BB PRO James "Flex" Lewis

3 kpl M-Nutrition MANIA!


Flex Lewis pummels his pecs Y3T-style.


Total Carnage.
Naama on hauskannnäkönen verrattuna noihin kapeapoika -lookkeihin tuolla aiemmissa videoissa. Nassu kertoo yleensä onko turvotusta vai ei.:D

3 kpl M-Nutrition EAA+

Mango - Hedelmäpunssi - Sitruuna - Vihreä omena


IFBB Pro James Flex Lewis is on the trail of redemption. Flex took second at the 2011 Olympie Weekend 212 Showdown to IFBB Pro Kevin English. Flex moved up and over Jose Raymond, a seemingly insurmountable feat. Now James Flex Lewis has his sites on Kevin English.

In this workout video, follow Flex as he preps his food and works out his biceps.

Katso video täältä
"Team Gaspari athlete Flex Lewis signs the contract to compete in the 2012 Sheru Classic in India! We look forward to seeing our fans in India for the show."


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