BB PRO Hunter Labrada

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Tämäkin on varmasti totta. Tosin, tuo video ei pahemmin kannusta noiden pulvereiden käyttöä, kun katsoo kaverin ulosantia :unsure:
Ei mitenkään iloisena tosiaan näytä nauttivan noita jauhoja, veikkaan että mieluummin tosiaan söisi ruokaa jos pystyisi. Ymmärrän vielä sen että offilla otetaan osa ravinnosta litkuina, mutta jos ei ateriaakaan pysty syömään niin jotain on pahasti pielessä.

Your arms can never be "too big"! Hunter Labrada finished 4th at last year's Mr. Olympia. It is not a coincidence that a couple of his best poses are his front double biceps and side triceps, which is one of his signature shots we might add. The point is that very well developed arms along with the pre requisite v taper always have been and always will be what attention is pulled towards when all other elements of bodybuilding at this level (size, condition, proportion & presentation) are neck and neck. The point is also that Mr. Olympia can never have too good of a front double biceps.

Here Hunter visits Destination with Liv Roth, to catch up with the TEAM have dinner with MJ and get back on the road growing into this year's Mr. Olympia. Stay tuned as we catch up more and more with Hunter in Houston and up in Dallas.

In this video Hunter Labrada takes you through his current Pull Training session. Hunter also gives you in-depth explanation to most of the exercises and the reason why he performs the way he does.

Hunter is joined by Ryan Brown and Jordan VanderFlier for an intense and informative Pull day training session!

If you're looking to improve your back, this is definitely a video your don't want to miss!

In this installment of Tuesday Tip, Hunter Labrada teaches you about reverse banding! He walks you through his set up and why he uses it in his routine.

In this video, Hunter Labrada breakdown the resistance curve and how your posture and point of resistance play a role. Make sure to check out the linked videos for full examples of the exercises Hunter references.

Want to grow your chest? Follow Hunter Labrada and Jordan as they go through their push day. Hunter gives you in depth insight into the why and how he performs specific movements and cues to look for when doing the exercises.

Hunter Labrada takes you through his current leg day session. Giving you an in-depth look into how he trains legs and why he does what he does. Hunter gives you cues to use during your next leg session and also things to avoid.

In this Video, Hunter Labrada and Jordan Vanderflier are joined by Luke Miller, the newest Labrada Pro Series Athlete. They go through a back routine led by Luke! This video is a pretty raw and uncut training session as we're trying to bring you along for the workouts and let you see the intensity these guys bring to the gym!

"I know what I want to do December 18th doesn't happen without me handling every single one of the 173 days between now and then. At the end of the day, it's not my first Olympia anymore. It's not my second Olympia. I'm not just happy to be there. I'm not trying to place top 5. I am going to try and win this year."

We catch up with Hunter Labrada during the GASP Supershow and Branch Warren Classic. There he catches up with Nick Walker, Fouad Abiad, Martin Fitzwater and Keone Pearson among other special guests. The following day Hunter and Lee Labrada take us on a tour of the Labrada Headquarters and training facility. Hunter updates us on life and his goal for this years Olympia in December.

In this video you get a peak at the posing seminar and Q & A that happened at Labrada HQ. This video also features a raw and uncut pull session where Hunter Labrada and Jordan VanderFlier are joined by Joe Bennett!

In this video, Hunter Labrada Goes through his new split. Giving you in depth reasons as to what and why is changing in the routine.

Installment 2 of the weekly Saturday Q&A with Hunter Labrada. If you want your questions answered by Hunter either follow his IG and wait for him to post one, or just ask away below!!

In this video, Hunter Labrada goes through how to determine your proper rest periods and why he recommends them. If you want to know what the proper rest period is for training, make sure to check this video out!

Want to grow you arms? Hunter Labrada takes you through his new arm session with training partner, Jordan VanderFlier. In this video, Hunter breaks down each exercise in great detail to help you better execute them. If you want to grow your arms, this video is a great one to watch!

Ever wonder how many warm up sets you should do before your top set? In this video, Hunter Labrada explains his methodology and gives you that answer from his perspective.

In this video Hunter Labrada takes you through his push "a" session. Hunter gives you the cues he uses to make sure he has proper form and execution in each movement. These cues will help you grow your chest and shoulders more efficiently.

In this Video, Hunter Labrada has a brutal and intense leg session during the American Fitness Expo weekend in Houston! A few variations to the last leg day while Hunter is still trying to perfect his split.

Hunter Labrada is joined at Labrada HQ by a bunch of guests during the American Fitness Expo. In this video you'll see Hany Rambod and Derek Lunsford help push Hunter through some sets during his intense back session! Hunter also takes you along to the Labrada Nutrition and Wolfpack booths!
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