Tänks. Alkaa vähitellen kriittisempikin tiedeyleisö hyväksymään että protskuista hyötyä lihaskasvussa. Tätä tukee mm. nämä tutkimukset, suurin osa toisistaan riippumattomissa labroissa:
Andersen LL, Tufekovic G, Zebis MK, Crameri RM, Verlaan G, Kjaer M, Suetta C, Magnusson P, Aagaard P: The effect of resistance training combined with timed ingestion of protein on muscle fiber size and muscle strength. Metabolism 2005, 54:151-156.
Bird SP, Tarpenning KM, Marino FE: Independent and combined effects of liquid carbohydrate/essential amino acid ingestion on hormonal and muscular adaptations following resistance training in untrained men. Eur J Appl Physiol 2006, 97:225-238.
Cribb PJ, Williams AD, Stathis CG, Carey MF, Hayes A: Effects of whey isolate, creatine, and resistance training on muscle hypertrophy. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2007, 39:298-307.
Hartman JW, Tang JE, Wilkinson SB, Tarnopolsky MA, Lawrence RL, Fullerton AV, Phillips SM: Consumption of fat-free fluid milk after resistance exercise promotes greater lean mass accretion than does consumption of soy or carbohydrate in young, novice, male weightlifters. Am J Clin Nutr 2007, 86:373-381.
Burke DG, Chilibeck PD, Davidson KS, Candow DG, Farthing J, Smith-Palmer T: The effect of whey protein supplementation with and without creatine monohydrate combined with resistance training on lean tissue mass and muscle strength. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab 2001, 11:349-364.
Candow DG, Burke NC, Smith-Palmer T, Burke DG: Effect of whey and soy protein supplementation combined with resistance training in young adults. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab 2006, 16:233-244.
Kerksick CM, Rasmussen CJ, Lancaster SL, Magu B, Smith P, Melton C, Greenwood M, Almada AL, Earnest CP, Kreider RB: The effects of protein and amino acid supplementation on performance and training adaptations during ten weeks of resistance training. J Strength Cond Res 2006, 20:643-653.
Willoughby DS, Stout JR, Wilborn CD: Effects of resistance training and protein plus amino acid supplementation on muscle anabolism, mass, and strength. Amino Acids 2007, 32:467-477.
Hulmi JJ, Kovanen V, Selänne H, Kraemer WJ, Häkkinen K, Mero AA: Acute and long-term effects of resistance exercise with or without protein ingestion on muscle hypertrophy and gene expression. Amino Acids 2009, 37:297-308.
Josse AR, Tang JE, Tarnopolsky MA, Phillips SM: Body Composition and Strength Changes in Women with Milk and Resistance Exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2010, 42:1122-1130.
Walker T et al. The Influence of 8 Weeks of Whey-Protein and Leucine Supplementation on Physical and Cognitive Performance. IJSNEM In Press.