BB PRO Hunter Labrada

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What is the best for of cardio for prep? In this video Hunter Labrada explains why fasted cardio first thing isn't the best for of cardio while in prep.

Keeping in on a similar topic from last week! In this video Hunter talks about cardio in a prep setting.

Follow Hunter along through his back training session and his guest posing at the Lee Labrada Classic in Houston!

What is the best triceps exercise? In this Tuesday Tip video, Hunter Labrada shows you his favorite triceps exercise he uses to grow his triceps!

Follow Hunter Labrada as he goes through an epic push day with training partner Jordan VanderFlier. Hunter also takes you along as he guest poses at the Ronnie Coleman Classic and gives you a look into the start of his 2022 Mr. Olympia prep!

This is the final full length training video from Hunter's new split. In this video Hunter gives you step by step instructions on how to perform the exercises to help you get bigger arms. At the end of the video, Hunter shows you how to perform lying hamstring curls as well.

Follow along as Hunter Labrada takes Liv and Rhea to the range for some target practice.

Hunter has had a solid year to prep exclusively for the Mr. Olympia vs having a few months growth phase followed by prep to try to qualify. "A solid 10 lbs of stage tissue will have been added." -Hunter "Might be closer to 15 lbs." -Jordan

Jordan Vanderflier has now been training with Hunter for 9 months and has observed the advantages of having an extended offseason along with the laser focus and super controlled variables such as the same equipment and progressing on the same lifts.

Here Hunter and Jordan are joined by Michael Johansson and Branch Warren for a dinner at Lee's house and shooting at Hunter's favorite range the following morning before his back training session.

Stay tuned for a lot more from Hunter as we document this years Olympia prep and as he gives us his Pro tips from the last 10 years of bodybuilding.

Throwback to a video that never got posted 13 weeks out from the Olympia. We're about to ramp up the Road to the Olympia Series in the next few days and the weeks leading to the Olympia.

8 Weeks out from the 2022 Mr. Olympia! Follow along as hunter takes you through his off day 8 weeks out!

7 weeks until the big show! In this video, follow Hunter Labrada along while he trains arms and hamstrings! He also talks about some new gym equipment and changes to the gym.

We are back at Hunter's office aka Labrada Nutrition HQ with training partner Jordan Vanderflier and Ben Chow. Ben is in town to keep a closer eye on Hunter's progress as we creep in on the 6 weeks out mark and the time to really dig in to condition and "strip all the fat away."

Here Hunter explains how he is still pushes each exercise with his usual top sets and a forced rep but now is incorporating "pause drop sets" as a way to develop the mind muscle connection and get some more metabolic work in.

At this point in prep Hunter is around 280lbs. We will link back up with Hunter in 2 weeks to see a drastic change in condition.

Just 6 weeks away from the 2022 Mr. Olympia. In this video Hunter trains Legs and breaks in a new piece of equipment to the gym!
Olkavarren ympärys oli 57cm, "nyt" luultavasti sentään käsitreenin jälkeen pumpissa. Kovin on kasvanut tämäkin herra, selkä ja pohkeet varsinkin. Rintalihakset eivät tälläkään kerralla ole suuret muuhun lihaksiston verrattuna, mutta jotenkin niilläkin pystyy parhaita vastaan kisaamaan, joissain asennoissa niistä lähtee koko täysin, mutta eivät ole varsinaisia poseerauksia. Paksut lihakset ja luultavasti tulee kireänä. Lihakset hieman urattomat kuten branch warrenilla, mutta ei sentään muodottomat insulihakset kuten monilla ammattilaisilla oli reilu 10vuotta sitten. Kärjessä luultavasti tämäkin ukko taaskin.

In this video Hunter is 5 weeks out from the Mr. Olympia! He takes you through a leg workout and discusses some changes in his split.

A little rest day shenanigans with Hunter Labrada, Fouad Abiad, Dean White, Justin Shier, and the crew! Per Hunter's normal routine, its off the the range followed up with some body work!
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