BB PRO Hunter Labrada

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Hunter, Ben, and Dean train push. You'll see some posing and then sit down with Hunter and Ben as they give you an in depth look into changes made in the weeks leading up to the Mr. Olympia.
Mun mielestä hunter olisi paras henkilö seuraavaksi mr.olympiaksi tälle meidän kulttuurilla ja lajille. Ehkä rami ottaa tänä vuonna vielä yhden pytin, tai brandon voittaa jo tänä vuonna, ja sit ens vuonna brandonille viel yks pytty. Sitten he voisivat lopetella kisaamisen. Sitten nuista ketä jää jäljelle, uusia jätkiä. Nick, kova bodari ei pääse mihinkää, mutta ne lyhkäset jalat ja swiippi lihas erikseen lyhkänen, ja mummon verisuonet, ennenku ne hoitaa kuntoon ei pitäis saada pyttyä. Iain vaikka kuinka paljon pidänkin tyypistä, ei oo tittelin arvoinen. Jacked ja samson niin wildkorttei, et saako niistä koskaan ykköspallille hiottua sellasia tittelin arvosia. Mut sitten huntter, on leveyttä, pituttaa, hyvä pää hartioilla, eikä ees ruma(nouhoumou). Hyvä ulosanti. Tosi hyvä fysiikka, ei huonoja poseja, kuhan saa kunnon nappiin. Ainut miinus, rikottu tissilihas. Mut muuten ailtä löytyy kaikki tarvittava, ja hieno stoori muutenkin takana. Joitakin tosi kovia poseja esim rinta sivusta.

In this video, Hunter, Ben, and Dean go through their last leg session before heading to Vegas for the 2022 Mr. Olympia!

4 days out from the 2022 Mr. Olympia.

Hunter Labrada is 3 days out from the 2022 Mr. Olympia.

Hunter Labrada is competing in his 3rd Mr. Olympia and going for the top spot this year. He qualified for 2022 after placing 4th giving him over a year to build what he needed to be a legitimate contender this year.

Here we catch up with Hunter at Elev8tion Fitness 2 days out with Ben Chow and get insight to how he is looking and feeling before the big dance.

Hunter had a breakout year at the 2021 Mr. Olympia finishing in 4th place (qualifying him for 2022 as top 5 are automatically qualified) giving him a whole year and a much longer growing/improvement phase prior to the contest prep phase. Although Hunter and his team were able to add a significant amount of muscle to his frame, including further improving his back, it wasn't as pronounced and noticeable as anticipated going in to this years Olympia. "Bottom line, I need to figure out my peak."

Here, Hunter unpacks the last 6 weeks and how the Olympia weekend went, how he is dealing with it and what to expect in 2023.

"You cant fire a canon from a canoe."

Hunter Labrada and Nick Bagley unpack and discuss the basics on how to set up and perform the Romanian deadlift. "Go down at the lats, push back at the hips."

You have to be stable with a good weight displacement on the whole surface of your feet. "You don't want to fire a canon from a canoe. You want to fire it from a big ass gun ship and you can only do that if you're stable."

Check out this Pro Tip, the cues they use and the form that they like to use every time performing this lift.

Set-ups, lifting cues and poundages that are optimal for YOU.
Hunter Labrada is visiting destination and linking up with Luke Miller and Josh Ponton for a push session.
"Luke is one of the guys I will shut up and listen to when I train with him."

Luke Miller dissects Hunter's form and gives some insight on his set up for the incline dumbbell press and prime shoulder press. With these cues and due to the fact that Hunter has been using the prime machines and not free weights for a few months, he is indeed back tot he basics but with set ups and cues that make him hit the intended muscle.

In this video. Hunter Labrada takes you through his new training split and what changes were made.

Want to learn how to grow your legs? Hunter Labrada gives you in-depth cues on how to perform all the exercise in his new leg day!

In this video, Hunter Labrada takes you through his push day and the new drop of Win the Day merchandise.

In this video, Hunter takes you through his new pull day that includes some hamstring work. He gives you detailed explanation how to perform each exercise and cues he uses to make sure he is doing everything properly.

In this video Hunter visits local fitness equipment company Mega Mass and also gives you a tour of the Labrada HQ Gym.

In this video Hunter is 16 weeks out from the IFBB Tampa Pro and 18 weeks out from the IFBB Texas Pro. He talks about the start of prep and how things are going. He also takes you along through his pull session.

In this video Hunter takes you through his new push A workout and talks about the start of his prep for the 2023 IFBB Tampa Pro.
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