsi kohautus onnistuu leuanveto tangossa.

Eli keuhkot täyteen happea ja lapoja liikkeelle, käytännössä yläselkää tulee pieni kaari, kun lavat vedetään yhteen ja alas.

Aika rajusti tuo supistaa latseja ja kädet eivät rajoita kuten leuanvedoissa käy usein.

Dorian Yates sanoi myös, että tuo "kaari" selässä supistaa latseja kovemmin.

Tuossa vielä Vince Gironda mielipide, miten leuat tulee tehdä oikein:

"I do not think I have seen six men in my life do a chin properly. Don Howorth was one of them. Don pulled up with his chest high and touched his chest to the bar almost as low as his low Pec line. His elbows were drawn down to his sides, touching his lats, and with the chest high and the shoulders down and back, he contracted his lats to the maximum.

If you look up the function of the lat in any Kinesiology book, it will show that the lat – in the fully contracted position – the shoulders are drawn down and back! Round the back and shoulders forward, and you shift to the Teres major muscles. Also, if you do not arch your back to full contraction, you will not develop any of the fibres across the back that attach to the spine. This will give you a flat underdeveloped look with no thickness."
Muistaakseni me tehtiin noita joskus ennen telinevoimistelu treeneissä. Ihan hyvä liikehän tuo on :thumbs:

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