Hmm...mistä moinen päätelmä?
Katon tässä Bowling for Columbinea ja tässä näkyi juuri nämä samat videopätkät mitkä tossa youtuben linkissä oli. Toi sun linkissä oleva leffa on julkaistu 2003 ja Bowling for Columbine 2002. Miten kohtaus vuoden 2003 elokuvasta päätyy vuoden 2002 elokuvaan?
Elä vaivaa päätäs sevo:
Origin and Filming Style
The film was made in response to the Columbine High School massacre in 1999. According to Coccio, he began writing the film shortly afterwards, and completed the film in mid-2001, using no professional cameras. The film's initial release was cancelled after September 11, to avoid distress. The film was then edited over the next six months, and eventually released in 2003, nearly two full years after being completed.
The film's camcorder-style perspective was based on the Basement tapes made by the perpetrators, in which they discussed their plan to assault Columbine High. The penultimate scene uses security camera, and is based on the footage from the Columbine High School cafeteria during the shooting.
The scene where the shooting takes place has generated some misunderstanding on web pages such as YouTube. The shots are all filmed on security cameras, and uninformed viewers have mistakenly believed that the footage in the film is actually the surveillance footage from Columbine. Andre and Cal's rampage lasts only sixteen minutes, which is a third of the real-life Columbine High shooting.
Michael Moore vain otti pätkiä zero daysta omaan dokkariinsa.