BB PRO James "Flex" Lewis

3 kpl M-Nutrition MANIA!


Tiedätkö Jerry, kuinka lähellä 202:ta Flex on kisapunnituksessa ?

Flex painaneensa 201 lbs. Kävi vasta la:na eli ekan kisapäivän aamuna punnituksessa, koska meillä oli mahdollisuus käydä joko pe-iltana tai la aamuna puntarissa. Hän ei siis käynyt edes pe-iltana vaa`alla. Flex oli siis tankannut jo hyvin tuohon painoon... Kun rakenne on hyvä, lihakset oikeilla paikoilla ja hyvän malliset, niin 90kg kisaaja pystyy viemään isoa osaa open-sarjan kisaajista helposti.

Empire State Of Mind: Flex Lewis part II.
Part 4, Chest training

In part IV of the Flex Lewis video series, the order of the day is chest training.
Flex breaks down his pre-workout supplement regime, then takes us through an intense chest workout.
This video is packed with training tips on each exercise! And don't miss the posing session at the end.
Part 4, Chest training

In part IV of the Flex Lewis video series, the order of the day is chest training.
Flex breaks down his pre-workout supplement regime, then takes us through an intense chest workout.
This video is packed with training tips on each exercise! And don't miss the posing session at the end.

:D Aika tuskallisen hitaat negatiiviset kyllä vinopenkissä. Kaveri reenaa ainakin puhtaasti ja pelkällä lihaxella.

Lopussa kyllä unelmafysiikka kun rupes poseeraamaan. Tajuttoman siisti body!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: Tollaiseks vois vaikka halutakkin.
Flex trains hams 2 weeks out from Mr Olympia

In 13 short days, Flex Lewis will be stepping on stage at the 2011 Olympia 202 Showdown!
Earlier this year, Lewis took Europe by storm with a dominating victory at the British Grand Prix and a third place finish in the open class at the IFBB Mr. Europe!
He returned to the stage mid-season and grabbed the runner-up spot at the NY Pro 202.
Now there's only one show left and Lewis is hard at work to become the next 202 Showdown champion!

FLEXonline caught up with Lewis at Olympus Gym in his hometown of in Murfreesboro, TN.
You'll see in the video that Lewis is already ripped and he's looking bigger than ever!


3 kpl M-Nutrition EAA+

Mango - Hedelmäpunssi - Sitruuna - Vihreä omena

Flex trains back 10 days out from the Mr Olympia 202

Flex Lewis is hungry and determined to end the 2011 season as the best 202 bodybuilder in the world.
To claim this title he will have to win the Olympia 202 Showdown and defeat a deep field of great bodybuilders. It's no easy task and Flex isn't taking it lightly.

We have to wait until September 17 to find out if Flex will reach his goal, but we don't have to wait to see what he's doing to make it happen.
Only 10 days out from the big show, FLEXonline caught up with Lewis at Olympus Gym in his hometown of in Murfreesboro, TN.
Not only did we get some hardcore training footage; we also got hear Flex reflect on how this journey to the stage has been like no other.
We also get to experience the true brotherhood in bodybuilding, as Flex is joined by his friend and training partner for the workout and interview.

Hyvää ulostetta. Ylipäätään tykkään näistä tyylitellyistä, "dramatisoiduista" videoista, kuten tämä tai MuscleMedsin ufo-dokumentti-tyyliset pätkät Kaitsusta. On tosiaan eri meininki kuin että "ja sitten otan vähän vinopenkkiä päälle, koska haluan panostaa ylärintaan..."


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