

Tuolta pitäs näkyä EM kisoja 💪
Mitä vilkasin eilen ni Aku Moksi otti 86kgn ja Perttu Sirkkilä raskaan EM kultaa vasurilla!! On ne seppiä 💪💪
"Waf's European Championships had about 1000 competitors and aound 2000 entries while allowing maximum 2 pullers from each country to each category. Hopefully soon we will make our way to Olympics through Waf which is a member of Sport Accord. Last year Waf was part of the World Combat Games and this year Asian Paralympic Committee accepted Para Armwrestling to the Asian Youth Games. So we are making our way to the main goal. Waf with the toughest athletes in the world, will hold this year's World Championships in Moldova on August. Hopefully i will be there as a Technical Director of Turkish National team."

-Engin Terzi
"Waf's European Championships had about 1000 competitors and aound 2000 entries while allowing maximum 2 pullers from each country to each category. Hopefully soon we will make our way to Olympics through Waf which is a member of Sport Accord. Last year Waf was part of the World Combat Games and this year Asian Paralympic Committee accepted Para Armwrestling to the Asian Youth Games. So we are making our way to the main goal. Waf with the toughest athletes in the world, will hold this year's World Championships in Moldova on August. Hopefully i will be there as a Technical Director of Turkish National team."

-Engin Terzi
Ois kyllä päheetä jos kädenvääntö pääsis Olympialaisiin, mutta sarjoja pitäisi ainakin pudottaa paljon. Jännä nähä miten etenee 😮
Vois mielestäni hyvin olla Olympialaji. Vaatisiko se sitten WAF jäsenyyden että vois päästä vääntää.
No jos WAF vie kädenväännön olympialaisiin, niin IFA loppuu kuin kirveellä leikaten😄

Taitaa vielä joitakin vuosia mennä ennen kuin edes vakavissaan harkitsevat 🤔
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