Se mikä mua otti tuossa maito asiassa päähän oli se päivittely ja suurentelu. " Juoko joku vielä tällaista maitoa " "Yhtä hyvin voisi juoda kermaa " ihan kuin siinä ihminen olisi itseään myrkyttämässä kun joisi punaista maitoa. Nuo varmaan sitten ajattelevat samalla tavalla kananmunista ja punaisesta lihasta?
Tähän maitoa asiaan vielä: WHOLE MILK IS HEALTHIEST
Many people have been put off whole milk because of its fat content, but whole full-fat milk is not actually a high-fat food. Generally, anything over 20 per cent is deemed high fat, but cows’ milk usually only contains between 3.7 per cent and 5 per cent fat per 100 ml - even if it is made with richer cows’ milk, such as Jersey cows’ milk. This compares with 48 per cent for truly high-fat foods, such as double cream.
Semi-skimmed and skimmed cows’ milk contain 1-1.5 per cent and 0.1 per cent fat respectively, so unless you drink gallons of the stuff, switching to semi-skimmed or skimmed is unlikely to make any great impact on your fat intake. Furthermore, skimmed and semi-skimmed cows’ milk is also less nutritious than whole milk. That’s because the cream contains the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K - important, among other things, for strengthening immunity to infections, neutralising the effects of damaging free radicals and keeping bones healthy.
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